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The Afterward to a Fun Evening

Posted on Tue Jun 23rd, 2020 @ 12:15am by Huyo & Lieutenant Commander Mindo
Edited on on Fri Jul 10th, 2020 @ 5:17pm

Mission: Death in Paradise
Location: Aeryn's Quarters, Corridor
Timeline: Immediately after "The end to a fun ending"

A Mission Post by Lieutenant Mindo & Huyo
Mission: Death in Paradise
Location: Aeryn's Quarters, Corridor
Timeline: Immediately after "The end to a fun ending"
Sat Oct 20th, 2018 @ 12:00am

Mindo dressed quietly as Aeryn slept soundly. When he was finished, he kissed the tips of his fingers and gently touched the Counselor's forehead.

He left and headed one deck up to his own quarters. Yawning as he rounded the corner, Mindo was surprised to see Huyo standing outside his door.

Huyo, for her part, was rather tired herself. After a long stretch in the Box, cooking meals for starstruck couples and then tending to the night shift crowd, she was quite prepared to rest. Unfortunately, however, after watching and chatting with those starstruck couples, Huyo found herself feeling oddly lonely. As appealing as her bed was, she felt a yearning for an entirely different bed, one whose owner was likely just as lonely as her, and a dear friend besides.

As such, Huyo stood outside Mindo's quarters, having just tapped the chime, although the bald Deltan looked quite different tonight. She was clad in an uncharacteristic large white t-shirt and long blue shorts, abandoning all sense of fashion, simply desiring nothing more than a friend's company. Mindo was such a darling that he wouldn't care how she was dressed, and so when she saw the small Fesarian walk around the corner, Huyo smiled warmly at him.

"Mindo, darling," she said in sympathy. "You look exhausted. Did you just come from an engine room?"

"Just a little late-night counseling," said Mindo. "You know how therapy can be. I like the casual look tonight. Looking for me by any chance?"

Huyo's smile became enigmatic, understanding Mindo's innuendo instinctively. "Oh, yes. I...rather fancied some company tonight. Should you feel inclined to enjoy dessert, Mindo." She chuckled, shaking her head. "Oh, I apologise for my joke. I am most tired, and more than a little lonely. When Nycolas offered me this job, I did not account for a life of such abstinence and isolation. But this does not oblige you to entertain me, should you also be tired."

"Nonsense!" said Mindo. "That was just a little snack. I'd love something more... filling, if you're into it."

"Filling?" Huyo repeated questioningly, her smile turning into a companionable grin. "I've been called worse, my dear. Shall we?"

"You can call me whatever you want... and yes, we shall!" Mindo smiled as the door opened and they went into the inviting quarters that awaited them. "Where shall we start?" Mindo asked, surveying the place.

Following Mindo in, Huyo's nose wrinkled. Wherever he had come from, Mindo had clearly not had time for a shower yet, and it was hard to miss. "Oh honey, before we do anything, you need a wash. I insist!" After looking around, she made directly for the bathroom, shedding her t-shirt as she went, and within seconds, the sound of running water could be discerned from the bath. "Come, now, Mindo," she called out to him from the bathroom. "We can both do with a good cleansing, I think, before we turn to bed!"

Mindo raised an arm and sniffed. Perhaps a bath was a good idea. He'd been waiting to use the Risan bath salts he'd had for a while. He went into the bedroom and grabbed two glasses from the night stand, then shrugging, put them down and just grabbed a bottle of tranya from the chest in the closet. He checked to make sure it was a good vintage (it was), then headed for the bathroom, getting undressed for a second time tonight.

"I've brought a few things," he said, stepping into the room with nothing on, a bottle of tranya in one hand and a box of salts in the other.

When he entered, the bath was already quite full and steaming. Huyo was sat on the rim of the bath, running her graceful fingers along the surface of the water to check the temperature, still clothed. She smiled at Mindo, then bowed her head, before wordlessly reaching out and pulling him towards her.

Two hours later, the two lay in bed, Mindo cradled in Huyo's body, their arms interlocked, the covers nearly drenched in sweat. They slept, peacefully.


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