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Posted on Sat Jul 20th, 2024 @ 3:19pm by Captain Nycolas Temple & Lieutenant Daniel Keith & Lieutenant JG Olivia Keith

Mission: The Only Thing Left Was Hope
Location: Ver-1 / Risa
Timeline: After "Up, Up, and Away"


Temple had found himself a comfy spot on the couch in the cabin of Ver-1, the Ambassador C-class shuttle currently enroute to Risa. The cabin of the shuttle was moderately decorated for diplomats and important meetings, and less for long-term comfort, so finding the right spot where he could relax and catch up on communications had been his highest priority. Finally, he found if he took the padded seat cushions from the armchair, the decorative throw from the couch rolled up like a log and used a serving board like a lap-table, he could comfortably sit and read his PADD without this straining his back. A minor victory but a victory, nonetheless.

The first message he read came from Admiral Milne, revealing that she had assigned new crew members to the Pandora. The first new officer, Lieutenant Caradan, he had already met and was travelling with him to Risa. Milne had clearly chosen well there. The next two sounded equally promising - a Chief Tactical Officer and a Scientist. Both would no doubt come to be essential for whatever it was that Starfleet had in store for the Pandora coming up.

Of course, first they needed to find the Pandora.

'No point sending people to a ship we can't find.' Nyx thought to himself with a wry frown.

Decided he wouldn't waste any time, the captain connected his PADD to the shuttle's subspace communications and sent a conference call invite to the Lieutenants.

Olivia was first to get to the comms as she picked up the call, looking towards Daniel. “Daniel, It’s Captain Temple of the Pandora!”

“The Pandora! This is a surprise. Answer the call, Olivia." Daniel replied moving closer to his wife so he could hear the conversation.

Opening the channel Olivia offered a warm smile. “Captain Temple, this is a surprise.”

"Indeed," Nyx gave a smile on the other side of the screen. "We are meeting in the most unusual circumstances. But that's something you'll learn to get used to onboard the Pandora, Lieutenants."

“I think we’ve guessed that already Sir” Olivia looked at Daniel then back at Nyx. “We had a strange encounter with a man who told us to find the Pandora.”

At this, Nyx leaned forward, his brow furrowed tensely. "Come again?" He asked.

“There was, a dark figure. He said our jobs weren’t done and we needed to find the Pandora” Olivia shrugged her shoulders.

Nyx blinked, "I, too, was visited by this figure. I guess, and I don't know why, but I thought I was the only one." The Captain frowned, "But why would he tell you to go to the Pandora? You weren't assigned to her during our last mission."

“But we are now” Olivia offered a shrug of her shoulders. “I don’t get it either Captain, but it sounds like we’re supposed to be with you, somehow.”

Daniel chipped in from his position beside Olivia, "It seems this is a mystery for all of us to solve. With the Pandora being the key to it."

"Indeed," Nyx nodded, quietly thinking he was glad the two officers didn't seem put off by this. Some might have been looking for a different assignment after such a strange visit. "Tell me, did he leave any identifying information? What was he wearing, what did he sound like to you?"

"I didn't see him sir, I heard him, and he sounded deadly serious. That it was important, vitally so for us to find the Pandora. He didn't give a reason or if he did, I didn't hear it." Daniel answered.

“He was stood in full sun, but somehow he still managed to remain a darkened out figure.” Olivia shrugged her shoulders. “It’s very odd.”

Nyx frowned, "And he disappeared rather quickly too? Not through beaming, something else entirely. Well," He clapped his hands together, "That must mean you are part of the ship now. We're going to need everyone we can to find her."

Olivia smiled. “I’m very much looking forward to meeting the rest of the crew, the Pandora is a legend in her own right,”

"As am I sir." Daniel added. "It seems we have a common goal....find the Pandora."

"That's the spirit." Nyx gave a smile, "And I will need your skills to do so. We do have a little data to go off from. It's not much, but it's a start. I'm going to have to call you both into service."

“We’re ready Sir” Olivia gave Temple a warm smile. “Just let us know where and when you need us.”

"How about Risa?" Nyx asked, "I know it's an unusual location for such an important meeting but I happen to meeting others there already."

“Now you’re talking!” Olivia grinned.

"Amen." Daniel chimed in. "What better place to organize a search party especially for a missing ship."

"Perfect." Nyx nodded, grateful for their enthusiasm. "As currently serving officers, you will be able to get an expedited transport to Risa. If not, I'm sure myself or Admiral Milne can work out an arrangement. Once I arrive there, I will set up a rendezvous location. How soon can you both leave for Risa?"

Olivia smiled. “We’re already at Risa Sir, we took the chance for some shore leave while we had it.”

"Olivia is right sir. We decided to get the shore leave while we could." Daniel added.

Nyx sat and blinked for a moment before shaking his head, "Now that CAN'T be a coincidence!" He cried out, "Tell me, what made you think of Risa? Was it somewhere you always wanted to go or did someone suggest it?"

Olivia looked towards her husband. “I...don’t know. It’s somewhere I’ve wanted to visit, but whether this is just a bizarre coincidence or something else..” she looked back at Temple. “I’m not sure.”

Daniel spoke up, "Sir, it is like Olivia says. We always wanted to come to Risa. Now whether the idea was planted within us, I don't know."

Giving a shrug, Nyx sighed, "Very well, maybe it is a coincidence. But a very fortunate one at that. I'll touch base when I arrive there, I've got to arrange a secure meeting place and continue contacting the crew. Again, I'm sorry for interrupting your vacation."

Daniel chuckled and grinned. His arm going around Olivia. "It is quite alright sir. Let us know where and when the meeting is going to take place and Olivia and I will both be there."

Olivia smiled and nodded. "We'll be here waiting, that's a promise."



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