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Old Adages

Posted on Wed Jun 24th, 2020 @ 3:09am by Lieutenant Yasmin Cortez
Edited on on Fri Jul 10th, 2020 @ 5:48pm

Mission: Death in Paradise
Location: USS Palatine
Timeline: Current Day


There was something to be said about guest quarters as Yas lay on the bed diligently studying schematics on a PADD. She was used to crew quarters of course, and they were perfectly sound in terms of function, but perhaps lacked that luxury appeal. Today though, today things were reversed because Yas was a guest aboard the Palatine and therefore was given quarters in that standing for the voyage. It was a long voyage afterall.

The bed was effortlessly soft for example and if she didn’t know better, and sadly she did, she could have been fooled into thinking she was laying on a bed of feathers. She had enjoyed the fact that she could indulge knowing that she had no direct duties onboard for the trip. That said, she did have a heap of familiarization to do.

That old adage of; ‘if you can operate one ship, then you can operate any ship’ is somewhat misleading. It has inherited truths to it; the science of flight, power transfers, all of that is generally what makes a ship hurtle through space, but each ship has different requirements for example on power and so while those converts to that belief of that old adage would do nothing but indulge on this trip, Yas was the contrary. She would follow schematics from system to system, learn the thresholds for manifolds, and basically immerse herself in preparation for Pandora.

As a Vulcan would say; Ish-veh nam-tor goh olozhikaik which in English meant; it is only logical. But...nobody said she couldn’t enjoy the experience with a chocolate sundae.

Yas rolled herself over the side of the bed until her feet found something solid underneath and she stood up. From there, she strolled over towards the replicator busily darting her fingers over the PADD and the schematics being displayed to her. She didn’t raise her gaze when she hit a control on the replicator panel; “double chocolate sundae.” As the computer chimed and the replicator produced the request, Yas put down the PADD on the nearby table and reached to collect her treat.

The mere sight of the chocolate was like an assault to the other senses. She started walking towards the nearby chair to sit and eat her chocolate dessert, lifting that utensil to take a bite but just as it was about to touch her lips, the ship intercom interrupted.

“Lieutenant Cortez, this is the bridge. We are approaching the USS Pandora.”

With a soft sigh while glaring at her sundae, she put down the dessert on the table and touched the comm panel on the wall; “This is Cortez, understood. Heading for transporter room.”

It was safe to say that the Palatine had arrived slightly ahead of schedule and while Yas was excited about finally joining the ranks of the Pandora, she also was disappointed at the timing because...well it was a chocolate sundae going to waste.

The dessert was returned to the replicator and Yas pushed the necessary controls to get the energy buffer to absorb the waste back. Yas grabbed her PADD from the table and headed towards her rucksack which she had already pre-packed for today. She slotted the PADD in and lifted the rucksack onto her shoulder and secured it before heading towards her Bonsai Tree sitting in the middle of the table. She lifted the tree with both hands and started towards the exit of this guest room.

At the door, Yas paused a moment because she was about to trade of luxury and go back to standard crew quarters. In her head she had that saying rattling around; ‘luxury is in the eyes of the beholder’. It was her own made-up saying really. The door opened as Yas exited the room with anticipation in her wake of what Pandora would hold for her. She headed for the transporter room with her belongings and a good dose of optimism.



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