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Worried Sick

Posted on Tue Jun 23rd, 2020 @ 5:42am by Lieutenant John Sandoval & Lieutenant Alexandra Alves MD & Lieutenant JG Aeryn Jameson
Edited on on Fri Jul 10th, 2020 @ 5:32pm

Mission: Death in Paradise
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: After "Mad World" and "Making It Back"

John Sandoval came running into sickbay as quickly as his bad leg could carry him. He wasn’t injured, but he needed to get there as soon as possible. He, Emmanuelle, Fick and Arnaldo had given statements to security at the airlock. He’d left Emmanuelle to deal with collected evidence and made best speed to his destination.

The door slid open and he locked eyes with the Assistant CMO.

Aeryn had turned towards the door seconds before John had entered, she’d sensed and ‘felt’ him approaching. She could see his concern written all over his face.

Without saying a word, John scooped Aeryn in his arms, dropping his cane to the floor, and planted a kiss on her lips. It was passionate and caring, as if he thought he might never see her again. It lasted a good thirty seconds before it finally broke. “Are you okay?” he finally asked. “Rochester didn’t hurt you or anything? Nor did any guards?”

Aeryn had let herself quite willingly melt into John’s kiss, offering a warm smile as it finally ended and their lips parted. “I’m fine John. Dorian was more or less a complete gentleman he never touched me at all. We didn’t see any more guards after we left you fortunately. As soon as we got back we parted ways.” She looked into his eyes. “You were truly scared that I was hurt or something. I could feel you coming before you even got here.”

"Good," he said. He held either side of her face and looked into her eyes. "If he did, I'm not sure what I'd do. When he closed the transport cube door and it sped away, leaving me and Emmanuelle to the guards...I thought he was like a cornered animal. But I'm glad you're safe." He kissed her again, oblivious to the medical staff around them.

Aeryn was fully aware that there were staff around but right now she was lapping up the attention she was getting from John, this was a whole new level to their relationship and she was enjoying it. “I’m just glad you’re safe.” She smiled as she gently placed her hand on his cheek. “I did wonder what the guards would do with you and Emmanuelle, it was a relief to hear your voice over the comms after we’d left.” Her attention turned to Alexandra who was standing nearby. “Sorry Doctor, I guess we’re getting a little carried away here.”

Alexandra was busy organizing patient records, and running sickbay in general, however, her mind was elsewhere. She was quite outraged that they wouldn't let her and the Pandora medical stuff examine the corpse, and make their own assumptions. Then, quite unexpectedly, as she walked out of her office, she saw her assistant and Lieutenant Sandoval, in a quite unmistakable position. She was not the person to ruin other people's fun or tell them what to do in their private lives, but the fact that they were having their little fun in the middle of sickbay during duty hours, went against every regulation there is.

She just stood there for a few minutes silently, folding her arms, waiting for the lovebirds to notice her. "Well, a little carried away, yes.", she replied with a sarcastic grin when Aeryn finally noticed her presence.

John cleared his throat and stood up tall, releasing his grip on Aeryn. He smoothed the front of his uniform jacket. "Dr. Alves, I take full responsibility. I...I was very worried and needed to see Aeryn, er, Doctor Jameson for myself before returning to duty." He smiled warmly. "I don't think I could've gotten any work done if I didn't make sure she was alright, but perhaps I should've spoken to her in a more private setting. I apologize for disturbing your work."

"My apologies as well Doctor" Aeryn smiled at John. "I promise I won't let my personal feelings interfere with my work again."

"No worries.", Alex smiled with a shrug. She knew these two wouldn't behave like this without a good reason to do so, and if they tell her they stop, they will. Neverthless, she was curious what these words about John not being sure if Aeryn is alright, meant. "Is there anything in which I can help you?", she asked politely.

“I don’t think so,” John answered. “I was assigned to ensure all crewmembers were off Paradise Station. We had an incident with one of the crew. I was worried his behaviour threatened Dr. Jameson’s safety. But we’re back aboard now, and security was notified of the incident. But thank you for your concern.”

"We're still completely shut out of the station, I guess.", the doctor said with a frown.

“It would seem so” Aeryn nodded as she looked at Alexandra. “I just hope we find out who did this, it’s very concerning. The crew are under enough stress being here, last thing we need is any extra stress especially for the Captain’s wife and Lieutenant Kaleri. As well as the other families aboard.”

"I agree.", she nodded, "If we'd have the chance the examine that corpse ourselves or at least look at the forensic evidence ourselves, we'd be much closer to finding the truth.", she said, "It makes me so angry. We sit here with the latest medical technology at hand, and we still can't make the slightest use of it."

"Station security is convinced that one of us did it," John said. "I bet they think if we look at the body, we'll just invent evidence that exonerates us. You don't let suspects investigate crimes. But that they let us get off the station and try to identify an individual suspect among us is a good sign. They could've demanded we turn over everyone who set foot on the station."

“Let’s hope they don’t decide to do that!” Aeryn sighed. “Now we’re back aboard we’re all nicely contained for them, they could blame any of us and we have nothing to go on in our own defence. I don’t normally employ my senses in the line of self defence but I’ll be using them to keep myself alert from now on.”

"Right.", the doctor sighed, "I still can't believe that one of us would be capable of committing such an act."

"Normally I'd agree with you," John said. "But I'm not willing to discount any possibility. Hopefully the Captain can get you access to the coroner's data. Well, Doctors, I should probably get back to it. Could someone please grab my cane? I dropped it when I grabbed Doctor Jameson." He smiled sheepishly.

"Of course!" Aeryn smiled as she walked over to where John's cane was lying and picked it up for him. "Here you go" She smiled the biggest smile yet as she handed it over to him.

"Thanks," he said, looking into Aeryn's eyes as he took the cane from her. He wanted to kiss her again, but knew it was inappropriate. Dr. Alves would be mad at both of them.

Aeryn could feel John's emotions pouring off in waves, truth be known if they were alone things would have got a lot hotter than a passionate kiss but they weren't alone and no matter how much she wanted to kiss him and feel safe wrapped up in his arms she couldn't do it with Alexandra watching.

Alex saw the very much notion in both of her colleagues' eyes, as they glanced and smiled at each other, and knew these two wished she'd be on the other edge of the galaxy right now. "Hmmm...", she rolled her eyes, "There's a small, empty examination room at the back.", she indicated the direction with her head, "Aeryn, maybe you can do a quick checkup on yourself there, with Lieutenant Sandoval overseeing it, to see if you've suffered any injuries during the incident at the station." She smiled like the older sister who allowed her little brother and his friends to smuggle alcohol or adult magazines to their treehouse. "I'm sure it's nothing serious, but we can't be certain."

"Yes Doctor" Aeryn smiled as she motioned for John to follow her to the room Alexandra had mentioned. She paused long enough to give Alexandra a warm, thankful smile before looking at John. "It's just back here...."

"Glad to help, Doctors," John said, winking at Alexandra. He followed Aeryn into the back room, practically tackling her against the wall the instant the examination room door closed.

"Just don't be long.", the CMO smiled, then returned to her duties, now that she finally got rid of the 'distraction'.

Aeryn didn't complain, instead she returned his advances with passion. It didn't take long for her to help him out of his clothes leaving a pile of both their clothes on the floor. She managed to speak between frenzied kisses. "I was so worried....I was afraid....of what the guards....would do to you!"

"I was would be're okay too," John said, also as their kisses broke. He was glad Dr. Alves was letting them steal a moment together. It wouldn't be long, but they both needed this. Reassurance to know that the person they care most about on the ship, maybe a bit more than you should, is safe and well.


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