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Making It Back

Posted on Tue Jun 23rd, 2020 @ 5:35am by Lieutenant John Sandoval & Lieutenant JG Aeryn Jameson & Ensign Emmanuelle Larose & Ensign Dorian Rochester (Deceased)
Edited on on Fri Jul 10th, 2020 @ 5:32pm

Mission: Death in Paradise
Location: Paradise Outpost
Timeline: Current

Dorian Rochester cast a forlorn figure as he skulked his way through the back alley of the Marketplace. He had no credit to his name, the uniform off his back lost in a series of bad gambling bets, and he stunk of alcohol and sweat. Dorian had spent the night in an awful hostel, too dirty and cheap to remember where, having gotten completely lost in Paradise and come out much the worse for it. He had escaped from the hotel without paying his bill, having slipped out the rear of the building while the manager was busy harassing another person. He knew he needed to make it back to the Pandora, but there were a few scary-looking aliens that Dorian still owed money to who were definitely searching for him. And he couldn't risk using the travel cubes, lest Paradise Guards detained him for trying to welch on his debts. So he was waiting in a dark corner of the market district, a stolen coat all that he had to cover him, while he waited for someone he knew to pass by.

Aeryn had finished her little trip to Paradise and was ready to head home. She strolled along the market district on her way back towards the travel cubes to go home, her purchases had already been sent on ahead to the ship.

"Psst!" Dorian hissed from the shadows. "Hey! Blue shirt!"

Aeryn heard Dorian’s voice although at the time she didn’t realise it was him. Turning to look she walked calmly towards the shadows. It took a few moments of looking but she suddenly realised who it was. “Rochester? What on Earth happened to you?”

"It's the latest fashion." He replied sarcastically, his eyes darting around though as he did. "Look, security might be looking for me. You have to help get me back onboard the ship."

“Why would security be looking for you?” She folded her arms across her chest as she looked at him. “I don’t want to be getting into trouble with the Captain. Besides what happened to your clothes? You look a mess and you stink of alcohol.”

"I made some bad bets with the wrong people, okay?" Rochester hissed, "That's all. Just stupidity on my part. Come on, you've gotta help me."

“Seriously!” She sighed before nodding. “First things first what size clothes are you? I’m going to have to get you some clothes. While I’m doing that you can get yourself freshened up.” She pulled out a small bottle of water. “It’s not much but it’ll do for you to swill your face with. So what size do you need?”

"Thirty-two pants, medium top." Dorian replied as he hurried washed his face with the provided water. Seeing a patrol of guards coming down the strip, he quickly thrust the bottle back into the Lieutenant's hands and covered back into the shadows, throwing the coat over his head as a disguise.

Aeryn swore under her breath as she saw the guards, this wasn’t what they needed right now and she’d have to think on her feet.

The Guards were striding angrily through the crowds, unusually with their weapons already drawn, as they appeared to be looking around them. One of the Guard's silver helmets turned to look at Jameson, and he nodded to the others. Soon the Guards were quickly approaching her, taking large purposeful strides.

"What is your business here, Starfleet?" One Guard barked angrily.

“Actually I’ve been here shopping and I’m just about to head back to my ship, is there a problem with that?” She looked at the guards.

“Do not question us!” Another Guard growled angrily, pointing a finger at Jameson. “Not after what your people did.”

The first guard stepped forward and waved a small device over the Doctor, before giving a huff. “Bio signature found. You have made several trips to Paradise, including last night. You departed around Fourth Quarter with a group of other females. Is that correct?”

“It is” She nodded. “I went straight back to my ship afterwards and I do have a witness to that effect. May I ask what this is all about?”

The Guards looked to each other, their round silver helmets turning in unison to share a glance in whatever way they apparently viewed each other.

“She doesn’t know.” The first one spoke, and the others nodded. They turned back to Jameson, “Complete your shopping promptly.”

"I'll do that" she nodded and watched them go breathing a sigh of relief as they did so.

Without saying anything more, the Guards silently walked on through the crowds, though not without giving the occasional glance back at Jameson.

John Sandoval and Emmanuelle Larose saw the guards walk away from Aeryn. John nodded to his two companions to get to her. Emmanuelle’s security training kicked in and she ran ahead, while John followed behind more slowly, his cane slowing him down.

“Aeryn!” he said as he approached her. “What’s going on? Did the guards bother you?”

"Not really they just wanted me gone! Is there something going on I'm not aware of?" She looked at John for a moment. "Doesn't matter for the moment...we've got a problem of our own." She looked at Dorian. "Dorian cone out from under there please."

