Into the Wild

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Mission Info

Status Completed Mission
Description The USS Pandora has managed to find a way through the Carnwennan Corridor and into the Inconnu Expanse. However, as the first Starfleet ship to enter the region in over a year, we find it has since become dangerous territory - as the deadly Ravagers have annexed a previously safe zone and the Pandora flies right into the middle of their debris field! After making a quick escape, the crew comes across an isolated planet, technologically advanced and peaceful but strangely protected from the dangers around them. That is until the crew discovers they have been detected by the Ravagers and the vicious raiders strike against the innocent world, forcing the Pandora to engage but at the same time risk violating the Prime Directive. A mysterious planet, a dangerous looming threat, and a long way from home. The Pandora is definitely now into the wild.
Mission Group Phase One: Rise
Start Date Thu May 25th, 2017 @ 10:47am
End Date Tue Aug 4th, 2020 @ 10:47am

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Title Timeline Location
Honours - Part Two
by Captain Nycolas Temple & Lieutenant Kalin Brennan-Griffin PhD
After "Heavy Is the Head" Captain's Ready Room
Heavy Is the Head
by Captain Nycolas Temple & Commander Owen Nash
After "Honours - Part One" Captain's Ready Room
We've Got a Hot Crustacean Band
by Cailus Griffin & Commander Mindo & Lieutenant Kalin Brennan-Griffin PhD & Eva Griffin
Current Under the Sea (and over) in Holodeck 2
Honours - Part One
by Cailus Griffin & Captain Nycolas Temple & Commander Owen Nash & Lieutenant JG Vecon Fick
0830 Hours Captain's Ready Room
Hardest Word
by Captain Nycolas Temple & Emilie Temple
Deck 2 - Senior Crew Quarters
Opening Their Eyes
by Cailus Griffin & Captain Nycolas Temple & Lieutenant Kalin Brennan-Griffin PhD
After “Manual Shopping” Sickbay
Manual Shopping
by Cailus Griffin & Commander Mindo & Lieutenant Tyson Brookes
Current Sickbay
by Commander Owen Nash & Lieutenant Krysia Kaleri-Smith
Prior to 'Indigo Sky' XO's Office
Meeting of the Minds
by Commander Owen Nash & Lieutenant Tyson Brookes & Lieutenant JG Aeryn Jameson
After 'the Senses' (back-post) Main sickbay
The Senses [Backpost]
by Commander Owen Nash & Lieutenant Krysia Kaleri-Smith & Lieutenant Tyson Brookes
After ‘Introductions' and before 'Making Friends’ Lieutenant Kaleri Quarters / Sickbay
Fixing Your Lonesome
by Captain Nycolas Temple & Commander Mindo
Senior Crew Quarters, Deck 3
The Morning After the Night Before
by Lieutenant Krysia Kaleri-Smith & Lieutenant Commander James Smith
Early hours of the Following Morning Krysia’s Quarters
A Chance Encounter
by Lieutenant Krysia Kaleri-Smith & Lieutenant Commander James Smith
Current The Luna Eclipse
O Changeling, Where Art Thou?
by Cailus Griffin & Commander Mindo & Lieutenant Kalin Brennan-Griffin PhD
After “Give Me Some Credits” Cailus/Shae’s Quarters
Organisation is Key
by Lieutenant JG Aeryn Jameson
Current Counselor's Office
Making Friends
by Lieutenant Kalin Brennan-Griffin PhD & Lieutenant Krysia Kaleri-Smith
Current Recreation Deck
Audrey 2
by Lieutenant Kalin Brennan-Griffin PhD & Lieutenant Eiri Ashshy Ph.D
Science Lab
True Terror
by Cailus Griffin & Ensign T'Kemi & Lieutenant Kalin Brennan-Griffin PhD
Current Carnage/Shae and Cailus’ Quarters
To Dream a Little Dream... Part Two...
by Cailus Griffin & Captain Nycolas Temple & Commander Owen Nash & Lieutenant Kalin Brennan-Griffin PhD & Lieutenant Mera Richmond MD
After recent events and before divided we fall Sickbay
To Dream a Little Dream... Part One...
by Cailus Griffin & Commander Owen Nash & Lieutenant Kalin Brennan-Griffin PhD
After recent events and before divided we fall Research Lab
Clearing the Air
by Captain Nycolas Temple & Lieutenant Kalin Brennan-Griffin PhD
by Lieutenant Krysia Kaleri-Smith
After Family Matters prior to The Doctor's Rounds Deck 7 Science Deck
Home Again
by Captain Nycolas Temple & Mauricio Arnaldo & Emilie Temple
Sickbay / Carnage
Rocks and Rules
by Lieutenant Kalin Brennan-Griffin PhD & Lieutenant Eiri Ashshy Ph.D
Science Labs
by Captain Nycolas Temple & Balek The Butcher [Deceased]
The Carnage

Mission Summary

The Pandora is able to prevent the planet from being raided by the Ravagers, and established First Contact with the Mendazians. However, during a brutal battle with the Ravagers in the dark matter storm, the ship is damaged and an urgent plan to infiltrate the Ravager vessel goes awry. Lieutenant Brennan is forced to save the day by using her old skills, much to everyone's shock, but the real surprise comes when Captain Temple kills the Ravager leader Balek in cold blood.