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Fate Deals The Hand

Posted on Tue Jun 23rd, 2020 @ 4:59am by Katya & Unknown
Edited on on Fri Jul 10th, 2020 @ 5:29pm

Mission: Death in Paradise
Location: Paradise Outpost - Parlour
Timeline: Later that night

The room was trashed - evidence of the battle that had occurred. Furniture toppled over, lamp smashed, decor broken. It had previously been a well-used boudoir for all kinds of rendezvous, and it was hardly one of the high-class establishments, but now it was a total crime scene. The messy evidence of the murder that had just been committed.

There wasn't time to worry about the room now. The body had to be moved.

Returning the silver helmet over the guard's head, the figure moved about the room trying to find anything they could that would tie them to the location. But it was such a mess after the fight that it was near impossible to get everything. Indeed, they missed the Phaser under the upturned armchair. Still, they tried to ensure nothing else could be found that would indicate who they were, why they were in this room, and how the Guard ended up dead. They had to be quick and make their escape soon.

For now, the many other rooms of the Parlour would keep on servicing their clients, none the wiser to what had actually occurred. People didn't ask many questions about what went on during a session, despite the loud noises and furniture breaking; that's probably what made it such a good meeting place. And nobody would recognise them anyway, given the Starfleet jumpsuit and helmet mask they were wearing. Although now it was torn at the shoulder when the Guard had grabbed at them while dying.

Not long after, it was time to leave. It took a mighty effort to lift the body up, and shuffle over to the door. Waiting patiently and listening intently, they needed to ensure the corridor was empty before making an exit. Even in the Parlour, the sight of a dead body being carried out was going to raise suspicions. Finally when the hallway was silent, they moved out and carried the body with them. It was laborious work, given the size of the full-grown male they were carrying. After taking a side-door into the rear of the building, they were thankfully out of the Parlour without being spotted.

Back alleys, an air duct, a service canal. All of these were put to good use to avoid the crowds and people around the Entertainment level as they made their escape. The PADD helped - the PADD showing a map of dark spots and good areas to walk through to avoid detection from Paradise Security and its many cameras. Even a place as secure as this had it's blindspots. The map had come in perfect use for such a task, even if it had cost a few thousand credits to buy. They would have to stop occasionally, resting against the wall as the weight of the guard heaved on their shoulders. Adrenaline was still pumping from the fight, and their natural instinct to survive and protect themselves kept pushing them onwards through the doubt and guilt.

'Keep moving!' They would tell themselves with a harsh whisper, 'Don't get caught.' And then they'd be off again, like a rat scurrying through the sewers.

Finally however, they could move no further. The alley crossed into the main thoroughfare of the Entertainment district and there was a patrol route that would soon pass by. There was nowhere else they could dispose of the body without being caught, there was nowhere that would completely eliminate the problem either. Too far from the airlocks and incinerator hatches. Too late to try looking for one now. Making a split decision, they knew they would simply have to hide the Guard's body and this would have to be the place.

Unbeknownst to them, there was a camera viewing that section of the station, however it was angled more towards the thoroughfare and the darkness of the alley hid the more definite features. Still, in the corner of the shot, the figure in the Starfleet jumpsuit could just be seen appearing in the alleyway, carrying what appeared to be a large object.

Setting the body down quickly, they tried their hardest to cover it with refuse and abandoned equipment that littered the alley. Anything they could find that would conceal the body long enough for them to escape. In the rush, they didn't notice that their PADD fell out of their pocket and became lost in the mess of trash. A dirty discarded blanket, bags of rubbish, wood palings, an old sign - anything would be put to use for this devilish deed. Looking about to see if they were still alone, the figure heaved a large drum in front of the body, and it gave a loud screeching noise as the metal drum scraped across the floor. A panicked wait followed, as they stopped to see if anyone was approaching.

In the distance, the patrol was coming closer around to the alleyway. If the Guards looked down this way, or if the surveillance team monitoring the cameras noticed their presence, the culprit would be seen with the body and detected immediately. All chance of escape would be ruined. They would have to leave now or it would all be over. Again having to make a quick decision, they decide to hastily throw a few more pieces of rubbish over the body, before sprinting back through the alleyway towards the Parlour. Blood was pumping and their heart beat loudly, hoping against hope that they weren't being pursued.

It was almost possible they had gotten away cleanly. They just hoped to make it back to the Pandora before the body was found.



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