Rochester poked his head out from around the corner, his face still half-covered by his coat. He saw Sandoval and gasped, "Lieutenant!"

Aeryn looked at John. “I was just about to go and get him some clothes, seems he had a hard night last night.” She looked around. “There’s a shop right there, I’ll be right back!” She quickly ran across to the shop and picked up a t-shirt and some trousers in the sizes Dorian had told her. Returning to the group she handed them and some wet wipes she’d picked up to Dorian. “Here....get yourself freshened up and make it quick!”

Dorian quickly threw on the clothing over his near-naked self and ditched the coat behind some crates. It wasn't his anyway, so he wasn't concerned about disposing of it. All the while, though, he stayed crouched behind Jameson and Sandoval, using them as a human/Betazoid shield as such. "Thank you, thank you, thank you." He breathed heavily.

“Let’s just get out of here and then you...” She looked at John. “Can tell us what’s going on, there’s obviously a reason why they want us gone.”

Dorian peered curiously at Sandoval and Larose, two officers who normally wouldn't interact with him given the difference in their departments and positions; the Ensign's face showing his clear confusion. "It's about me, isn't it?"

Aeryn looked at Dorian confused. “Why would you think that? We don’t even know what it is that’s going on.” She looked at John. “Just what is going on?”

John noticed Dorian ditch the coat. He looked at it, and then to Emmanuelle. She nodded and moved behind the crates to collect it. As she didn't have a bag or any kind of forensic tool, she improvised, taking her uniform jacket off and using it to collect and carry the coat.

John looked to Aeryn and Dorian. "I'll tell you more once we're back aboard. But all Pandora crew are being ordered back to the ship. It's not just you, Ensign, it's everyone. When we arrive, I need you both to check in with Security Chief Griffin. I'll be reporting where I found you, and unfortunately, Ensign, what state you're in. You may have some explaining to do with Lieutenant Griffin. Now please, let's walk back to a transport cube in a calm and orderly fashion. Keep pace with the man with the cane."

Aeryn nodded and walked alongside John. Right now she was looking forward to getting off the station and getting back aboard the ship where she’d feel safer, she looked at Dorian. “When you’re done with Lieutenant Griffin Ensign report to Sickbay and get something for that hangover of yours, it sounds like you’re going to need it.”

Dorian wanted to complain about being narked on by Sandoval, and in his condition he wasn't in the mood to care too deeply about the inevitable insubordination charge. But he also knew he needed to get back to the ship first. "Whatever, you guys just have to get me out of here, okay? I still think those guards were lookin' for me, and if we don't leave soon, they'll arrest you guys for helping me."

“Exactly what is it you think you’ve done?” Aeryn looked at Dorian curiously. “Why are you so afraid of the guards finding you?” She looked at John then back at Dorian.

The Ensign looked between the three of them for a moment, his mouth slightly agape. There was a heaviness in the air, and clearly something unspoken being said between Sandoval and his counterpart. Dorian may have lost his clothes playing 'strip coin-toss', but he wasn't entirely stupid. He knew when to keep his mouth shut. Doing so just now, he replied quickly, "We don't have time. I've been keeping track of their patrols and those folks don't mess around. Another one will be past in a couple of minutes, tops. We all got to move."

John nodded. “Let’s go. Transport cube is that way. Carefully now.” The group walked towards their destination calmly, not drawing attention to themselves. John leaned close to Emmanuelle and whispered to her. “Contact ship security. Have someone ready at the airlock to receive Dr. Jameson and Ensign Rochester, and to collect the jacket from you. Then we’ll come back to find more crew.” Emmanuelle nodded and stepped aside, tapping her commbadge.

A moment later, they reached the transport cube and activated it. “Won’t be long now,” John told the group.

Dorian had kept his head down low, huddled in the middle between the other officers for protection. After a long walk through the stalls and crowds of people, they finally reached the cube station. However, there wasn't a transport ready to board, and he filled with dread as he realised they would have to wait for one to arrive. Anxious minutes passed, Dorian's hands gripped into a tight fist of anticipation - when he wasn't eagerly pushing the 'call' button for the cube. A Paradise Guard patrol appeared as expected, walking through the Marketplace. The silver-helmets immediately turned in their direction, noticing the group of Starfleet officers standing around together. The Guards nodded to each other and started heading towards the officer's direction; not in a particular hurry - more in a slow, purposely menacing way.

"Come on, come on." Dorian whispered, willing the cube to hurry up as he pushed the call button again and again.

The Guards came closer and closer and were no more than a few meters away when finally a transport arrived and the doors swished opened. Dorian made a dash inside the cube and around the corner where he hoped not to be seen.

