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Interview with the Captain

Posted on Sun Jun 21st, 2020 @ 9:10am by Lieutenant Krysia Kaleri-Smith & Captain Tobias Rao
Edited on on Tue Jul 7th, 2020 @ 2:00pm

Mission: Into the Wild
Location: Captain's Ready Room, USS Palatine
Timeline: Current

A Mission Post by Lieutenant Krysia Kaleri & Captain Tobias Rao
Mission: Into The Wild
Location: Captain's Ready Room, USS Palatine
Timeline: Current
Sun Feb 18th, 2018 @ 3:29pm

As the Palatine sped towards making its rendezvous with the Pandora in Mendazian Space, Tobias had decided to take some time out from the Bridge to try and gather his thoughts. With the Ravagers closing on Nyx's vessel, Tobias had ordered all possible speed to get there and provide support for the primary Starfleet vessel in this engagement...

However, to try and distract himself from the pending storm they were approaching, he decided it was best to catch up on some paperwork. This included interviewing the new crew members headed for rotation on the Pandora and included was their new Chief Operations Officer, a certain Krysia Kaleri. Tobias had studied her career well, knowing that a successor to such a good officer as Owen Nash would need to be up to the adaptable task of serving under Nyx.

Ever since she'd arrived aboard the USS Palatine for her transfer to the Pandora Krysia had wondered exactly how she was going to tell Owen about their family connection, she'd already served with him twice before and she was certain he was going to find it peculiar that she was back aboard yet another ship he was serving on. It would certainly have to be timed right.

Tobias tapped his combadge as he felt suitably prepped to begin the Lieutenant's interview. =/\= Lieutenant Kaleri, would you report to the Captain's Ready Room please =/\=

=/\= On my way Captain =/\= she turned and headed out of her guest quarters and made for the turbolift, stepping inside she stated her destination and waited for the turbolift to whisk her there. Stepping out onto the bridge she walked over to the Captain's Ready Room, pressing the door chime. "Lieutenant Kaleri reporting as ordered Captain."

"Come in," Tobias called out as he looked up to see the bold young Lieutenant enter his office and stand to attention. For a moment, he was certain he almost recognised her, but just a fleeting moment.Standing up from behind his desk, Tobias gestured to a seat. "Please sit down," he indicated.

"Thank you Captain" she smiled as she took the seat in front of the Captain's desk. She was surprisingly nervous but her empathic senses put her mind at rest a little. "I've been doing a little studying on the Quantum slipstream drive, it's not something I've encountered before so I thought I'd learn while I was waiting."

Tobias nodded in approval as Kelari explained how she'd been occupying herself during the trip so far. "Yes, that Slipstream drive is quite a marvel," he explained. "Even for a Starfleet veteran such as myself, this new Vesta Class still manages to surprise me... I take it you paid attention to the finer details during your studies?" He asked.

"I did my best let's just say I enjoy learning new things" she grinned, "I'm always willing to learn and to help out wherever it's needed."

"Well, you've certainly got the Gold Standard to live up to when it comes to the Pandora & her Operations department... Owen Nash is certainly one of the best Operations Managers in the current fleet," Tobias explained to her.

"However, with Mr Nash now being the XO of the Pandora, it seems that Starfleet has applied someone of a similar trend to replace his former position... I see that you served on some of the same ships as he did..." Tobias remarked. He looked up from his PADD and once more got the feeling that he recognised this young officer.

"I did Sir" she nodded, "we've served together twice before, both times I was the junior operations officer now Starfleet has decided to make me the Chief. It's a little nerve wracking but I'll do my best to follow in Owen Nash's footsteps."

"Starfleet often rewards those who work the hardest and you certainly seemed to have done that so far Lieutenant, so congratulations on your new posting on the Pandora," Tobias said. "I notice that you served on the USS Phobos under Captain Mendoza... Thats both a tough ship and a fine ship to serve aboard..." he continued.

