Specifications - USS Pandora


We are a Luna Class vessel, Starfleet's newest-generation of long-range explorer. We are a vessel designed for long-term, multipurpose missions into unchartered territory. Be prepared for exploration, investigation, skirmishes, and fun onboard the Pandora. Equipped with conventional tactical systems (deflector shields; phasers; quantum torpedoes, etc.), the Luna Class ship also boasts state-of-the-art propulsion and cutting-edge scientific equipment, as well as being a test bed for experimental science and sensor technology not yet available on other classes of starships.


Class Luna Class
Role Deep Space Explorer
Duration 120 Years
Time Between Refits 8 Years
Time Between Resupply 4 Years


Length 454.3 m
Width 203.9 m
Height 80.7 m
Decks 20 (excluding Sensor Pod)


Officers 350
Civilians 150
Emergency Capacity 1000


Cruise Speed Warp 8
Maximum Speed Warp 9.75
Emergency Speed Warp 9.9 (for 12 hours)


Sensor Pod Luna Class vessels are adorned with an attached Sensor Pod, which are oval in shape, about 45 metres in length, and contain 3 standard decks. The Pods can be interchanged to a Weapons Pod with torpedoes if required. Due to her mission of scientific discovery and exploration, the USS Pandora is currently fitted with the standard Sensor Pod configuration, giving her the advanced sensor attributes listed below in "Sensors". The Sensor Pod is located above and aft of the top deck of the ship in order to avoid any electronic interference or sound disturbances from the vessel. The Pod contains storage for several classes of Probes, providing the Pandora with a full spread of proficiency.

The Pod can operate as an Emergency Lifeboat if required, with storage, seating, life support, medical equipment, food replicators, and independent power reserves. The Pod can seperate from the main vessel and be manoeuvred through small impulse engines. The Pod is typically designed to take up to 50 passengers comfortably or up to 100 passengers if filled to capacity.

During conflict, the Sensor Pod can be used as an anti-missile defence system, able to rapidly launch a high volume of probes to deflect or intercept incoming enemy fire.
Sensors MAIN SHIP:
Primary Array (Lower Hull). Range of 18 Light Years. Can be set to long, medium, or short range.
Secondary Array (Upper Hull). Range of 15 Light Years. Can be set to long, medium, or short range.

There are 12 independent tactical sensors on the Luna Class. Each sensor automatically tracks and locks onto incoming hostile vessels and reports bearing, aspect, distance, and vulnerability percentage to the tactical station on the main bridge. Each tactical sensor is approximately 90% efficient against ECM, and can operate fairly well in particle flux nebulae (which has been hitherto impossible).

Front and Rear Sensors, each containing 20 arrays. Range of 25 Light Years. Can be set to long, medium, or short range.
The Sensor Pod improves the targeting and defences of the Luna Class Vessel by 45%, including faster responses for incoming fire, evasive manoeuvres, and tactical analysis.
Warp Core Luna Class vessels have a double-refracting warp core matrix with twin inter-mixed chambers. A new experimental warp core that improves the way that power is distributed to the ship which allows for a far more efficient operation and faster ship.
Livery The USS Pandora has been modified from a typical Luna Class design to accompany more spaces for scientific and exploratory research, experimental projects, living accomodation, and recreation facilities. The ship runs efficiently with a smaller crew compliment then other Luna Class vessels with around 200 fewer in overall capacity. However the Pandora enjoys expanded laboratory sizes, a higher range of research capabilities, focused departmental organisation (with single decks assigned to a specific field of operation or study), a higher range and supply of equipment, an expanded double-Shuttle Bay (for auxiliary and fighter craft), experimental warp core, advanced Sensor Pod attached, and higher cargo capacity for deep-space travel.

In addition, living quarters are typically 30% larger in size than most Starfleet vessels, including multiple-room configurations for families. The recreation facilities have been expanded to include an enhanced Earth-like mess hall, multiple lounges, a dining and shopping precinct, and multiple Holodecks. The Recreation Deck (Deck 5) is serviced by a mixed civilian and officer crew to ensure a higher factor of crew morale, ship unity, and overall liveability.
Docking Docking ports are located on the NE and NW lines of the saucer section, the mid-point of the main spine on the upper and lower hull, and through the Docking Bay.

Emergency access points and Escape Pods are located around the hull and the main spine as per standard Starfleet regulations.

The Sensor Pod can also be separated in the event of an Emergency and act as Lifeboat.

