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Something beckons

Posted on Mon May 13th, 2024 @ 6:41pm by Lieutenant Krysia Kaleri-Smith

Mission: The Only Thing Left Was Hope
Location: Drax Prime
Timeline: Current

“Krysia Kaleri! How many times do I need to call your name to get a response!?”

Krysia’s mother stood in the doorway of Krysia’s room dressed in her ambassadorial robes.

“It’s Kaleri-Smith mother! How many more times do I have to tell you!?”

Krysia stood beside her packed case. She’d spent the last couple of months on reassignment to her home-world, her children were with her, but Starfleet had flat refused the request to have James assigned as well. They’d spent as much time as they could keeping in touch over subspace, but she couldn’t wait to get back to him again.

With Drax applying for admittance to the Federation her position in Starfleet had become more of a curse than a blessing. She’d become the go to person in every matter to do with Drax, including dealing with her mother, who was the Drax Ambassador assigned to the Federation.

“I don’t see what you see in these Humans Krysia.” Her mother stood looking at her.

“Says she who had an affair with a Starfleet Captain, which then resulted in my birth!” Krysia gave her mother a wry look. “Don’t forget I’m half human, and I have a human father and brother as well as husband. He’ll both your grandchildren are two thirds human!”

“You’re right” her mother nodded. “Right now your genetics are a blessing, especially in these talks with the Federation. Just don’t expect the council of elders to maintain that once Drax is a member, they don’t believe that a polluted gene pool is good for Drax.

“And don’t I know it!” Krysia sighed. “They’ve always treated me with contempt mother and you know it! They didn’t believe I’d ever develop my abilities, but I did. I’ve proven them wrong in so many things, maybe one day they’ll come round but I can’t see it happening anytime soon!”

Her mother nodded. “The council are waiting for us, this final round of talks is important and I need you there.”

“Very well, but once these talks are over I have to get going. I promised James I’d be on time for my transport to Risa, it’s the first holiday, and the only time we’ve had together in months, I’m not missing it!”

< Several long, arduous hours later >

Krysia rubbed the bridge of her nose as she headed to get her two adorable twins from nursery. She hadn’t realised just how boring talks could be, but then the elders of Drax were purposely making things awkward. As much as they wanted to join the Federation, they were being purposely cagey with answering questions regarding their membership.

“You must return....”

A voice behind her made her pause and turn around.

“Hello? Is there someone there?”

“Go back...finish what must be ended.”

Krysia frowned. “I don’t understand. Finish what?”

“Go back Krysia...return to where you belong...Home.”

“Home...” Krysia knew in her heart where home truly was for her. Where she’d first met Owen, and where she’d met, fallen in love and married James. She had to go home, go back...

“The Pandora...”



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