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Unfinished - Part Two

Posted on Tue May 14th, 2024 @ 3:53pm by Captain Nycolas Temple & Emilie Temple

Mission: The Only Thing Left Was Hope
Location: Earth - Copenhagen, Denmark
Timeline: Night


Leaning on the iron fence that crossed their open window, each holding a mostly empty glass of wine, Nyx and Emilie gazed out at the evening lights together. They lived on the canal in an historically recreated house in the Sydhavn district of Copenhagen. Soft lanterns swayed gently on the many boats moored in the river, as rows of peaked roofs on colorful buildings stretched around the corner. There were a few voices carried by the breeze, but this part of Copenhagen was a quiet, civilian district without the hustle and bustle of the city itself.

Nyx had taken charge of the kids all afternoon, managing to shake them from their museum-induced fatigue through various games and activities. Kat - as she now liked to be called, now aged 7 - had chosen dinner for herself, Nyx, and William. In the name of peace and quiet, Nyx had agreed to her wishes. Emilie had enjoyed the afternoon to herself, able to experience the museum without the bored kids in tow. Now the family were back in their residence after a short shuttle journey from Paris to Copenhagen, and the kids were thankfully in bed asleep.

Nyx had just finished telling Emilie about his strange encounter outside of the Parisian Cafe.

"No idea who it was then?" Emilie asked, leaning her head on the windowpane.

"A prank? A stalker?" Nyx suggested without expecting an answer, "Someone who knew exactly where I would be..."

"That worries me, Nyx," Emilie said, wrapping an arm around herself. "You should tell Starfleet Security."

Nyx leaned over and held his wife gently, "I will. Tomorrow."

Emilie felt some comfort from that. She knew Nyx could likely handle himself but a surprise visit from an unseen figure in the darkness made her uneasy. If it had been someone with ill-intentions, Nyx could have - No, she wouldn't finish that thought. Sensing her unease, Nyx squeezed her tighter.

"I'm fine." He whispered.

Emilie nodded and sighed, though the story still circled within her mind. After a moment, and taking a final sip from her wine, she frowned, "Why the Pandora?" She asked.

"Hmm?" Nyx titled his head at the question.

"I mean, why say you needed to return to the Pandora specifically?" Emilie asked, "Why not just say you need to go back to Starfleet?"

Nyx nodded, "I... don't know."

"And surely they know the Pandora's in dock for service." Emilie continued, "You can't just pop on over and take her out for a spin."

Nyx laughed, "Imagine that. 'Sorry Luna Shipyards, a stranger in an alley told me I gotta fly her again, I'll just be leaving now!' Can you imagine?"

Emilie giggled too. "They'll have you locked up before you can reach the Bridge."

"Yeah." Nyx smiled, "Maybe I can find out if someone has tried to access the ship in dock? Whoever it was can hide in the alley, but they can't hide on a Starfleet station."

Emilie leaned into her husband and kissed his cheek, "Okay, just don't be too long."


Nyx sat down at the console in his office, the screen the only illumination in the room. The Starfleet insignia burned brightly in view, with a "Connecting" message. Finally, the screen switched to the Luna Shipyards Dock control room.

"Luna." Came the relaxed voice of Ensign Albenese, who spoke with a strong Australian accent. "What can I do you for?"

"Hello, my name is Captain Nycolas Temple of the USS Pandora." Nyx replied with confidence, even if that was technically no longer true. He pushed his credentials through the subspace message. "I have Delta clearance on the Pandora refit and I was wanting some information on visitation to the ship."

"Visitation?" Albenese raised an eyebrow, "We don't do tours here, mate."

"Exactly my inquiry, Ensign." Nyx smiled, "I want to know if anyone not related to the service crew has tried to access or visit the ship."

The Ensign tapped at his console and eyes scrolled through a list just out of view from Nyx. After a moment he shrugged, "Not while she was here no."

"Thank you." Nyx nodded. "I was... Wait, what do you mean 'while she was here'?"

"Well she ain't here no more." Albenese looked back at Nyx, "We had orders to transfer the Pandora to Utopia three months ago. She left us."

"Why?" Nyx pressed, feeling a deep sense of dread growing.

The Ensign returned to his side screen and then blinked. "Classified."

"But my clearance?" Nyx insisted.

"Ain't clear enough, I'm afraid." Albenese shrugged, "Nor is mine apparently. Maybe see if the Martians know? Probably don't, but if wishes were horses, you know?"

With a deterred frown, Nyx sighed. "I will. So who ordered the transfer?"

Albenese looked to his side screen then back again. "Guess."

"Classified?" Nyx suggested.

"Bingo." Albenese finger-gunned at the screen.

Having said his goodbyes to the Ensign, Nyx was now waiting to connect with Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards in orbit of Mars.

"Greetings, this is Utopia." Came the gentle voice of a Trill Lieutenant Vessun.

"Captain Temple of the USS Pandora," Nyx introduced himself again, "I believe you have my ship?"

Vessun looked perplexed. "You believe?"

"Yes, she was transferred from Luna shipyards three months ago." Nyx said diligently, "Special orders. I'm afraid I can't disclose the reason."

Vessun tilted her head, "What is your enquiry exactly, Captain?" She was clearly starting to research Nyx on her screen.

"I was concerned about security of the vessel." Nyx lied. "My prerogative as her captain, I guess, being extra cautious. I want to ensure she is receiving high priority protection given the classified nature of her service."

At this, Vessun immediately shut down the communication. Nyx stared at the blank screen for a moment, before re-connecting the call.

"Utopia Fleet Yards." Vessun answered again. "Oh, it's you."

"Yes," Nyx tried not to sound too annoyed, "What happened?"

"Captain Temple." Vessun replied firmly. "I am unable to ascertain your assignment but if you were indeed Captain of the Pandora, you would know that she was not in dock at Utopia Planitia."

Nyx was stunned by this. "She's not? But she was ordered to transfer there from Luna three months ago. They just confirmed it."

"Then you'll have to speak to that lazy Ensign at Luna again," Vessun huffed, "Because the Pandora was scheduled to transfer here but had to turn back due to impulse engine issues. She returned to Luna shipyards."

"But they've just told me she's not there." Nyx insisted.

Vessun was undoubtedly annoyed and done with this conversation. "Tell them to look again! And I shall be making a report on their inept inability to locate one of their ships!"

The screen went blank again, leaving Nyx in darkness. His instinct was to distrust, to question, to enquire further. But there was something in his stomach - that dread which he had ignored but now seemed to be more of a realization dawning upon him. He knew the shipyards wouldn't just misplace a ship. He knew the Pandora didn't just have engine troubles and turn back. He knew there was reason for the confusion.

In the dark, Nyx whispered, "Where is she?"



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