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Bedtime Story

Posted on Wed Jun 24th, 2020 @ 3:43am by Lieutenant Alexandra Alves MD
Edited on on Fri Jul 10th, 2020 @ 5:58pm

Mission: The Evils Within
Location: Doctor Alves' quarters
Timeline: current

"Mooom... I can't sleep!"

"Just a minute, darling. Try to relax, you'll sleep in a minute. It's very late, anyways."

"But I can't! I... can't... sleep!"

"Alright. Hmmm... Let me see. How about a bedtime story?"

"Bedtime stories are for babies..."

"Ahh, you think so, huh? Let me prove you otherwise! Jump to bed, I'll be there in a minute!"

[in a minute]

"Alright. Ready for the most awesome bedtime story ever?"

"Mooom... It'll be boring."

"No way! Never! Soo... let me start... Once upon a time there was a little girl. She had big brown hair, so curly that when people looked at her, they were amazed on how curly it is."

"What was her name?"

"Errr... her name? She was called... Ve... Vi... Viola."


"She lived in a huge house, surrounded by all her favourite animals, an army of dogs, cats, and beautiful horses. But you know what she loved the best in the whole universe? Football. She wanted to be the greatest player who has ever lived..."

"It's already boring..."

"Okay... okay... Sooo... Did I tell you, Viola hated her curly hair?"

"Why?? Why did she hate it?"

"Because she though it's ugly, and she disliked how everyone calls her Curly and the attention she gets. That everyone recognizes her curls, and that she's different because of that. She wanted to be like everyone else. Like the un-curly-haired people."

"Ahhh... I see."

"So, one night, before going to bed, Viola looked in the mirror, and with all her rage, wished that her curls would disappear. And the next morning when she woke up... they were gone! Her hair was straight like an excalamation mark."

"But... hooow?? How did her curls disappear?"

"She didn't know! She just looked in the mirror, and noticed them gone! She was very happy, she felt like the happiest person in the world. She thought all her problems were gone. However, she soon changed her mind. She went down to say hello to her parents, but her parents didn't recognize her!"


"- Hello, child. Who are you? - Mom, it's me, Viola! Don't you know me? - Oh, dear! I didn't recognize you at first! You look so strange... what... what happened to your beautiful curls? Your hair looks so bad, so thin!"


"Then, she went to the store, she always used to go. However, the store clerk didn't recognize her at all. Then, the same happened with her football coach, her music teacher, her horse-riding tutor. Noone recognized her! They didn't believe her when she told them she's Viola. 'Viola has such a beautiful curly hair, you can't be her!', they said. 'You're a pretty child, but Viola is so much more beautiful than you are!' So, she went home, crying. Her mom asked, what's the problem. 'I want my curls back!', she said. So, they went on to find them. First, they went to the Office of Missing Things, but noone there has heard of any missing curls. Then, they went to the police. 'Why did those curls leave?' the commissioner asked. 'Because I wished them away!', the girl said, crying. 'Why did you wish them away? Did they do anything wrong? Did they hurt you or behaved badly?' 'No, not at all.' she admitted. Finally, they went to the Bureau of Missing Animals, but they couldn't find them either. However, when they got home, empty handed, and Viola went to her room, she suddenly found all her missing curls there. 'Why... why did you leave?' she asked. 'You wanted us to leave, remember?'"

"How... how can curls speak?"

"Err... well... I don't know. It just happened. So, the curls told her: 'You said we're ugly, we're not needed, you wished us all away!' 'But... but... I changed my mind... You're... you're beautiful... and... unique.' 'Ahhh, so, that's the case! And what if you change your mind again?' 'I promise you, I won't!' 'Okay. We believe you. You'll get another chance. A last chance.' So, the next morning, when Viola woke up, she got her awesomely curly hair back! She'd never again seen it as ugly and awful."


"So, she lived happily ever after and won the football world cup in 2235. The end."

"2235 wasn't a world cup year, mom."

"Nevermind. I hope you can sleep now."

"I still can't."

"Next time I'll read you the latest report on crew health, that'll put you to sleep instantly, I promise. Now, close your eyes, try to relax." [kisses her forehead gently] "I love you, darling."

"I love you too, mom."

"Don't let those bed bugs bite."


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