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Pacing the Carpet...

Posted on Tue Jun 23rd, 2020 @ 5:34am by Captain Tobias Rao
Edited on on Fri Jul 10th, 2020 @ 5:32pm

Mission: Death in Paradise
Location: USS Palatine-Ready Room
Timeline: Current

Tobias once again paced back and forth in careful thought in his Ready Room aboard the USS Palatine.

With the Vesta Class starship waiting on the edge of Federation Space whilst the other Starfleet ships were making their way out of the Inconnu Expanse as per their orders.

Tobias knew he was taking a risk by keeping the Palatine where she was, however, he was also concerned that the USS Pandora was not amongst the other ships that were making their way back home.

Having previously been in touch with Commander Nash, Tobias was already aware that they were docked at Paradise Station due to a last minute change in orders. But that should have been a short time change only and seen the Luna Class vessel back on their way.

Having been a fast-paced support vessel to the Pandora for the past twelve months, he was well versed in Captain Temples thought processes and also how he approached different situations. Tobias had an inkling that something was wrong and he wanted to be ready to render assistance as soon as possible.

But the reason for his pacing had now become more difficult with a new decision to ponder before arriving at a suitable answer. A communication from Admiral Tolar at Starfleet Command had given him orders to return to Carwennan Station where the Palatine would remain on standby should her slipstream drive and advanced weapons array be required against any incursions from the Alrakis Pact members.

Tobias knew better than to disobey a Starfleet Admiral however he had responded that due to damage suffered from a recent encounter with an uncharted nebula, the slipstream drive and warp drive systems on board had been damaged and would require at least 48 hours to complete repairs before they could get underway.

Tolar had given him 28 hours to get the repairs completed and was due to call in within the next few minutes. His XO, Commander Raven, had reported that repairs would require another 12 hours to make sure that they didn't further damage the various drives and strand themselves on the wrong side of the border.

However, even he knew as they spoke that she and the ships Chief Engineer Lt Korso were doing everything they could to meet his requirements of making things look as bad as they actually weren't.

Tobias was risking his career and the lives of his crew on waiting for Nyx and his crew, however, he faced the very real possibility that time was nearly up. Knowing that Starfleet would assign them to duties elsewhere, that left the Pandora on her own out there and whilst he knew that Nyx had a fine crew... Starfleet crews who had been out in deep space on their own had often had to resort to drastic measures to survive without support.

He recalled the reports he'd been privy to from Captain Ransom on board the USS Equinox when the Nova Class starship was stranded in the Delta Quadrant. Whilst unprepared for the prolonged time in that area of space, which was unexplored at the time, Ransom and his crew had found ways to survive and in the process had virtually abandoned the Prime Directive over the drive to find a way home.

Know that Nyx was a lot more stable than Ransom was, he wasn't as concerned but he knew that the crew would push the boat out if they had to.

Interrupting his thought, the comm beeped for his attention.

"Captain, we're receiving a secure message from Admiral Tolar addressed for you," he heard the voice of Commander Morgan report.

"Thank you, Commander, route it in here please," he responded.

Tobias walked over to his monitor on the desk and seated himself before entering his authorisation code. The Admiral's face appeared on the screen.

"Captain, your 28 hours are up. I trust that the Palatine is ready to move out and return to Carwennan Station?" she asked in her serious tone.

"Admiral, I'm afraid that we'll require more time. It seems that the encounter with the Nebula caused more damage than further thought. My Exec and Chief Engineer have prepared a report which I'm transmitting to you now," Tobias responded, sending over the new report put together by Raven and Korso. He watched for a few moments as she read the updated report and then promptly dismissed it from her screen.

"Captain, from the details in this report, it's clear that the support teams on the station will be in a better position to meet your needs and get the Palatine ready for active duty again a lot faster than your crew has been able to so far," she explained.

Tobias went to respond almost straight away, having memorised the report by the letter, but Tolar continued.

"You'll make all speed back to the station within the hour, that's an order. Should I have to send out tugs and another starship to tow the Palatine back and it turns out that the damage reported is a lot less, I will have your combadge... do you understand?" she asked.

Tobias sat still for a moment. "Admiral, if I could explain the damage report further, you'd maybe realise that..." he started.

"Are my orders clear, Captain Rao? " Tolar asked once again, her voice reaching a new level of seriousness.

"Yes Admiral, very clear," he answered. As Tolar ended the conversation and cut the channel, Tobias knew the game was up. He routed new orders to get underway and return back to the station to Raven and within the next few moments grimaced as he felt the silent hum of the deck plates with the Palatine getting underway.

He looked back out of the window in his Ready Room as the ship jumped to Warp. "Take Care Nyx...We're here waiting for you," he said under his breath.

The Vesta Class starship made her way at low warp out of the area and headed back to Carwennan Station.


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