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On Their Own

Posted on Wed Jun 24th, 2020 @ 3:48am by Captain Nycolas Temple
Edited on on Fri Jul 10th, 2020 @ 6:01pm

Mission: The Evils Within
Location: Bridge


From the Captain's chair of the USS Pandora, Nyx watched the readings come in from the Away Team with growing unease. The shuttle had discovered a native species living underneath the surface of the planet, with a colony built into a large mountain. Though they had not been able to identify an exact species, it was clear that they were sentient, cultural, and somewhat developed. This, sadly, had confirmed their theory, and their suspicions, that the Federation had secretly established a research facility on an inhabited planet, despite all claims the contrary and likely in violation of the Prime Directive.

"We're not alone on this planet." Nyx commented, more to himself. He sighed heavily, unsure of whether he was relieved to be right or more worried that they had been obviously lied to. Again. He nodded to Ensign Delaney on Ops, "Open a channel to the shuttle."

"Sir, we're detecting a sudden increase in electromagnetic interference from the planet." Delaney remarked, "We can hail the ship but the signal is distorted."

"Try to locate the source of the interference." Nyx commented, furrowing his brow, impossibly further than it already was.

"No need to, sir. It's definitely coming from Pithos." The Ensign answered gravely.

Temple resisted the urge to put his palm to his forehead. "Of course it is. Alright, we need to find out what we're dealing with on this planet. Try to strengthen the signal."

"Aye, sir," Delaney replied, tapping quickly on her console.

Temple regained his seat and pressed his comms button, hoping he would reach the shuttle =/\= Team, we will need to monitor the native species from a safe distance and ensure no contamination has occurred. I need you to - "

"Signal lost, sir." Ops interrupted. "The interference is too great." She stared at her screen with quiet intensity. "There's... something else, sir. Something is happening to the planet...."

The growing tension on the Bridge was suddenly interrupted by the loud, piercing cry of Red Alert Klaxons.

"Seismic activity detected below the surface, sir." Ensign Delaney cried out, "We're registering a developing tremor."

No sooner had the words come out of the Ensign's mouth than the ship began to violently shake. The planet was experience a category 6 earthquake and the Pandora was heaving and trembling along with it.

"More power to stabilisers!" Nyx shouted, gripping the arm of his chair.

"Structural integrity of stabilising legs is falling, sir." The Ensign cried. "The quake is too strong."

"Engage impulse engines!" Nyx commanded.

"Engine repair is not complete, sir, we cannot launch into the atmosphere." Engineering replied testily.

Nyx shook his head, "We don't need to take off, we just need to hover till it's over. Activate impulse, now!"

Fingers danced urgently over computer screens, from Ops to Helm to Engineering, as necessary systems swiftly came online. The Pandora's engines burst into life with bright blue flames, lifting the ship just off the ground. As the Pandora lifted into the air, not too far above the surface, the ship's quaking soon eased off. But they were still only just floating in the air on severely strained impulse engines, which they could only hope would sustain their hover until it was safe to land again.

"Sir, sensor indicate that the seismic activity is largely concentrated in this area, but weaker further away from Pithos. I suggest setting down fifteen kilometres north west of our present location." Ensign Delaney interjected.

"Will we make it?" Nyx asked aloud to the crew.

"If we hurry." Came Helm.

"Do it." Nyx said firmly.

Though the engines were weak and struggling against the heavy gravity of the planet, the Pandora slowly started hovering away from their original landing site. They had a few close calls with rocks and landscape, the ship trying with every effort to stay in the air, before finally reaching the designated safe zone. The planet's trembling continued throughout before finally calming down the further away from Pithos they travelled. The earthquake came to an eerily silence, but the booming echoes of a shaken planet could be heard in the distance. After the danger had appeared to pass, the Pandora landed once more, this time with a heavy thud on the dusty ground.

"Start repairs." Nyx said with a large sigh. "And try to re-establish comms with the Shuttle and Away team. We don't want to leave them stranded for long."

"Will try, sir," Ensign Delaney remarked, "But they will be on their own for a while now."

"Understood." Nyx replied gravely, as he stared out the view screen across the desolate planet around them. He knew they couldn't trust Pithos, and they didn't know what species the shuttle had found; so he would prefer that they were anywhere else but on Hesiod Green right now. He could only hope that they would find the Away teams soon and get everyone off this forsaken planet as soon as possible.



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