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Shadows of Urgent Reunions

Posted on Mon Sep 23rd, 2024 @ 2:10pm by Lieutenant Commander Caradan Eunidas & Commander Mindo

Mission: The Only Thing Left Was Hope
Location: Destiny Bar, Arcade Level
Timeline: during "Urgent Reunions"


Mindo stepped through the portal in Destiny, believing he was leaving behind his past anguish with Starfleet. He cursed when he materialised in the arcade level. Who or what ever was running this place? When could he leave and go back to his work as a companion? As Mindo looked around, he heard someone else appear. He stepped aside and turned to see the person behind him, wondering who, if anyone, had followed him.

The area lit up as photons started swirling and clashing. Particles started forming and taking shape. First Mindo suspected the strange dark figure but that suspicion quickly faded. Certainly this was someone trying to talk him into staying. The form took on a humanoid shape, of mid-range height for a human. Whoever it was, they were wearing dark colored clothing. Still, this did not appear to be the style of the stranger that had been harassing Pandora's crew as of late. The form finalized and resulted in a familiar looking Changeling as the teleportation process ended.

What appeared to be Caradan looked at him. There seemed to have been a strong sense of sorrow behind those eyes. She fiddled with her hands, ensuring her gloves were fitted nicely. "Mindo," the Changeling said, using Caradan's voice.

Shocked, Mindo tried to step back, but lost his footing and collapsed onto the ground. Suddenly, things were clear to Mindo. The dream, the mysterious person--or possibly people--bringing everyone together... it was a Changeling plot. So many years of cautious civility, but now they were back to destroy the Federation and it was all starting with the Pandora.

No, Mindo thought. That doesn't make sense.

Still, the mystery person had appeared as Caradan before. It was clear he was doing it again. Mindo wasn't going to fall for it this time, but now he couldn't help but be curious as to the being's scheme and Mindo's part in it. Mindo was the only Pandora crew member who had moved to Risa, so why bring the whole crew here?

He looked upward into the eyes of the being he believed was disguised as his former lover. He still laid on the floor, scared and unable to move. Fear was not a common feeling for Mindo, but this was paralyzing.

"I know you're not Cara," Mindo said. "You didn't fool me the first time. So stop the act. What do you want with the crew of the Pandora?"

Caradan nodded her understanding of the situation. She knelt down, pulled on her al-amira to straighten what was already straight. She did not close the gap any between her and Mindo. Understanding that he was paralyzed out of some form of fright. Perhaps he had an altercation with another Changeling. But she did not want to worsen the situation any. Caradan sought a way to assure him that it was Caradan that was before him now.

"Years ago, aboard the Tornado, after I had been First Officer, and after I had recommended you to be made Chief Engineer over Keselowski, and during our last meeting in the Engineering Office, I mention that I would miss you, miss working with you. Later, after some drama regarding you and that admiral who is still at large I believe, I visited you in your quarters. I forget what I wanted to talk about exactly but I felt guilty for having a part in exposing your past. I was expecting you to be insanely furious. Instead, you reminded me of my words, about me missing you, and how that made you sad. Sad because confessed your love to me." Despite recalling this memory in particular, Caradan did not react all that much. She maintained her sorrowful expression, looked down and then back at Mindo. "We both, as you said, 'bared our souls' that day to each other. And...what I remember the most of that night wanted to introduce me to a movie. It was called Duck Soup."

A single tear trickled down Mindo's cheek, and Mindo was positive this was really happening. It was the moment he'd dreamed of since his abrupt departure of the Tornado. He managed to get back up without diverting his eyes from Caradan's.

He cleared his throat and wiped the tear. His posture and face showed a little more resolve, but his voice had a small quaver.

"Since my transfer to the Pandora," he said, "The fact that I never had an opportunity say goodbye tormented me so much that I never thought of what I'd say if I ever saw you again."

Mindo swallowed, trying to keep his composure. "And now that this is really happening, the only thing I can think to say is I'm sorry."

