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On Edge

Posted on Wed Jun 24th, 2020 @ 2:50am by Lieutenant Krysia Kaleri-Smith & Lieutenant James Smith
Edited on on Fri Jul 10th, 2020 @ 5:39pm

Mission: Death in Paradise

A Mission Post by Lieutenant Krysia Kaleri & Lieutenant James Smith
Mission: Death in Paradise
Location: Counsellor's Office
Timeline: Current

With the murder aboard Paradise station hanging in the air, Krysia was sitting on the sofa going over a PADD that contained a whole new pile of Counselling appointment requests from those crew who felt the need to talk. She had to admit she was gaining a whole new appreciation for the job Aeryn did as ships Counsellor prior to her, it was basically non stop! No sooner was her calendar clear and things seemed calm then it was back to being busy again.

Even though James was busy he was still concerned about Krysia, being a telepath culd put her in harms way, and if the murderer was a crew member they may try to get rid of her as well. James quickly made his way to her office. As the door opened he noticed that she was deep in thought and never acknowledged his presence, so he approach her and stood behind her watching her go over her schedule.

With her head buried in her work Krysia hadn’t heard or noticed the doors open. It wasn’t until she sensed a presence behind her that she almost leapt out of her skin with fright. “Oh James!” She took a deep calming breath. “Sorry! I was just....trying to sort this new lot of appointments. I didn’t hear you come in!" She motioned for him to sit down with her. "I guess with an unknown murderer somewhere I should be a bit more careful. Between the crew’s emotions and my own I’m a bit distracted.”

James smiled as he took a seat next to her, “I can understand being distracted, knowing that a member of this crew could be a murderer is troubling. I’m still trying to wrap my head around the messages I’ve been deciphering and trying to figure out how and who are trying to harm the Pandora.” James looked down then gently took her hand. “Right now my concern is you, you’re a telepath and that could put you in danger.”

Krysia looked at James with concern. “Do you really think so? I’m not the only telepath and empath aboard, although I am one of the strongest telepaths aboard if someone thought I was a risk they’d have to be concerned about the Betazoids onboard too. I guess I’ll have to start locking the door.”

James sighed, “I’m worried about all the telepaths onboard, but because you are one of the strongest, I’m afraid you could become a target, Their are secure quarters within deck 4 that are monitered at all times by my department. I would like to move our quarters temporality to deck 4 for your protection and our babies protection as well.”

Krysia nodded. "If you think that's wise then I agree but you'll have to get the Captain or Owen to agree to it first. In the meantime you can monitor my movements so you know where I am."

James nodded, “Agreed, but please keep an eye on your surroundings, I don’t want anything to happen to you. I’ll make it a point to talk to your brother and get his approval.”

“Right now I don’t have much planned, I’m just going over my Counselling appointments and I have to write my report on Paradise for when I was over there looking for the younglings. I just wish I’d managed to find them!”

Frowning James said, “is their a way that you could try to locate them from the ship with a scan of the surrounding area, it should be able to pick up their bio signatures.”

“It’s a possibility but without knowing their exact species we won’t know them from anyone else! Plus I can’t see Katya allowing us to scan her station without permission and with recent events I think that would be taken as us spying on Paradise.” She shrugged her shoulders. “Right now my head feels like a lead balloon!" She stood and gave James a loving hug. "I need to get some rest before we called upon for anything else. Walk me back to our quarters for now?"

She smiled as she took James' arm, though deep down she was worried about more than she had been before.



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