The Evils Within

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Mission Info

Status Completed Mission
Description The Pandora is sent to rescue a top-secret team of scientists, but discover their experiments have possibly been destroying the planet they have been working on.

Mission Group Phase Two: Dark Side
Start Date Wed Jun 24th, 2020 @ 11:49am
End Date Fri Oct 23rd, 2020 @ 11:49am

Mission Posts

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Title Timeline Location
by Cailus Griffin & Captain Nycolas Temple & Lieutenant Kalin Brennan-Griffin PhD & Eva Griffin
BACKPOST: shortly after "Ring A Ring O' Rosies" and "Prime Directive" Conference Room/Sickbay
Family reunion
by Commander Owen Nash & Lieutenant Krysia Kaleri-Smith
Following on from "A Plea" Owen’s Quarters
A Stop in Sick Bay
by Lieutenant JG Aeryn Jameson & Lieutenant Declan Roderick
Earlier in the day Sick Bay
Questions Beget Questions (Mission Epilogue)
by Captain Nycolas Temple
Deck 1 - Ready Room
Prime Directive
by Captain Nycolas Temple & Cailus Griffin & Lieutenant Commander Mindo & Lieutenant Kalin Brennan-Griffin PhD & Lieutenant James Smith & Lieutenant John Sandoval & Lieutenant Krysia Kaleri-Smith & Commander Leta Rothgan PhD.
Deck 2 - Meeting Room
Only Hope Remained
by Captain Nycolas Temple & Cailus Griffin & Lieutenant Declan Roderick & Lieutenant Kalin Brennan-Griffin PhD & Lieutenant James Smith & Admiral Gordon Francis & Commander Leta Rothgan PhD. & Lieutenant JG Aeryn Jameson
Hesiod Green - Pithos Facility
Part Of Your World
by Captain Nycolas Temple & Sasha Vieers (Deceased) & Lieutenant Commander Mindo & Lieutenant Ziara Rrareth & Lieutenant John Sandoval & Lieutenant Krysia Kaleri-Smith & Lieutenant JG Vecon Fick & Ensign Ian Milkovich
Hesiod Green - Mountains
Ring A Ring O' Rosies
by Eva Griffin & Emilie Temple
Deck 5 - Daycare
The Phantom of the Operation
by Captain Nycolas Temple & Commander Owen Nash & Admiral Gordon Francis & Captain Tobias Rao & Admiral Audra Milne
USS Palatine - Ready Room
Enter the Aenar
by Ensign Aenardha Sh'vastarth
BACKPOST / CURRENT Carnwennan Station
The Inaugural Hesiod Blue Civilian Committee for Welcoming Parties, Drink Diplomacy, and Post-War Strategies
by Ignatius & Raven Mattel & Captain Tobias Rao & Lieutenant JG Zo & Terrekal
Hesiod Blue
A Narrow Escape
by Admiral Gordon Francis & Commander Leta Rothgan PhD. & Cailus Griffin
current Pithos Facility
Pithos Opens
by Lieutenant Declan Roderick & Lieutenant Kalin Brennan-Griffin PhD & Lieutenant James Smith & Lieutenant Alexandra Alves MD & Commander Leta Rothgan PhD. & Lieutenant JG Aeryn Jameson
Hesiod Green - Pithos Facility
Points of Authority
by Lieutenant Commander Mindo & Lieutenant Riaan Rrareth & Lieutenant John Sandoval & Lieutenant Krysia Kaleri-Smith & Lieutenant JG Vecon Fick
Hesiod Green - Mountains
Pyres of the Past
by Sasha Vieers (Deceased) & Ensign Dorian Rochester (Deceased)
Hesiod Green - Mountains
Pandora Flies Again
by Captain Nycolas Temple & Lieutenant JG Judd Samson & Lieutenant Greep & Ensign Ian Milkovich
Pandora - Bridge
Answers to Questions Asked
by Admiral Gordon Francis & Commander Owen Nash & Mauricio Arnaldo
Current Delavi System
The Palatine Arrives
by Ignatius & Raven Mattel & Lieutenant Nicholas Boucher & Captain Tobias Rao & Lieutenant JG Zo & Terrekal
Hesiod Blue
Battle of Hesiod Blue
by Ignatius & Raven Mattel & Lieutenant Nicholas Boucher & Lieutenant JG Zo & Terrekal
Hesiod Region
The Rabbitting Admiral
by Cailus Griffin & Admiral Gordon Francis
Pithos Facility, Hesiod Green
99 Problems and the Pandora Is One
by Admiral Audra Milne
Earth - Starfleet HQ
One With the Planet (Part Three)
by Sasha Vieers (Deceased)
Hesiod Green
Patching It Up
by Captain Nycolas Temple & Lieutenant JG Judd Samson & Lieutenant Greep
And Away We Go
by Captain Nycolas Temple & Lieutenant Commander Mindo & Lieutenant John Sandoval & Lieutenant Krysia Kaleri-Smith & Lieutenant JG Vecon Fick
Current Hesian Cemetery, Hesiod Green
Nash and Arnaldo: Private Investigators
by Commander Owen Nash & Mauricio Arnaldo
Delavi System

Mission Summary