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Helping Out

Posted on Mon Jun 22nd, 2020 @ 1:35am by Lieutenant Commander Mindo & Lieutenant Krysia Kaleri-Smith
Edited on on Tue Jul 7th, 2020 @ 2:10pm

Mission: Divided We Fall
Location: Engineering
Timeline: Current

A Mission Post by Lieutenant Mindo & Lieutenant Krysia Kaleri
Mission: Divided We Fall
Location: Engineering
Timeline: current
Sun Mar 11th, 2018 @ 9:58pm


Krysia walked into engineering everyone was busy doing their jobs and it looked quite a hustle & bustle as crew made their way backwards & forwards as they worked. Seeing Mindo hovering by one of the stations she made her way across to him.

"Could you use that extra pair of hands I Promised you Lieutenant?"

Mindo looked up and saw Krysia. "Oh yes!" he said. "Thank goodness you're here. How are things in Ops?"

"Well the inertial dampeners are looking better than they did when I came onboard" she smiled, "I've got as many people as I could spare helping out around the ship, I couldn't provide to one department without providing for others so Ops is a little thin on the ground at present besides I did say I'd come down and help you out so where do you need me?"

"Well, I was about to check on some power conduits," said Mindo. "How do you feel about a trip through the Jefferies tubes? I could use those promised hands in there."

“Sure” Krysia nodded, “I’ve always wanted to go crawling through Jeffries tubes!” She grinned, “not a problem.”

Mindo grabbed a couple toolkits and handed one to Krysia. "Let's go!"

Taking the toolkit Krysia followed Mindo, “So how’s things going for engineering?, I can see everyone is busy any ideas on how long the repairs are going to take?”

"Repairs are pretty close to finished," said Mindo. "I think we'll have everything up to a hundred by this time tomorrow. Shields, thrusters, engines, your inertial dampers, and various other systems on the ship will be in tip-top shape. And thanks to your help, we're going to get it done even faster!"

They climbed the ladder that led to a port hole that took them into the innards of the ship, an interlocking system of tunnels known as "Jefferies tubes."

"I hope you don't mind enclosed spaces," Mindo remarked as they entered the tube.

"Well I've never been keen on them but they don't scare me either" she grinned, "Starfleet designers just don't think about having room to get around easily, saying that there'd be no room for anything else so I guess allowances have to be made somewhere."

"I guess so," said Mindo. They crawled through the tunnel until Mindo came to a circuit box on their left side. He unscrewed the panel and handed it to Krysia. "Here you go," he said. He pointed to the panel next to his. "Now unscrew that one and look at the power relay. Let me know if it's fried or not. The tricorder says this one has some trouble with the charge unit, so the conduit is on auxiliary power right now. We may have to take out the power for this section in order to fix it. If that's the case, you'll want to get your pocket torch ready."

As asked Krysia unscrewed the panel and checked the power relay, "This one isn't great" she motioned to the relay, "looks like we've got a partial blow out on this one so it might as well be replaced and at least we'll know the problem is sorted." she reached for her pocket torch, "looks like I'll be needing this"

Mindo got his torch out as well. "Get ready," he said. In seconds the tunnel went dark, but the darkness lasted only a second, and their small lights came on, shining on the panels.

"Know any ghost stories?" said Mindo with a smile. He began adjusting the conduit using the tools from his toolkit.

"Maybe..." she grinned a wry grin, "actually... none that I can remember but then I always useless at telling stories! how about you?"

"I can tell stories," said Mindo. "But I've never tried to tell a ghost story. I guess I'm afraid I'll get scared!" He laughed. "Kidding, of course. But I have watched a lot of horror films. You watch movies?"

“Yeah I like movies” Krysia smiled, “nothing more fun than a movie night when you get chance to sit down with your favourite treats and get to watch a movie!, I didn’t know much about them until I went to the academy but a friend there got me interested. Perhaps we could arrange a movie night for the crew one night might be fun!"

Mindo nodded eagerly. "I have a few million from various cultures downloaded onto an old PADD I still have from back at the Academy. Perhaps we could get a retractable screen in the Box. I could easily rig a projector into the ceiling. We could show movies every night if we wanted. What do you think?"

“Sounds fun to me!” She nodded enthusiastically, “what minor counsellor training i did says it would be a good for morale & it would be good fun overall.”

"I think so too," said Mindo. He was getting really excited about the idea, so much so that he forgot what he was doing and dropped his torch. Picking it up, he looked back at the conduit. "I need you to disconnect the primary cable on your end so I can repair this fuse."

Krysia turned her torch so she could see what she was doing teaching for the primary cable she carefully disconnected it as Mindo had asked. "Cable disconnected"

"So what kinds of movies do you like?" Mindo asked as he adjusted the fuse and replaced some of the stray wiring that had come loose in the battle.

"A bit of alsorts really comedy, action/adventure, the old sci-fi, horror & even animated films for kids. I get on well with kids and I'm a big one myself" she grinned. "How about you?"

Mindo grinned. "I like the kid's stuff too, but spare me the jokes about my appearance. I get mistaken for a child quite often. I like any kind of drama. Action films are great. I like the old science-fiction, and historical films are also great."

"Its nice to actually get the chance to get to know someone properly" Krysia smiled, "that's one thing with engineering & Ops you can chat while you work!! As for size who cares how you look, 'you should never judge a book by its cover' as the saying goes. I prefer to get to know people for who they are not how they look."

"That's why I love Starfleet," said Mindo. "Not a lot of discrimination. All right, reconnect the cable and we'll try this out."

"Reconnecting... Now" Krysia crossed her fingers in hopes the repairs were going to prove to be done.

The power came back on, along with the lights.

"Looking good here" she tapped the tricorder she'd pulled from her pocket, "power flow is within normal parameters, I'd say that's a job well done" she smiled at Mindo. "Shall we head back to engineering?"

"Tired already?" said Mindo. "We've got a few more of these to do."

"Tired?, you kidding!" she grinned, "let's get the rest of these done!"

Mindo replaced the two panels. "That's what I like to hear!" he said with a grin.



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