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Very Cool Not So Secret Bar

Posted on Tue Oct 27th, 2020 @ 9:09pm by Lieutenant Declan Roderick & Commander Mindo & Terrekal

Mission: Shore Leave
Location: Little Caesar's Palace Barcade
Timeline: Current


It was about 1700 when Mindo entered Little Caesar's Palace, the arcade restaurant he owned and established on the Pandora, which had almost become a second home, after Engineering. In about an hour, the place would pick up, and that was when Raven would come in for her shift and make the place sparkle like nothing else.

Mindo climbed the stairs to the upper floor of the place where the bar and several tables were. They served bar food mainly in the Palace. Mindo did not want to compete with the decadent and extensive menu of the Box, which he considered a little more "classical." Mindo wanted the Palace to be more... "unpredictable." It was why he had hired Raven to be the main barista, and also why he had brought Terrekal into the mix.

Mindo saw Terrekal hovering back from serving a family at one of the tables as he came up and went to the bar. Mindo had turned off his own hovering device upon leaving Engineering. He climbed onto a stool and slapped his hands on the bar as Terrekal came over and brought him a fresh bottle of aged tranya, direct from home. Terrekal had beamed aboard cases containing hundreds of them when he moved, along with some other interesting wares and trinkets. Terrekal's ship had been impounded and he'd lost his merchant's license after the events on Paradise Station. But he'd managed to save the tranya.

"Business is pretty good for a Tuesday evening," said Mindo.

"This is Thursday," Terrekal replied.

"I know," Mindo said. "But if it were Tuesday, business would be pretty good."

Terrekal winced. "Please tell me you didn't spend all day thinking that one up."

Mindo waved a hand. "I thought of it on Tuesday, but couldn't use it back then. You understand."

Terrekal nodded. "Of course."

Declan had finished his holodeck extravaganza. He had participated in another online creative marvel that Federation Entertainment Artist Xadra Hexan had completed. Entitled; "Euphoric Enticement of Ecstasy IV." It was a true masterpiece, a voyage into the subterranean depths of senses of mutual lust and prevalence of lovers.

The "Touchy Feely" that Roderick attended habitually was an ultrasonic, soma induced rave that began in euphoric sensory overloads, unbridled with orgasmic orgies all around. As Xandra Hexan was a renowned artist of her time, the production was a habitual success, each expo. Federation Culture critics were demanding more and more from her.

Declan, on the other hand, just wanted to experience another touchy-feely, that he hadn't had the chance since he was stationed for six months of depressing hell that was Hesiod Green. Roderick had indeed left, feeling drained of all sexual senses, and overwhelming senses of depravity and immense pleasure and demanding musical devotions. He needed it badly.

Coming down from Xandra's exposition, Delcan felt the wearing effects of euphoria and soma he had taken for the event, as was optional but considered a must by any Federation cultural elite.

Many crewmen on board the Pandora insisted that Roderick visit Little Caesar's Palace, a must for any crew member looking to unwind from the ordinary.

Unorthodox, it was. Walking into the complex, Declan looked to see the various flashing lights, sounds, games, colors all at once begging his attention. In his state, he walked through the games. Along the way, Declan was astonished to see a classic Earth pinball machine. He had used to play them back at Starfleet Headquarters in the Cadet mess. He hadn't seen a pinball machine since usually hooked the instant he played one.

Roderick's mind half in a daze with a few plays, the soma still in its encouraging, boldness. Declan made his way up the stairs towards the bar atop. He noticed a completely new distinct accent to the bar as he walked up, with patrons, tables, and officers being served, with hovering boards. The whole set up was something to be seen in itself.

After having a gaze around, Declan made his way to the bar, where he had seated his self on the stool, placing his elbows on the bar, resting his self. He had a bright smile on. He was the happiest he had been in a long time, not to mention the horniest, from having had been induced at one of Xandra's Sexpositions.

"Well. It looks like I have chosen the right bar to attend!" Declan announced to nobody in particular. A few interesting characters of the bar, each one to their own nuance, arrive at the Declan's side.

"This is a bar, am I correct?" Roderick looked around, amazed.

"Well it certainly isn't a convenience store," Terrekal replied, approaching Roderick. "What'll you have?"

Roderick relaxed. "I will have your alcoholic specialty. I trust anything served here, must be good." He had gave a brief, tired smile. He looked around a bit.

The upstairs portion contained a long row of pinball machines and skee-ball ramps, a few of which were occupied. There were also several tables to sit at, with colorful and elaborate tablecloths picked out and decorated by Raven. There were also two air hockey tables and two foosball tables.

"A bit of advice, stranger," said Mindo, sitting next to Declan at the bar. "When you ask a Fesarian what the best drink is, they will always say tranya."

Terrekal grinned. "And I have some right here, fermented on the homeland itself. Allow me to pour you some..."

Terrekal poured the colorful liquid into a glass and handed it to Declan.

Mindo examined Declan for a moment, trying to think of who he was. Mindo didn't recognize him. "I don't think we've met," Mindo said. "I'm Lieutenant Mindo, Chief of Engineering."

Declan accepted the tumbler glass with the Tranya. He lifted the glass and brought the rim of it to his lip. "Interesting" He exclaimed. "Is this alcohol, or fruit juice?" He lifted his eyes to meet Terrekal and then Mindos. He would be a great sport and tip the glass. Tranya had a multitude of fruity, yet spicy flavors to Declan... He smiled. "Not bad, not bad at all. It goes down smooth!"

