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Ramblin' Man

Posted on Sun Nov 29th, 2020 @ 8:42am by Captain Nycolas Temple & Admiral Gordon Francis & Commander Leta Rothgan PhD.

Mission: The Gauntlet
Location: Brig


With the Pandora about to leave the Hesiod Region, Nyx knew there was a difficult conversation to be had. Since his discovery and arrest on Hesiod Green, the disgraced Admiral Thac had been stewing in the Pandora's Brig. The confessions he had made to Lieutenant Commander Griffin and Commander Rothgan while on the planet, after revealing he had been posing as Admiral Francis to continue his litany of fraudulent activities, was already enough to see Thac locked up in a Federation Prison for the rest of his life. But there were questions still to be answered about how the Pithos facility was built, who else was involved in its planning and execution, how much of a role did Fleet Admiral Vincent play in the scheme, and how deep was the corruption within Starfleet? Nyx didn't expect to get answers to all of these questions from Thac, but he hoped the former Admiral would show at least some sense of cooperation.

The turbo lift doors parted and Nyx approached the party waiting outside of the Brig. He had chosen to invite Admiral Francis to the meeting, as well as Pithos' Executive Officer, Commander Rothgan.

"Good evening, everyone," The Captain bowed his head as he approached.

"Good evening, Captain," Rothgan replied.

Admiral Francis' face was quite serious as he gave Temple a quiet nod.

"Our guest has been rather quiet these past few weeks." Temple explained, jerking his head slightly to the doorway that lead to the cells. "I suspect that he doesn't know Fleet Admiral Vincent has been arrested. But I'm hopeful that seeing his entire establishment crumble before his eyes will make him somewhat talkative."

"We'll see," said Rothgan. "Admiral Francis and I have been going through the data collected by Lieutenant Roderick from Pithos."

"Unfortunately it's incomplete," Francis said with that loud, commanding voice. "We think there's enough there to ice Thac, but I'm not sure about Admiral Vincent. He was careful with his communiques to Thac. It remains to be seen who gets thrown under the wagon for this one. I'd like 'em both to rot."

"I've been reading up on the scientific side of the data, trying to find when and where some of the basis for their experiments started," Nyx added, "You're right, though. It doesn't give us a full picture of who was calling the shots. Of course, that information could have already been deliberately removed already."

"Shall we?" Nyx nodded towards the doorway.

The group entered into the Brig; there were four additional officers on watch in this instance. Two stood by Thac's cell and two by the doorway. The prisoner was on constant surveillance. The Security team checked everyone's clearance and identify before they could even step towards the cells. Biological data was matched with voice recognition; eyes and thumb prints were scrutinised; full body scans complete. They were taking no chances - and no one, not even the Captain or the Admiral - was given a pass through without a full examination and determination of their identity.

Afterward, the Admiral remarked, "I get why we do that, but it's always a pain in the nuts."

"Indeed," Temple agreed stiffly, as he tied up his hair again. The inspection had been thorough.

The group moved towards the cells, where the former Admiral Thac was lying down on his bench, staring up at the ceiling. He seemed serene and calm, having either accepted his fate or choosing to deny it.

"A party, is it?" Thac asked without turning his head. "How thoughtful of you all. Forgive me if I didn't bring anything, I've been... pre-occupied."

Temple nodded, "We've come to ask you some questions."

"How boring." Thac replied nonchalantly.

Rothgan, mostly quiet until now, scoffed, "Spare us the smugness, you jack-ass. A few days ago you were begging for your life as the entire facility was crashing down on us. You looked like you'd piss yourself."

Admiral Francis said nothing, but put a gentle hand on the Commander's shoulder. Her demeanor eased up and she took a small breath before saying, "My apologies, Admiral, Captain. For six months I was killing a whole planet under his orders. I put my career, my very life, on the line sending the distress call and he sits around his cell and taunts us."

Francis patted her shoulder. "He did a number on me too, Commander, leaving me on Delavi with nothing but the uniform on my back. If it weren't for that shady bartender, I'd have been eaten alive." Francis was, of course, referring to the Broot named Qaraq, who was instrumental in keeping Francis alive long enough for Commander Nash and Mauricio to find him. "I spent six months on that pigsty of a world while Thac impersonated me. Admiral," Francis addressed Thac now. "You nearly killed an entire civilization, with her orders and my name! I'd like to know, for what purpose did you raise this ballyhoo? And who all's behind it?"

Thac kicked his legs off the bench and sat upright. With considered steps, he moved towards the force field between himself and the inquisition team. He paused then gave a shrug. "I was just following orders." He looked to Rothgan, "Now I don't recall begging for my life at all, Commander. I don't recall much of anything I apparently said there or immediately after, and you all certainly don't have anything that would be admissible in court, do you? Second-hand nonsense spoken in distress during a chaotic event? Hardly evidential."

Thac held up his hand, "Like I said, I was just following orders."

"So was I," Rothgan replied. "But at least I had the guts to do the right thing."

Admiral Francis stepped forward. "I don't buy that 'following orders' excuse," he said. "Either someone had something on you, or you stood to gain something..." He turned to Nyx. "Captain? What are your thoughts?"

"He's lying." Temple said flatly. "But I don't know what he hopes to achieve."

"Still bitter that I beat you out for Task Force command, Francis?" Thac threw a churlish grin at the older man. "The fact is, none of you have any idea what it takes to keep the Federation protected these days. Starfleet isn't about exploration and discovery any more. It's making hard decision to protect trillions of lives. I don't have guts to do the right thing? You wouldn't know what the 'right thing' really is."

