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Risa to the Occasion

Posted on Mon May 13th, 2024 @ 9:46pm by Lieutenant Commander Mindo

Mission: The Only Thing Left Was Hope
Location: Risa, Southern Continent
Timeline: Current


"Oh, Mindo, I never knew I could be this happy," said Ensign Harriet Dubois. Her ship had just arrived to pick her and her friends up from their all-too-short vacation on Risa.

Mindo had spent the last five days with her while she and a few others enjoyed shore leave. Mindo liked her and took to her immediately. For a few days he had tagged along with Harriet and her fellow officers having lots of fun in the sun. At first, Harriet was very shy and had trouble relaxing. By the third day she was a different person. She was laughing and joking and dancing. She became more spontaneous as well, living in the moment. This was what one did on Risa, the paradise planet and the Alpha Quadrant's most popular vacation spot. It was Mindo's favorite thing, to watch someone let go and be someone else.

Mindo smiled, hovering in the air at her height, and kissed her. His hand moved behind her head and cradled her neck. His touch was soft and careful. When his fingers lightly brushed the tender spot behind her ear, her lips, and other parts, thrust themselves against the Fesarian with great passion. It was a goodbye kiss Mindo knew the young Ensign would never forget.

They parted their embrace, and Mindo readied himself for what always came next.

"Come live with me on the Fitzgerald," said Ensign Dubois. "I want to stay in this moment forever. I'm in love with you."

Mindo shook his head somberly. "I'm sorry. I can't," he said. "I can't do starship life anymore. It's just not me. And you, this place isn't you. And I'm not even you. What we've shared the last few days has been very special. You're truly an individual. If nothing else, take that with you back to your ship."

"I can't just leave and forget all of this," she said, taking in a breath trying to contain herself. Tears started down her cheeks. This was the hardest part for Mindo.

"Yes, you can," said Mindo. He took her hand. "You came here because you needed to forget. Now it's time to leave and remember."

The young woman nodded, and Mindo could see the change in her face when she looked back up. She did remember. She remembered she was Ensign Harriet Dubois, an Engineering officer on the USS Fitzgerald. She remembered her friends, her life... her job.

She smiled and wiped her tears. "Thank you Mindo," she said, and stepped back. In a moment, she had faded in a blue light and returned home.

Mindo smiled, allowing himself one more moment to remember her. "You're welcome."

After the incidents in the Hesiod system and yet another dismissed court martial, the young Fesarian had left Starfleet. It was a difficult decision, but with the decommissioning of his former home, the USS Pandora, being a Starfleet officer just didn't seem right anymore. Raven, his good friend and former employee in the barcade he had managed on the Pandora had given him some connections on Risa. Given his penchant for promiscuity and a love of passion and pleasure, he had taken to the job very quickly and easily.

He felt mostly happy in the part... mostly. Since leaving Starfleet, the only person he'd had any kind of communication with was Raven, who had gone with Ignatius to Earth where Ignatius hoped to launch a new fashion line. Mindo liked Ignatius and saw his skill in fashion as a gift. As for Raven, she had finally made the full transition into womanhood, and grew even more stunning every day. The two had stayed in touch, but as Ignatius' line came closer to fruition they had not communicated as much. Just as well, thought Mindo. He was busy too, helping people be happy on their vacation. He wondered, do the employees on Risa ever get a vacation?

Thirty minutes later, Mindo sat having lunch in a nearby bar, waiting for the next person to fall in love with him.



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