"Its also imperative that you understand the situation your moving into though Lieutenant... The Pandora is the lead ship in the Icconnu Expanse project and is often on the cusp of either first contact or combat, you'll need to have your wits about you," Tobias cautioned before getting that realisation again that he thought he recognised her.

"That's something I always have about me Sir" Krysia smiled, "as part of my heritage I'm both telepathic and empathic, I keep my senses alert at all times I find they help me to stay out of trouble, if all else fails then it's a case of using my wits to get me out of trouble."

Tobias smiled as it seemed that she was more than capable for the task ahead. "I take it that as you have served on a Luna Class starship before that you feel more than prepared for what the Pandora can throw at you?"

"I think so Sir" Krysia nodded, "I'll do my best and as you already mentioned I had a good teacher."

Tobias smiled as he closed off his PADD with her details and file upon it. As far as he was concerned, Nyx was receiving another fine officer and he almost felt a little jealous. All of the younger officers were now making their way towards this new Expanse. It was good to see exploration coming back as a core value in Starfleet.

Krysia paused for a moment before deciding to take a chance she hoped she wouldn't regret, "Can I tell you something personal Captain?"

Tobias raised an eyebrow gently in curiousity. "Of course," he confirmed.

"Owen Nash is my half brother" she sat back in her seat, "I've been shadowing him to get to know him better before I tell him. I just want to know more about my family."

Tobias sat back for a moment and put on the steely calm that he had honed so well. Now that she explained this new fact, he could see something similar to Owen in her features. Her career path also made some sense now as well, serving on some of the same ships as Owen.

However he wondered about why she'd proceeded with this way to find out more about him. "Well, the best approach would be to tell Commander Nash this... I'm sure he'd be intrigued to find out he has another sibling... Can I ask why you havent contacted him already?" Tobias enquired.

"To be honest I'm not sure how to tell him & a stranger turning up out of the blue didn't seem to be the right way" she
shrugged her shoulders, "perhaps I'm wrong but I plan to speak to him as soon as I can."

Tobias got up from behind his desk and walked around to sit on the front edge of it and face Lieutenant Kaleri in a more friendly manner. "I think its best to have a word with him in private once your settled on board...this is a delicate matter and he's going to have a lot of questions to ask...just be prepared for that." He advised her.

"Thank you Captain" Krysia smiled warmly, "I'll do that. May I ask how well do you know my father?, do you think he'll be able to accept having another child?"

Tobias thought for a moment. "Andrew Nash? I know him very well and I know he hurt a lot when his wife was killed during the war with The Dominion... But I'm also aware that he loves his children a lot and is very proud of them..." He began. He wanted to broach the subject in the best way possible.

"If your asking for my opinion on this, I suggest that both you and Owen have a talk first and then I suggest you both pay your father a visit to discuss this further... Andrew always likes to have the facts so I suggest you have those ready for him as well, but he'll love having another child who is already serving in Starfleet and doing well." Tobias happily explained. He already knew this would bring Andrew no end of positivity that he much needed.

"Thanks you Sir" Krysia nodded, "I'll do that, in the meantime is there anything I can do here while I'm waiting for transfer?, I hate waiting around."

Tobias smiled, she was definitely a Nash. "Absolutely, I understand my Chief of Ops could use a hand as he prepares replacements for the Pandora once we arrive. He's also working on system checks should we arrive and have to go into combat... Why not give him a hand?" Tobias suggested.

Will was always busy and besides, it didnt hurt to keep the Lieutenant sharp.

"Thank you Sir" Krysia smiled, "I think I've held you up long enough unless there's anything else you need to ask me Sir?"

Tobias shook his head as he stood up. "Nope, we're all done here Lieutenant, you can begin your duties assisting Commander Morgan until we rendezvous with the Pandora," he explained.

"Thank you Captain" Krysia stood and made her way out onto the bridge, it was time to lend Lieutenant Commander Morgan a hand.


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