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There's Always A Joker In the Pack

Posted on Tue Jun 23rd, 2020 @ 1:18am by Captain Nycolas Temple & Unknown
Edited on on Fri Jul 10th, 2020 @ 5:22pm

Mission: Death in Paradise
Location: Deck 9

A Mission Post by Captain Nycolas Temple & Unknown
Mission: Death in Paradise
Location: Deck 9
Tue Nov 27th, 2018 @ 7:49am

It was that quiet time in-between shift duties on Deck 9. Everybody knew this, of course. All of the ship's rosters were posted on the internal database for anyone to look up; it wouldn't raise anyone's suspicions to find out when this section would be empty of other people. That's why when the officer walked quickly down the back corridors of the deck, they knew they wouldn't be interrupted. They had emerged on deck via a jeffries tube - the Turbolift was too public, too visible. The jeffries tubes made it easy to get on and off the level seamlessly, especially if using the access panel at section 20 - away from the main passageway and cameras.

The officer made their way through the corridor and ducked into the auxiliary supply room, using a code they had gleamed off someone else. This wasn't too hard to gain either - spend a little time around the right people and you can learn codes to get around most of the ship. Not the high secure areas, of course, but that wasn't what the officer was going for. The armoury was too dangerous, too stupid to even try. Griffin would have that locked down and impossible to access. But the auxiliary supply rooms were checked less often, and usually only during the weekly safety surveys. There were loopholes to Starfleet's many regulations, one just had to know where to look.

Then began to arduous task of searching the various drawers and cupboards for the right item. Slowly but surely, the officer checked the room. They couldn't access the store log as that would leave a trail; if someone did wonder why an officer had accessed the room, it had to look they weren't searching for anything. They wore gloves too - black, synthetic - to avoid leaving any trace of fingerprint or residue. They had come prepared.

Finally they found the item in drawer 19, and the officer took it out with a quiet glee. The jump suit was wrapped in a nylon ziplock bag but with a clear panel showing the Starfleet insignia adorned on the silver fabric. Quietly the officer opened the bag and removed the neatly folded suit. From the underside of their uniform jacket, the officer retrieved a small gym towel - roughly the same size and weight of the jump suit - and placed this inside the bag. The jumpsuit was then hidden under their jacket, while the bag was replaced back into the drawer. For all intents, it appeared as if nothing had been disturbed, and only if someone actually looked through each and every bag inside the drawer would they have noticed the swap had taken place.

Slowly the officer closed the drawer again and slinked back towards the doorway, listening carefully to hear anyone walking by. The coast was clear, and the officer casually walked back out into the corridor, holding their jacket closed together so the hidden item would not fall out the back. They waited for a moment before ducking down the jeffries tube again and back to wherever it is they came from.



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