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Check In Any Time You Like

Posted on Tue Jun 23rd, 2020 @ 1:32am by Captain Nycolas Temple & Katya
Edited on on Fri Jul 10th, 2020 @ 5:24pm

Mission: Death in Paradise
Location: Paradise Outpost

A Mission Post by Captain Nycolas Temple & Katya
Mission: Death in Paradise
Location: Paradise Outpost
Date: Sun Dec 23rd, 2018 @ 1:48pm

Nyx had parted company from Griffin, Sandoval, and Kaleri, and was on his way back to the Pandora via the station's seamless floating glass cube system. He still had one of Griffin's best officers by his side, of course, as per Starfleet protocol, but the gold shirt wasn't much for conversation. Trained very well by Griffin to keep his mind and senses focused on protecting the Captain, even if the Captain was in the mood for chatter, the Ensign had little to say. After a few attempts at conversation fell awkwardly into the air with barely a single word response from the Security officer, Nyx gave a shrug and decided to spend his time staring out of the glass walls as Paradise Outpost swished by.

However, before the cube could take the Captain and his companion back to the Yacht, it came to an ominous halt somewhere in the outer transport ring. There was a slight jolt as the vehicle stopped dead in it's tracks, as Nyx wobbled a little from the sudden deceleration. Outside, other cubes they could see were also slowing down and coming to a stop. Sharing a concerned look with the Ensign, Nyx moved forward and stabbed his finger at the Information Kiosk in the centre of the cube. Finally a friendly female voice began to speak into the vehicle.

"TamtaH 'ej loS!" Came the message. "Hafau ralash-fam heh bek-tor!".... "Flaeon nhraieiheu aellei ourhhe!"

It was clearly trying to say something in every language it knew, causing Nyx to roll his eyes. "Federation Standard!" He shouted into the console, as the voice continued to rattle off the phrase in other tongues. "FEDERATION!" Nyx yelled.

Soon there was a pause, as the friendly voice replied, "Please be silent and wait for assists."

Nyx gave an exasperated sigh, folding his arms together in annoyance. "So much for seamless, huh?" He complained to his Security Officer. The Ensign just nodded, though he looked obviously on alert.

"Captain!" Katya's voice suddenly burst into the Cube. Nyx turned around to see the Station Chief sitting in her office, a look of concern on her face.

"Ah, Chief Katya. We appear to have stopped." Nyx replied as he saw her, wondering why he felt the need to state what was utterly transparent.

"I know." Katya sighed, shaking her head with concern, and as she did her large orange hair swayed along with her. "Our apologies are sincere. With the station being over packed with visitors currently, it is a considerable drain on resources."

"Of course." Nyx replied with a smile. He wondered if it were a good idea to enquire with the station chief just how this magnificent feat of technology and infrastructure managed to power itself, but he didn't want to come across as too inquisitive. Not yet, anyway. They were still trying to make a good first impression. "It is our constant burden to manage the needs of those in our company."

Katya tilted her head slightly as she considered his words, or perhaps waited for her translator to catch up. She eventually gave her trademark smile and nodded. "Correct. Your vehicle will be underway momentarily. Though I hope you are not in rush to leave us?"

"Not at all." Nyx grinned. "In fact, the pause will give me an ample opportunity to see more of your station's wonderful... interior."

"It is pity you must leave at all." Katya said immediately.

Nyx nodded, "A shame, really. But we in the Federation have protocols and a Captain should really stay with his ship. Now that the Pandora has docked with your station, I'm going to return my Yacht to her and see what's happened in my absence."

"Ahh." Katya replied. Her next sentence seemed to be spoken in a normal tone, but there was a clear sadness in her eyes. "I too feel like I can never leave." She said, the grin on her face frozen in place but those eyes just seemed to tell another story. After a pause she tilted her head again and continued. "Are you partnered, Captain?"

"I have a wife, yes." He answered politely. "Her name is Emilie and she is actually living with me on the Pandora, with our child, Katrine."

"Emilie. Katrine." Katya repeated back, committing the names to memory. "How many years is your child?"

"Four... Wait, no, five years old now." Nyx said with a laugh. "They grow up so fast."

"We have many wonderful businesses for her. She will have fun." Katya said, never missing an opportunity to promote her station.

"Absolutely." Temple nodded, keeping the smile on his face too. He didn't want to comment on the irony that Katya was trying to sell the child-friendly aspects of the Outpost, when one of his officers was at that very moment involved in a search for two children they had lost on the station. But once again he had to stay his tongue. Sandoval had called him a skilled diplomat, and diplomacy was all about not saying what you were really thinking. "I'm going to allow some of the officers to come over first."

"We are forward looking to accomodate them." She returned immediately. "Ah!" She cooed, looking at her screen. "It appears we are ready to get going."

The cube began to gently move from it's temporary slumber and started to accelerate back into motion. Nyx and the Security officer wobbled from the movement but soon found their balance again.

"Thank you, Chief Katya." Nyx said, bowing ever so slightly when he felt he had achieved firmer footing. "We are once again, grateful for your hospitality."

"Not for the last time." She replied. "Be well, Captain."

"And you too." He smiled.

With that, Katya's face disappeared and the cube was soon arriving back at the docking gate they had originally arrived in. Nyx was both anxious to get home and eager to keep exploring this fascinating station. Every interaction he had with Katya seemed to invite more curiosity, and felt like he had barely seen what Paradise had to offer. If only he could escape that nagging feeling that something wasn't quite right.



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