The Pandora includes landing gear present on lower hull of the ship, with two titanium-based heavy struts on the nacelles and balancing gear extending from saucer section. However, the ship requires impulse engines to regulate stability and high concentrations of power resources to inertial dampeners to ensure a successful touchdown, thus landing is used only in the event of a dire emergency.

Weapons & Defensive Systems

Shields • Class 9 Bubble shielding system, regenerative shielding system.
• Type: Molybdenum & Duranium Mesh
• Power: Two Graviton Polarity Generators, Warp Engine, Fusion Generators, and/or Impulse Power Plants (auxiliary)
• Field Strength: 550 Millicochranes

Output: There are 14 shield grids on the Luna Class and each one generates 157.35 MW, resulting in total shield strength of 2,202.09 MW, however typical shield configuration is 8 emitters with an output of 1,258.8 MW. The power for the shields is taken directly from the warp engines and impulse fusion generators. If desired, the shields can be augmented by power from the impulse power plants. The shields can protect against approximately 42% of the total EM spectrum (whereas a Galaxy Class Starship's shields can only protect against about 23%), made possible by the multi-phase graviton polarity flux technology incorporated into the shields.

Range: The shields, when raised, maintain an average range is 30 meters away from the hull.
Weapon Systems PHASERS:
• Phasers: 13 type-X phaser arrays

Phaser array arrangement: The dorsal saucer section is covered by four phaser strips; two of which extend from the aft curvature, along the length of the saucer and stop short of the auxiliary deflector incision. The aft firing arc is covered by two smaller arrays angled on the rear of the saucer section. The relative bottom of the ship is protected by two similar arrays as on the dorsal saucer section, extending to the rear of the saucer, and following the curve to the auxiliary deflector incision. Along with those arrays, are two small aft-angled phaser strips similar to the dorsal aft-fire strips. Additional protection is provided by a single array that extends laterally across the ventral engineering hull just fore of the warp core ejection port. Far-aft strips are provided on the underside of the mobile nacelle pylons and under the shuttlebay landing deck on the underside of the ship for a total ship’s complement of 13 arrays.

Phaser Array Type: The Luna Class utilizes the Type X array system, the new standard emitter. Each array fires a steady beam of phaser energy, and the forced-focus emitters discharge the phasers at speeds approaching .986c (which works out to about 182,520 miles per second - nearly warp one). The phaser array automatically rotates phaser frequency and attempts to lock onto the frequency and phase of a threat vehicle's shields for shield penetration.

Phaser Array Output: Each phaser array takes its energy directly from the impulse drive and auxiliary fusion generators. Individually, each Type X emitter can only discharge approximately 5.1 MW (megawatts). However, several emitters (usually two) fire at once in the array during standard firing procedures, resulting in a discharge approximately 10.2 MW.

Phaser Array Range: Maximum effective range is 300,000 kilometres.

• Torpedoes: 4 launchers (2 fore, 2 aft)
• Hellfire: 20
• Photon: 100
• Quantum: 80
• Transphaisic: 6 (TBC)
• Tri-Cobalt: 10

There are two fore and two aft torpedo launchers on the Pandora. Torpedo tubes one and two (fore) are located over the main deflector dish in the Stardrive section. Aft coverage is handled by a third and fourth torpedo launcher facing the rear of the ship in the upper engineering hull near where it meets the saucer.

Torpedo Range: Maximum effective range is 3,500,000 kilometers.
Armament Duranium microfoam and Tritanium plating composite.

(Partial) Ablative Armour
Computer System Computer Systems
Type 6, Isolinear Processing Core

Operating System:

1500 TeraQuads

400,000 ExaFLOPS

Auxiliary Craft

Shuttlebays 2
Shuttles [Primary Shuttle Bay]

3 Type-9 Medium Short-Range Shuttlecraft (SS Rise, SS Darkside, SS Severn)
1 Type-9A Cargo Shuttle (CS Gift)
6 Work Bee Maintenance Pods. (B1-B6)
Fighters [Secondary Shuttle Bay]

6 Valkyrie Class Starfighters

Valkyrie Fighters - Mark III
Length: 20 m
Beam: 14 m
Draft: 5 m
Twin Disruptors, pulse disruptors, Twin Polaron Beams, Twin Charged Polaron Beams, fwd compression phaser, Protomatter missiles, Trilithium mines
Deflector Shields
Runabouts Captain's Personal Yellowstone Runabout (SS Prime)