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Sun Apr 25th, 2021 @ 3:30am

Lieutenant JG Vecon Fick

Name Vecon Fick

Position Chief Flight Control Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Risian/Bajoran
Age 20

Physical Appearance

Height 5'4"
Weight 124 lbs.
Hair Color Brown, silver and blond
Eye Color Chocolate brown
Physical Description Fick is young, but even for his age he is well-built. His frame is lean, defined and muscled. His eyes are puppy-doggish and a deep chocolate brown. His hair is shortish and three-toned. It has the appearance that he dyed it, but it is actually his natural coloring.


Spouse K'Laus - Boyfriend
Children None
Father Vecon Milos
Mother Jeslia Vecon (Garoou)
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family Father’s family is deceased
Maternal Grandmother Nodia Garoou
Maternal Grandfather Tandar Garoou

Personality & Traits

General Overview Fick is gregarious and fun loving, but also serious and stubborn. He enjoys time outside and time alone, but he can also be a social butterfly. He is not without his share of flaws. He struggles constantly between the characteristics and traditions of both of his parents’ races. The Risian side is more fun-loving and peaceful, while the Bajoran side is stubborn and dedicated to a flaw. Fick can become so focused with something that he can get angry and annoyed when disturbed, making him a tad bit insubordinate at times.

Fick is clever, quick witted and not afraid to stand up for what he believes. He doesn’t believe that he’s in any way perfect and is willing to admit flaws and mistakes, but when he thinks he’s right or it comes to defending himself he can be rather stubborn, loud and scrappy.
Ambitions Fick’s biggest ambition is to be the best pilot in Starfleet.
He would also like to know more about his father’s family.
Hobbies & Interests Fick loves the outdoors. He took survival courses at the Academy and found that he couldn’t get enough of being in nature and having to rely on no one but himself. He also enjoys a wide variety of music and sports. He works out on a regular basis and loves to find new ways to tone and sculpt his body.

Personal History Vecon Fick was born in 2368 on Risa in the capital city of Nuvia. While he was growing up his mother worked for the Risian Hedony and his father was refugee from a diplomatic family from Bajor. Once they were married they decided that in order to give their only child the best opportunities he could have that they would settle on Risa. Bajor was in the final days of the Cardassian Occupation and Fick’s father, Milos, felt that he couldn’t guarantee the safety of his wife and newborn son on Bajor. As Fick grew it became apparent to his parents that he had quite the gift to fly almost anything that flew. They didn’t let his talents go to waste and the minute he could take entrance exams to Starfleet Academy they entered him and he passed with flying colors.

Fick spent his four years at Starfleet Academy being one of the youngest in his class. He quickly found a way to balance school and social life. With his Risian background he was quite the party animal and his classmates quickly learned that he was fun to be with. His carefree, open-minded attitude made him a lot of friends. Although he enjoyed his party life he was also very dedicated to his education. He excelled in his classes, even impressing his professors with his ability. He stayed at the Academy an extra year taking Advanced Flight Courses and graduated with honors and close to the top of his class.
Service Record 2368 - Born on Risa, Nuvia
2383 - Entered Starfleet Academy
2387 - Extra year at Academy for Advanced Flight Control
Graduated with honors
2388 - U.S.S. Pandora