Aeryn had to do her best to ramp up her mental defences against the onslaught of nervous emotion coming off Dorian, he was making her nervous when she had nothing to be nervous about. Walking into the cube she stood infront of Dorian and waited for John to walk in. Right now she wished she could let their feelings for each other show, but whilst on duty as John was that wasn't permitted.

Dorian cast a single, daring look outside of the cube, seeing the Guards were so close now. He had to make a decision to protect himself; to look after his own well-being. "You guys talk to them!" He hissed to Sandoval and Larose, his hand already on the 'close' button. The doors to the cube swished closed again and the transport started moving away, leaving the Chief Diplomat and his escort behind.

"Dorian!! What in the hell do you think you're doing!!" Aeryn looked at Dorian, there wasn't much she could do now the cube was on its way except go along for the ride.

"It's for the best." Rochester exclaimed, waiving her away. He approached the centre kiosk and started playing around with it, trying to get to the Federation language setting. "If those guards spotted me, we would have all been detained. The Diplomat and his attache, too." He paused and looked to the doctor. "I made some... foolish choices last night. Gambled with the wrong crowd, made a bit of a spectacle of myself. I may have impersonated the Captain. Also, didn't quite pay anybody. So, those Guards would have had some questions. Best that Sandoval and Larose weren't seen with me."

"And what about me?" Aeryn stood looking at Dorian with her arms folded across her chest. "Am I just the unlucky one?"

"Look, according to this we should be back at the docking ring soon." Dorian replied, turning back to the screen. He was flicking through services, like the station news, which he swiped past, events, and finally to the maps. "Then we'll just need to get to the Pandora's port and it'll be fine. You can go your seperate way if you like once the cube stops."

Aeryn nodded and relaxed a bit she couldn’t wait to get back to the ship herself.

The cube stopped at the docking ring and the doors parted. Dorian was busy looking at the screen and it took him a moment to realise they had arrived. He waited for Jameson to leave before making a quieter exit. He hid behind furniture and archways before finally reaching the Pandora's entrance, after which he stood upright and calmly walked onboard.

"What the hell?" John said as the door slammed shut in front of him and the transport cube sped away. He quickly tapped his commbadge. "Sandoval to Pandora security. Ensign Rochester is on his way back to you, but he's separated himself from Ensign Larose and I. He's with Dr. Jameson. Make sure he gets in front of Lieutenant Griffin as soon as possible. We also still have the article of clothing that Larose mentioned."

"Aye, sir," came a voice from his commbage.

John moved to tap his commbadge again, to make sure Aeryn was okay, but the station security guards reached them before he could. "Cooperate fully, Ensign, until and unless we're forced otherwise," he whispered to Emmanuelle. Then he turned to the guards and smiled. "Gentlemen! What can we do for you?"

"You have not left the station." One Guard replied, though it was definitely meant as a statement.

John nodded. “We are working on it. I’ve been assigned to make sure everyone is off the station. You told us all to leave, but how angry would you be if we forgot someone?” He held his arms widely apart in a gesture of supplication, which also showed he was unarmed aside from an obvious walking stick. “My Assistant here has a display of all crew yet-unaccounted for. We just sent two back to the ship, and we’re about to check to see if anyone else is left. Ensign?”

Emmanuelle looked at the PADD. “Two recorded left, sir. Lieutenants Fick and Arnoldo.”

“Well, there you have it, gentlemen,” John told the guards. “Once we have those two in our possession, we’ll all four of us return to our ship. How does that sound?”

"Do it quickly." Came the Guard's reply, before they turned in unison and moved away.

John breathed a sigh of relief and smiled at Emmanuelle. She returned his smile and called the next transport cube. “Fick and Arnaldo should be in grid 3. Let’s go there.”

John nodded, but tapped his commbadge. “Sandoval to Rochester. What the hell? If you’ve done anything to hurt Aeryn, I’ll make sure you regret it.”

Aeryn was walking back onboard ship as she reached for her commbadge to let John know she was okay. =/\= Jameson to Sandoval, just letting you know I got back onboard the ship. I’ll see you when you get back. =/\=

“Thank goodness,” John said. “Okay, sit tight. Find Griffin. Be open and honest with him. Make sure Rochester gets in front of him, too. But above all, be safe. I have more I need to do here but I’ll find you soon.”

=/\= I will. I’ll see you when you get back. =/\= Looking around she soon spotted Dorian. “Dorian...I think it’s time we spoke with Lieutenant Griffin.”

"I'm going to shower first, then I'll get right to that." Dorian replied, giving a double finger-gun to the doctor. "I'm sure your boyfriend Sandoval will make sure I do." He said with a smirk before walking away.



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