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Unfinished - Part One

Posted on Sat May 11th, 2024 @ 4:06pm by Captain Nycolas Temple

Mission: The Only Thing Left Was Hope
Location: Earth - Paris


Shuttles flew through the Parisian skies as the sun gently beamed down onto the busy streets; people walking through on their way to their jobs, a lunch date, their families, to nowhere in particular. Glass skyscrapers loomed large above them, but the city still had that uniquely Paris charm. Flowerboxes in the windowsills, wrought iron garden fences, old historical sandstone bricks, a few cobbled streets left from a different time. There was the smell of coffee, of warmly cooked meals, of the wafting air from a late autumn breeze.

Down the end of a street, tucked away far from the hustle and bustle of the Champs-Elysées, there was a small coffee house that specialized in unique roasts of intergalactic and Earth-born beans. In the corner of this particular cafe, sat two brothers, laughing like old times.

"So I said to the Ambassador," Magnus Temple was beaming, "I'm sorry, but that's not your coat. And boy let me tell you, the look on his face would have started another galactic war!"

Nycolas Temple let out a boisterous laugh, "No!"

"I swear! He was ready to call off the negotiations then and there." Magnus giggled, "What was I supposed to do? Let him continue wearing the tablecloth?!"

The brothers laughed together, filling the small cafe with their joyous voices. The barista nearby gave a smirk and shook his head. He was used to the Temples as regular customers now. For months Nyx had been holding weekly catch ups with Magnus at this little cafe near the Palais de la Concorde, where Magnus worked in the Federation's Department of the Exterior's office. Of course, that was when Magnus wasn't off on some diplomatic mission somewhere else.

For Nyx, he had no mission. He remained in limbo. The Pandora was shutdown, supposedly still under repairs, the crew were on extended shore leave or completing individual assignments sent by Starfleet. Everyone was scattered here and there. The Bridge of the Pandora was beginning to seem like a memory now.

The only time Nyx thought about his role in Starfleet is when he was catching up with Magnus. It filled him with joy, but also sometimes sadness. There was an inflection of pain in his laugh still. Magnus took a deep sip of his coffee as he looked at his brother, eyes searching his face for a moment. He had begun to notice this loneliness and longing in his brother's voice, knowing that Nyx was missing his crew and his ship. Rarely had he tried to broach the subject with Nyx, but today he was feeling bold.

"You miss it?" Magnus asked carefully.

Nyx's face fell for a moment, but he covered it by drinking from his coffee deliberately slow. "It's not my choice to miss it." He replied.

"Of course it is." Magnus said calmly, "She's your ship. Your crew. Your other family."

Nyx frowned at that, he sighed, "What's left of it. Some have moved on already, found new ships and families. I... I've been thinking of taking an early retirement."

"Oh?" Magnus raised an eyebrow, "And do what?"

"Teach at the Academy? Spend time with my actual family." Nyx suggested, "Actually have time for them, and you."

"And our mother?" Magnus smirked, "You know if you stay on Earth, she will find you eventually and make you her newest project."

Nyx raised his hand to his forehead, realizing Magnus was right. Their mother would have an endless list of suggestions for jobs, activities, things he could improve. She would make it her mission to "fix" him, and his children.

"Ohh no." Nyx breathed out, "Well, maybe not the Academy. Maybe somewhere else? Like... the Gamma quadrant?"

Magnus laughed, "I don't think that's far enough away."

"I'm doomed." Nyx added with a shake of his head.

"So no more?" Magnus asked after a pause. "You're done?"

Nyx could only give a nonchalant shrug, "Maybe."

Just then there was a beeping of his PADD. Nyx retrieved it from his pocket and tapped a few buttons.

"Oh Emilie is finished at the museum." Nyx announced, looking to his brother. He then frowned, "And it sounds like the kids didn't enjoy it as much as she hoped."

"Oh? What happened?" Magnus leaned forward and peered at the message.

"Not sure but her wording is... strained." Nyx replied. Years of marriage had taught him an astute awareness of Emilie's word choices and their intention. He knew when she'd had enough of dealing with the kids by herself. "I best go rescue her."

Magnus looked at the time and nodded, "I have a debrief in half an hour anyway. I better get back to the Palais."

The two brothers stood and moved away from the table, then embraced in a hug.

With his head on Nyx's shoulder, Magnus said gently, "I just hope you're okay."

Nyx pulled back and put on a brave smile. "I am. Now go, stop the galactic war over tablecloths."

Magnus smiled and said his farewells, thanked the barista and departed.

Nyx finished his coffee as he received another beep from his PADD. Another message from Emilie, this one more directly requesting his presence.

"I'm coming!" Nyx hurriedly replied into the PADDs message box.

He exited the cafe into the street, as he struggled to place the PADD back in his pocket and pull his coat back over his shoulders.

"Temple..." Came a voice.

The end of the small alley was bathed in shadows, hidden from the world. But there was unmistakably a figure there. It was young, male, somewhat familiar.

Nyx's hand felt for his hip, where his trusty phaser would usually be waiting. Usually. He wasn't on duty now, there was nothing there.

"I mean no harm." The voice spoke again. "I'm here to correct your path."

"My path?" Nyx frowned, staring into the shadows, trying to see who it was.

"You.... And the Pandora." The voice replied. "This isn't where your story ends. You have more to do."

Nyx sighed and rolled his eyes, "31? Really?! You've really reduced yourselves down to stalking me and talking in shadows like some kind of cartoon villain?"

The voice laughed. "Not Section 31. They are still watching you, of course. But you proved to be an unreliable asset. By this time, they will have moved on to other projects."

"Then who are you?" Nyx demanded, taking a step forward.

"You have unfinished business, Temple." The voice said firmly. "It's time to go back to the Pandora."

Without waiting another second, Nyx lunged forwards, trying to grab hold of the shadowy figure. "WHO?"

With a quick flash of light, they were gone and Nyx found himself grabbing nothing but air as he fell to the ground.

After a few moments he raised himself up again, as he patted himself down. He felt something crunched in his pocket and realized he had broken his PADD. The screen was splintered and parts - very important parts - came apart in his hand.

"Damn it." Nyx sighed. He looked around the shadowy alley again, shaking his head. "Unfinished business." He scoffed.



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