"So enlighten us, Admiral," Francis replied. "What's the deal here? And why are we so incredibly misinformed?"

Thac felt he was being baited but he demurred a smile nonetheless. "It's about power. Always has been, always will be."

"Whose power?" asked Francis. "Yours?"

Rothgan shook her head. "He has no power," she said.

"Well, that's obvious," Francis replied. "What do you want, Thac? Thumbscrews? Tell us what we need to know. It's over for you anyway. You have nothing to lose anymore. In fact, you stand a better chance of helping yourself by helping us!"

At this, the former Admiral laughed. It was soft at first, barely a chuckle, until it rose and rose into a full-on roar.

Temple just shook his head, "He's taking the piss. This is pointless."

"No, no, thank you. I haven't laughed like that in months." Thac replied, wiping his eyes. "Do you honestly thing that I'm the one in trouble here? I'm going to be fine; it's you guys who should be worried. I thought you'd come here to ask me for help! But clearly you haven't caught on yet."

"I'm tired of being an audience for this performance, Thac." Temple growled, stepping towards the cell. "Tell us something useful or we leave and you can just ramble on to yourself."

Thac noticeably rolled his eyes, and sighed. "The Federation is going to do nothing about Pithos or the Hesians. Why? Because they were savages, barely a few rungs above cavemen. They had ruined their planet long before we arrived. So, a necessary sacrifice in the face of overwhelming possibility of... power." He shrugged, "The Pandora put a stop to the one project that would help deliver us that power. All we had to do was drive a wedge through the Alrakis Pact and allow the Expanse to delve back into uncontrolled self-governance. All the while keeping the Federation protected and placing us in the position to step in and bring order to the chaos. That was a win-win, baby."

"'...and he is us,'" Rothgan murmured. She appeared to be lost in thought.

"What was that?" asked Francis.

"It's an old quote," she said. "A misquote actually, from the War of 1812. 'We have met the enemy and they are ours.' Someone a long while later would misquote that to be, 'We have met the enemy, and he is us.' The Alrakis Pact now has every reason to declare war on the Federation. And they'll start with the Pandora."

"Destroying the Pandora could be construed as an act of war," Francis said, and everything dawned on him. "The people running this shin-dig must have known that. Thac wasn't getting the results needed for the new weapon, so Starfleet switched plans. The Pact will know the truth, but Starfleet can easily cover it up for the public back home. Pithos was entirely off the books. Most of Starfleet doesn't even know of its existence. Thac's right! If we don't make it back to Federation space in one piece, with the evidence we have, this whole thing boils over and there starts an intergalactic war!"

"And we'll go down as heroes," said Rothgan. She looked over at Thac again. "Isn't that right?"

"Well, you're glossing over an important detail but there's still time for that later." Thac smiled with a shrug. "But you are right. Every enemy of the Federation. Every one you have aggrieved. Every opportunist in the Expanse. They'll all be coming for you, Pandora. Now do you see why you need my help?"

Nyx seethed as he watched the gloating from Thac's twisted smirk. If it weren't for the Admiral and others being present, he would have dropped the shield and dispensed of this traitor in cold blood. Shaking his head, Nyx instead tried to focus, turning to Francis, "I will not be a pawn for his pathetic little games! We will make it back to Earth and expose this wannabe Machiavelli to the Federation."

"You will try." Thac replied jovially. "But do come back when you're ready to beg for your lives."

"I will never beg to you," Rothgan said, practically spitting the words.

"You won't have to," Admiral Francis assured her. "Captain Temple and his crew have more experience in the Expanse than any other ship." He turned to Temple. "Captain, I would like to stay aboard the Pandora while we head home. I feel partially responsible for this mess and I want to see it through to the end, no matter how bitter it may be." He eyed Thac again. "And I want to be here when we look this battered swine in the face and inform him he lost."

"Absolutely," Temple replied tersely. "I think I've heard enough for one day." He had turned on his heel and started to depart before waiting for a response.

"I'll be waiting!" Came Thac's sing-song voice from his cell.

Temple exited the room with Admiral Francis and Commander Rothgan, and as soon as they were out into the corridor again, he let out a very deep, long-held breath. Nyx shook his head in disbelief.

"He is trying so very hard to manipulate us." Temple stated through gritted teeth. "Which is good, actually. I want him to keep thinking that we're believing whatever bull dust he's throwing at us."

Admiral Francis scratched his chin. "He said we were missing an important detail... I wonder what it was."

"Who can tell?" Rothgan remarked. "Frankly, this whole premise of his is too far fetched."

"Don't be so sure," Francis said. "Since I've returned I have read several of the intelligence reports from the last six months. Starfleet is heavily focused on the Expanse. However, in the reports I've been authorized to see there has been no mention of Pithos or Hesiod Green. The encounter with the Talarians on Hediod Blue has been documented, and the reports show the Pandora orbiting Blue at the time. The fight with the Talarians would be a good starting point for this outrageous 'plan' from Thac and his superiors. Still, it's a little early to read much into the whole scheme."

"I'll find out more when I speak to Admiral Milne soon." Nyx replied with a nod, "She wanted to get in touch before we leave the region. Admiral, would you like to step on the call as well?"

"I'd be delighted, Captain," said Francis.

"Very well, I'll be submitting my report from this conversation with Thac and trying to get in touch." Temple stated, "Thank you both for being here today. If I were alone I think I might have smacked him one. I still might. Anyway, let's hope he's just as full of shit as he seems."

With that, the team departed on their way. In the cells, Thac resumed his position on his bunk, lying back and staring at the ceiling. There was a faint smirk dancing upon his lips.



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