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VIA Jeffries - Part I

Posted on Mon Jun 22nd, 2020 @ 5:33am by Lieutenant Tyson Brookes & Lieutenant Eiri Ashshy Ph.D
Edited on on Fri Jul 10th, 2020 @ 4:53pm

Mission: Divided We Fall
Location: Deck 07, Science Labs
Timeline: Current

A Mission Post by Lieutenant JG Tyson Brookes & Lieutenant Eiri Ashshy Dr.
Mission: Divided We Fall
Location: Deck 07, Science Labs
Timeline: Current
Mon May 14th, 2018 @ 1:13pm

[Deck 06, Jeffries Tube A5-12]

The med crew entered in the sizeable grated corridor; there always was a lack of padding for the knees. Many Federation Officers loathed the access system network of crawlspaces. Sliding along his medical kit, he heard the same scratching sound of metal on metal, and scuff sounds of Starfleet boots and perhaps one pair of Adidas sneakers.

The sensors on their medical tricorders combined with the ship's sensor sweep enabling a sound basis for determining possible nearby injuries.

The Pandora was on emergency power and systems. A dark and red flashing environment that was capable of making Brookes' hairs stand on his forearm; Aliens. That movie made him freak a few years back in 1986.

They began to make a clean and efficient sweep of the Pandora. Scott, Tessa, and Tyson searched most of the lower decks of the USS Pandora often running into a few of the crew here and there, working on emergency power and getting various computers running.

“I am getting a signature that I hadn’t seen prior. I have an injured humanoid.” Ensign Tessa Scott looked at her medical tricorder.

[Deck 07, Jeffries Tube A6-13, Science Labs]

The sound of a metal latch and pully system unlocked. One by one the crew stepped out. Tessa is looking at Tyson and then at Scott.

“This way… The Science Labs.”

Scott and Tyson led along with their medical kits. Setting down his case he keyed the lab doorway to open. A moment passed, and nothing happens.

“Yank er!” He reached, his fingers digging into the slot of the closed starship doors.

Entering a fire code into the pad, that still was lit, engaged the physical latch locks within the doorway to unlock. The doors slowly hissed their way open, into a science lab that smoke was slowly rising into the air, and the sound of flames combusting on substances.

Tyson coughed as he opened his med kit for a respirator. He quickly unlatched the equipment handing out one to both Ensigns Tessa and Scott.

“Hello!! Is anyone in here?” Tyson called out loudly.

He met a computer console and punched in some key algorithms to release the ships fire suppression systems. There was no avail, after declaring a fire in the Science lab room there was no release.

“Scott, over at one of the lab bulkheads, find the fire extinguisher. We have an electrical fire!”

There were arks of energy burning the computer terminals and circuitry. The smoke in the Science lab was growing.

“This is Tyson to Ops, to the Captain. We have a small fire in the Deck 07 science laboratory. We're attempting to contain it, and further search for injured personnel.”

The fire had started suddenly. More suddenly then the Science personnel could deal with. The fire was also between them and the exit and the fire suppression system was down apparently. Lieutenant Eiri Ashshy was certain that when all of this was said and done he would insist that there be a fire extinguisher in the side lab as well.

The small group had pulled back away from the consoles into a side room. It was honestly the arching energy that was causing most of the problems, but it had all started at one console. Eiri and the other four scientists, who had been left behind because they were the most seriously injured, had been trying to figure out how they were going to handle the problem when someone opened the outer door to the lab with the manual override.

They could hear the door slide open, but it was a few moments before they saw anyone. Eiri cupped his hands around his mouth. "OVER HERE!" he yelled. Eiri had the medical training to handle a majority, but not all of the injuries with the equipment he had, but they had been waiting for assistance to transport everyone, possibly to sick bay, when the fire started. He had stayed with them until they could access better medical equipment. "Console three exploded!"

The heat was incredible and intense. The fire response systems had not gone off. Tyson was no engineer and he did not know why. If the computer networks had done their job, then they wouldn't worry about the arching energy, flames and hot metallic sparks.

Tyson could see, on the other side of the flames, were personnel trapped. Among them was Eiri Ashshy who had yelled. “WE'RE COMING! Stand clear!” He shouted in return to the crewman.

Suddenly a groaning sound began a deep reverberation. A blast from the right side of the nearest bulkhead of lab computer terminals arched and shot clear across the room near Scott, Tessa, and Tyson.

The bolt of transient energy shot towards a laboratory table full of liquids and instruments, causing four of five giant containment lab units to shatter and explode gases and molten substances. A mushroom cloud of fire and smoke went upward towards the laboratory ceiling. The dark room powerless except malfunctioning computers and red alert flashing klaxons were temporarily lit brightly by the increased combustion.

Hitting the floor Tyson had a shard of glass two inches by one hit into his upper left shoulder like a bullet. Black blood began to soak through his uniform, as he held his shoulder in pain. “AAnnnhH!” He felt the searing feelings of pain all too well.

“Purge the ventilation mains; it’s the only way to enact the force fields!” Tyson turned to Scott. He didn't know much better, all he did know was that any foreign contaminants in the ventilation grid would be contained.

“The ventilation begins it detects the carbon combustion… The segment forcefields locate and contain the carbon dioxide, in this case, the fire…” Ensign Scott Tucker thought it through. There wasn't enough time to think it through, they were just as perplexed to fix a broken suppression system as were the Scientists.

All this had occurred within minutes of the med team's arrival to the labs.

“Get away from the computers! We're setting a forcefield!” shouted Ensign Tessa Reynolds. She was trying to inform the injured party of four crew members along with Lieutenant Eiri Ashshy.

Eiri pulled everyone he was with back further, until they were as far away from the fire as possible. Most of the people he was with were severely injured though, so they couldn't really help him much. Fortunately, he was part Vulcan, so he did have enough strength to drag injured crewmates to the other side of the small room they were in. "We're as far back as we can go!" he called out to their potential rescuers.

The suppression systems were activated by Scott, the system taking no less than .0222278 milleseconds to recognize the carbon toxins in the air in the lab, and the force fields activated around the bank of computer terminals. The shielding held up the electrical archs and fire eventualy suppressed.

"Computer emergency site to site transport, deck seven labs ASAP." He slapped his com badge. He swore under his breath. As he reached the four other Science Officers in the lab. "It's cool now. The fire is taken care of! I need to know who is INJURED? Try not to breathe in this air, the transporters are down. We will have to get back to the Medical Bay up one level." Little did Tyson know at that moment the turbo lift for that section had come online.

"Everyone else is injured, I am not," Eiri informed the man. "I am Dr. Eiri Ashshy. I was the only one with medical training and volunteered to stay here, because everything was offline. They were trying to find help. Then the lab exploded. You are?" He was so new to the ship that he didn't know who Tyson was. Although, he did approach the Lieutenant with his medical tricorder raised. "I have a dermal regenerator for your burns."


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