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The Race Is On....

Posted on Sun Jun 21st, 2020 @ 3:59am by Captain Tobias Rao
Edited on on Wed Jun 24th, 2020 @ 7:20am

Mission: New Moon Rising
Location: Bridge, USS Palatine
Timeline: Just after the launch of USS Pandora...

Once he was aboard the Palatine, Tobias made sure that the Temple's were given VIP quarters and made comfortable for their short stay.

He was fully aware that the Pandora hadn't long left the dock, however that wasn't going to slow him down to get the Temple to their new home. As he strode onto the bridge, Tobias saw his XO, Commander Raven stand up from the conn. Having served together for over 10 years now, he had full confidence in his XO to make sure that his ship was ready to go as and when he wanted it. Their time aboard his previous command, the USS Halifax, had set in motion a successful partnership together.

"Captain, All hands have been recalled on board and we stand ready to leave at your command," she reported. "The Dockmaster has cleared us for departure at our own convenience... I believe that's how he put it..." she reported.

Tobias smiled as he was told that the ship was ready to depart. "Excellent...its good to know that things are running nicey for a change," Tobias said, acknowledging her report. He looked to the helm to see Lieutenant Mako ready and waiting for his command. Tobias took a few steps over to the helm and stood fast behind him.

"Hows she doing Mr. Mako?" he asked his helm officer with excitement. "Ready for another trip to the unknown...or at least just out there..."

The Palatine's Cardassian helm officer looked around and smiled as he could tell his CO was eager to get underway. "Captain, Engineering reports that we have all speeds available for propulsion: Impulse, Warp and Slipstream," he reported. "I beleive that she's ready to go out for another trip and to see what records we can break..." he offered.

Tobias sent a wink his way as he turned and went to take his seat alongside Raven. "Helm, aft thrusters at one quarter," he began. "Takes us out."

Mako fired up the thrusters and watched as the Palatine's readouts confirmed what he already knew. Within a few minutes, the Vesta Class ship was clear of the dock and headed for free space.

Tobias smiled as he watched his ship leave the area and smiled even broader as he was given the signal by Mako that the ship was free and clear to navigate.

"Very good Mr Mako... Lay in a pursuit course for the Pandora and engage at maximum slipstream...we have a vital cargo on board that we need to deliver as soon as possible to them," he explained. Mako nodded and soon the Palatine was racing at Slipstream speeds to catch up with her mission operations starship...

An hour later, Tobias was sat in his chair scowling as the Operations Chief of the station reported that the Pandora had already headed off with new crew and supplies. The fact that she was ordered to leave at Ambassadorial level worried him...

What also worried him was explaining to the Temples that their stay on board just got a little longer. He knew that Starfleet Families endured tough times and that often issues like this could stretch them further than needed. He made sure to go and explain the update as soon as the Palatine was cleared to leave.


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