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Something Strange is going on……..

Posted on Tue May 14th, 2024 @ 2:10pm by Lieutenant Commander James Smith

Mission: The Only Thing Left Was Hope
Location: Star fleet Academy—Earth

James looked across the grounds of Starfleet Academy and smiled. He had been stationed here since the Pandora had been in dry dock, and he had been a teacher and guest lecturer during that time. Krys, the twins and he had been sent to separate assignments with the twins going with her. It was hard to be away from them for so long, but he was enjoying his upcoming trip to Risa to join her. James walked across the greens and headed toward where his office was. Classes had ended and exams were well underway, however, he still had some paperwork that needed to be finished and a few more assignments that needed to be graded. Teaching a whole new recruits about intelligence was exhausting and he was looking forward to some R&R. As James approached the building where his office was he thought he caught a glimpse of someone following him, quickly he turned around only to find no one there. As James approached the building one of the security officers saw that he was uneasy as said.

“Everything all right sir”, James smiled sheepishly as said, “Not sure I thought someone was following m but I guess I'm mistaken.” Laughing the security officer said, “It's ok sir, with exams almost over its getting quite here.” James nodded and headed inside.

James headed to his office and sat down at his desk and looked at the picture he had of his family. With Krys on Dax and he being on Earth things hadn't been the same, and he was missing his family and his extended family in the Pandora. James was deep in though when the lights started to dim and a shadowy figure appeared out of the corner of his eyes.

Reaching for a phaser the shadowy figure said, “You are lost James, time to return home.” James stood up and stared at the figure before him. “What do you mean I am lost?” The figure replied, “The Pandora is waiting you, find her and follow your path.” James was a little confused and asked, “The Pandora should be in space dock, whatneo you mean find the Pandora? The shadowy figure started to disappear and said, “All will be revealed at the correct time, return home and join the others and continue your story.” with that Mames was alone. Looking down at his desk he knew it was time to leave.

Hitting his comm badge he said, =/\=Space dock prepare my shuttle for immediate departure to Risa, my plans have been moved up =/\=, the reply was instantly acknowledged as he grabbed his go bag and headed out the door. What ever was going on he needed to get to Risa to see his wife and find out what was going on.



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