Though Caradan could feel a smile attempting to tug at the corners of her mouth, she resisted. "That is," she started, "exactly what I wanted to tell you. I know the last words we shared aboard the Tornado were not kind. I never intended them to be the last. Just...I also did not intend on so much time expanding in between. To that, I too am sorry." Caradan stood, adjusted her clothing, made sure her gloves fit snug, adjusted her al-amira. "I wanted to say that before not being able to again. I am," she motioned with her head behind her, "assigned to the Pandora as her Security Chief."

This caught Mindo by surprise, and immediately he began to rethink his position. But there was a lot to consider.

"That's... good," Mindo replied. He activated the rockets on his legs and hovered up to Caradan's height. "The Pandora is a good ship, with a good crew. Captain Temple is the finest Captain I've ever served with."

Caradan nodded as he spoke. She figured he would have questions; how she got into Security after Engineering; why she did not choose Command after she had captained the Tornado; just what all happened to her after the Tornado; what was the deal with her attire. None of that she wanted to get into at the moment. In fact, she had, long ago, decided to never get into it again. With a counselor...maybe.

Caradan looked over her shoulder then back at Mindo and pointed with her thumb over her shoulder and behind her. "I should get back to the meeting. Since I am assigned to the Pandora, I guess I will see the truth of your words. I just...wanted to apologize. You case I don't get the chance again for some years. I know you don't want anything to do with Starfleet. And I know all too well what you have been through." She was shaking her head. "You did not deserve that of course and Starfleet does not deserve you." Caradan took a breath into a set of lungs she did not even realize she had mimicked. "You look good, Mindo. Take care of yourself."

"Cara," Mindo called as she turned away. "The stranger... the one who's been leading us all here... he knows about you and me. About our past." He followed her to the teleporter. "I think I need to know what's going on here, before I walk away completely."

Caradan stopped and pondered his words. She had only told a few of her past and experiences as well as her relationship with Mindo. Other than that, just about anyone who was aboard the Tornado could have let that information out. "This stranger could only be using that information to bait you. If you are asking me if I know anything," she looked at him, "I do not. I don't know who this stranger is; if he is somehow related to the Tornado crew, or just someone who knows how to get and use information. I don't know what is going on." She started fidgeting with her hands. "Just a couple days ago, I was at the Academy waiting for transport to my mysterious assignment. O'Brien told me he found an intriguing assignment for me," she said as she thought back to their talk in Longyearbyen. "Even Temple told me this mission is somewhat off the books. And if this is as off the books as I suspect it is, then you may not have to return to Starfleet to return to the Pandora."

"Also," Caradan continued, "Captain Temple speaks highly of you. More than you may know. Given that, he may waive any Starfleet obligations if you were to join us. And," and she looked around to ensure no one was listening, "I am not supposed to tell anyone this, but he is not too sure if Commander Nash has it in him to take on this mission." She left it unspoken that they may need a first officer.

Mindo knew that returning to the Pandora as a civilian would be very different in terms of procedure. He wouldn't be able to rely on Mindo to keep the engines going, let alone carry out the responsibilities of an Executive Officer, if indeed that would be needed from Mindo.

The last three years on Risa had been incredible, and Mindo saw no good reason to ever go back to Starfleet, an organization that had exploited and humiliated him on countless occasions. But it had been different on the Pandora. Mindo had to admit, he had really loved being there. He also felt a strong sense of loyalty to Captain Temple. In many ways, Nyx was the father Mindo never had. Temple treated everyone with kindness and respect. He never once judged anyone harshly.

And that was it. He decided to give it a shot. Not for Starfleet, but for his Captain, and his friends. And if he did come back, he'd reenlist. Temple needed his Chief Engineer to be a full-fledged Starfleet officer, not some glorified civilian. There was still hesitation in Mindo's mind. That would be hard to shake. But he owed it to Temple and the crew to hear what Mystery Person had to say.

Mindo looked at Caradan and smiled. "Cara, why is it you always say the right thing? It's like you always know what I'm thinking."

Caradan recalled a time Mindo's charm and his words would make her smile. Now, she did not respond at all, save for a nod. Talking Mindo into staying was not what she had set out to do, only to apologize for her final words to him the last time they spoke. She was unsure of how the environment would unfold having him on board and back in her life to a degree. The thought did not make her uncomfortable, just unsure.

With that, she turned back in the direction of the secret meeting and set off with Mindo in tow.



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