"Chief..." He spoke, clearing the alcohol. "Lieutenant Roderick, Declan." He gave a salute to Mindo. "It is a sincere pleasure..." He smiled, letting his eyes awash over Mindo for a moment. "Sir." He smiled. "I am Chief of Ops. Captain Temple and Commander Nash are great men. They have offered me a second chance, from that place..." He shuddered inside, "Hesoid Green."

"May I have another? Your name, Ma'am?" He asked Terrakal.

Mindo busted up laughing. "Ma'am?" he said. "I mean, Fesarians are known for their androgynous looks, but..."

Terrekal smiled. "My name is Terrekal," he replied, then added, "...sir."

Declan could have swallowed his toungue. He broke into a heady laughter, and placed his hand on the bar top. "Shit! I know Fesarian's are known for their abilities to handle a drink... I think this is affecting me already, Sir!" He broke into another round of laughs, releasing his stress and tension.

"Profound respects, Sir. Everything here is new to me, I like it alot." He grinned at Mindo.

Mindo chuckled. "Next you'll call Raven a man and get hosed out of here."

Terrekal laughed. "She does that, you know." He pulled the rubber hose out from under the bar.

Mindo grinned. "So far I like you too, Mr. Roderick Declan." he said. "And I'm the owner of this establishment, so that's probably good for something."

"A fine establishment, Mindo." He nodded. "Your highest of security measures. Such as a watering hose is quintessential planning. At least, Raven's planning." He edged over the counter to see the coiled hose indeed set up to wet taps. "That thing is long, I bet she could run someone out!"

He took another drink when Terekal had decided to offer him another of the fine tranya. Declan decidedly took small drinks from it, savoring it this time. "Mindo, you up for a little fun of air hockey?" He wondered. "What should we wager a win on?" He stared at Mindo, enjoying what he was seeing. The Fesarian definitely was a well kept and confident man, a man of business and play it had seemed. He liked that a lot.

Mindo thought for a moment. "You have a size advantage on me, Rod. Even using my hovering device I'm still rather handicapped. How about Skee-Ball instead?"

Roderick nodded. Mindo had a point. He was of a size disadvantage and it wouldn't be a fair comp. "Agreed. Which Skee-Ball let's me win?" He joked.

They both went to the Skee-Ball ramps, Declan taking the ramp to Mindo's right. Mindo grinned. "The only way to win this game is if you've got the balls... we'll both have six. One round only. Loser gets sprayed with the hose. You in?"

Declan reflexed his back shoulders, generally loosening up. He grasped his large hands together, and without thinking, cracked his knuckles, loosening them.

Eyeing the ramp, and taking a ball to get the feel of the weighted polished masonite ball.

“Let’s see what you got, Mindo.” Roderick was a sport since he hadn’t had probably as nearly much time as Mindo on the games he had at his establishment.

Ten minutes went by, the game progressed. They did each roll back and forth, with Mindo rolling the first ball and Declan rolling the next, and so on.

The final score: 250 to 250.

Mindo and Declan turned to look at each other. Mindo shrugged. "I guess we both win."

"Or lose," Terrekal said from behind the bar, right before he turned on the hose and sprayed them both!

Declan shocked in the sudden shower of room temperature water at him, stood in front of Mindo, blocking the water from splashing his new friend. He did this without knowing, as he was taller and blocked Mindo's flinch in time. Hands at his face, his body was drenched in full. Trying to breath from the shock, he spit out water.

He burst out into laughter.

Mindo had gotten wet, despite Declan's heroic last second act. But he was laughing too. "Computer!" he said. "Dry program." There was a warm sensation that washed over their bodies as the computer removed all excess water on the holodeck.

Mindo brushed himself off. "I have this holodeck on permanent loan, with the program always on and open. So anyone can come in and use it any time they like. Only myself and Raven are authorized to use computer commands. Have you met Raven yet?"

Checking his arms, and shirt was now dry. Declan turned to Mindo. "No I havn't." He was always interested in meeting new people. "The name sounds bad ass!" He remarked.

"She's one of a kind," Mindo said with a grin. "So where do you come from, Rod?"

"I was born on new mars colony, however I grew up on Earth in my parents home in Toronto, Canada." He replied. "That is why I enjoy hockey as much, it's in my blood." He took a seat now back at the bar. Asking for a rum and coke this time he realized why he was there, spending time to forget things back on Hesoid. "I was on Hesoid when it all came crashing down. You all have been so welcoming to me... I feel I owe a debt of enormous gratitude, and I will repay it." He stated matter of factly.

"One of my Engineers, Greep, is from a planet called Torontoa," Mindo said. "His race is known in the Federation as Ontarions. Since their real name is unpronounceable by other races, the Captain who made first contact named them after his home province. Greep is the only Ontarion in Starfleet."

Roderick was laughing. "That's uncanny. My home Province was Ontario as well." It was a long lasting name of a once old descriptive industrial heartland of North America, circa the 2000s. The name had lasted centuries past, like most pre-Federation Earth, states.

"Well..." Declan had stated. "Mindo, Lieutenant, Sir." He extended his hand and shook it. "I'd best get back... I think if I can find myself that way." He rubbed at his now once again dry crew cut hair. "We definitely have to meet up sometime soon."

"Of course," Mindo replied, shaking Declan's hand. "Welcome to the Pandora!"

Declan nodded. He was thoroughly satisfied. Mindo's bar had solidified the Officer's reputation as a free spirit and a cool dude to get to know. This was what other officers had told him. They were certainly correct. Walking out, he caught his attention on a few of the flashing lights and games, as he then exited onto the Pandora's promenade area.



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