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A Little Faith

Posted on Sun Jun 21st, 2020 @ 3:27am by Captain Nycolas Temple & Lieutenant Laurel Oakley MD
Edited on on Wed Jun 24th, 2020 @ 5:59am

Mission: New Moon Rising
Location: Deck 6 - Medical
Timeline: Before "A Meeting with the Captain"

Nycolas had jumped into the Turbolift and called out a random number, deciding to explore the new ship in the most haphazard way as possible. As usual, he went feet first and brain last, but he figured the worst that could happen was that he'd get lost. As the doors opened, he found himself in the empty corridors of the Medical deck and he was pleasantly surprised.

The area had a pristine white concrete floor, glass panel walls up to the ceiling, and a wide main passageway between the different departments. Immediately to the right of the lift was the main Sickbay, its lights dimmed in a patient wait for the Medical staff to arrive. To the left was a research laboratory and surgical bay. Down the very end of the main corridor, facing out to the bow of the ship, was the half-finished Counsellor's office, still in the process of being updated to suit the Pandora's new requirements.

As he walked, Nyx realised he wasn't alone and after pausing for a moment, realised there was a woman sitting by herself in the half-lit space.

"Hello?" He called out to the petite female.

Laurel could feel the man's prescence before he even said anything, the closer he got to her the more she could sense who he was without ever having turned to look at him nor read his service record. Uniform on or off, she could sense the commanding auroa of the man. He was a good man, confident, rather young yet aged, perhaps aged beyond he looks could tell. "Usually I have to go seek out the Captain, they do not happen to wander by my office so easily" replied Laurel before she turned to face him.

She held up a hand before he could utter any more words. "I could sense your emotions and picked up on a few stray thoughts. I'm sorry for the eaves dropping" she said sincerely apologetic with a warm smile creeping across her face. "Doctor Laurel Ives Oakley, MD Forensic Psychiatry, but I had additional education in Behavioral Psychology and have been Starfleet trained to provide counseling services to the crew" Laurel added.

"I arrived a few ours ago, no need to apologies for not meeting me sooner. I came rather discretely" commented Laurel. "I'll be serving as your Ship's Chief Counselor, Capt-" began Laurel who then noticed the man's rank. "Would you rather be adressed as Captain or as Commander?" she asked. "I was First Officer with my lieutenant pips aboard the USS Tornado as of a few weeks ago."

Nyx looked over the Doctor as she spoke, a single eyebrow raised. Finally, when she allowed him to speak, he broke into a smile, "Well we certainly seem to be gathering a crew of remarkable personnel. A noted psychologist and former XO, we are privileged to have you onboard."

She nodded "You can relax, I have no interest in your command chair" she said with a smile. "It was a necessary evil aboard the Tornado to assume the mantle of First Officer, and not one I am looking to do anytime soon...Captain?"

"Oh yes, feel free to call me Captain for now," Nyx replied. "Counselling is a service that will be pivotal to the health of this crew going into our long mission, so I am honored to have someone of your calibre here. Your office is still underworks, but feel free to inform the refit crew of any styling touches you'd prefer. I know it's important to have a comfortable space to work in."

Laurel crossed her arms and examined the room. "A few couches, a desk, and a replicator and we are good. Those are the only torture devices I need to get people to spill their inner most fears and deepest guarded thoughts" she teased. She then looked at the Captain "The basics will be just fine, Captain. Besides, between you and me...I tend to do most of my good work away from my office. Rarely do people come to me. I usually have to find them."

Nyx nodded as he looked around too, "As you wish, Doctor. I'm here for whatever you need."

He leaned a little against the doorway and peered thoughtfully around the empty corridor. "Soon these halls will be filled with a full compliment of crew, on this very long journey together. I'm going to rely on you to be pro-active in doing your good work, so don't be afraid to seek out an appointment with someone if you recognise danger signs in their behaviour. It will be made clear to everyone that their mental health matters to us all."

"Captain included I hope" she replied countering him with a small smile. "It is nice to hear you care about the mental health of your crew, Sir. However, l do hope you take your own words to heart and see me as regularly as the rest of the crew" she added. "I have had to deal with reluctant Captains before, I am hoping I don't have a repeat of that."

Nyx grimaced a little and his thoughts grew distant. Of course there was something he needed to discuss with the Counsellor, those haunting nightmares that awoke him every night. He wondered if she could possibly help him, even just to quiet the roaring monster in his mind. He looked to her, her small frame and pleasant smile, an air of peaceful restraint to her movements, though hiding an undoubtedly sharp and capable mind. Yes, he decided, Doctor Oakley could help.

"I'll be kinda busy at first," He replied, scuffing his foot on the new carpet, "But there is something. I promise I'm not being evasive, it's just I need to see the Pandora right first, get her sailing. Then you can open up my noggin' and see what's lurking in there." He gave an emphatic laugh at his own gawkish colloquialisms.

Laurel nooded. "After you are done getting her ready, you won't be doding me?"

"Have a little faith, it's a Captain's promise," Nyx replied, holding up his hand to swear on it like a Boy Scout.

"I will hold you to that, Captain" added Laurel.

There was a familiar chirping from his PADD, indicating another meeting he had to attend to. Nyx's impromptu haphazard tour had come to an end with the call of duty once more. He looked back to the Counsellor and smiled.

"Well it's been a pleasure, Doctor," He said, "I'm holding a get together tonight for senior crew on the Recreation Deck, first chance for everyone to see the new facilities before everyone arrives tomorrow. I hope you'll join us?"

The counselor flashed a small pleased smile. "I'll do what I can to be there. I have some work to catch up on, but I will be there" she replied.

Nyx smiled and nodded, "Marvellous, we'll see you there. And I'm sure I'll see you back around here soon."

"Excellent" she replied simply. "I'll see you around, Captain" she added.

Nyx started to walk away, though it was more of a casual stroll. As he headed to the turbolift again, he was struck with a thought. Perhaps Doctor Oakley could offer some advice on Emilie. At least give him something useful to say?

So he stopped and looked around suddenly, "Could I ask for some quick professional advice? I'm trying to convince my wife to join us on the Pandora, but she's scared about being so far from the Federation. Any idea what I could say to assure her fears?"

Laurel had been ready to resume her work, but paused when the Captain asked her for some advice. It was advice she would have otherwise been happy to give, but what could she really say? With all of Laurel's personal was difficult. "There are dangers whether we are well within Federation space or out on our own, outside the protective reach of the Federation as you know. It does not matter if you serve on a patrol ship or a Hospital ship, it's a gambit" replied Oakley.

The Counselor took in a deep breath and released it, crossing her arms. "I lost my fiance in the line of duty aboard an Olympic class starship, purely assigned to Medical and Scientific missions. We were called into a middle conflict to help evacuate a colony, but came under attack. A lot of lives were lost including my fiance who was a nurse" added Laurel shaking her head. "The best advice I can offer is approach the matter delicately. There are benefits to a relationship and your mental state by having her aboard and for her to have you within arm's reach" offered Laurel.

Nyx was taken aback, realizing with a sudden dread that he had been unknowingly insensitive to the good Doctor. How could have he asked such a question to someone who had suffered such a tragedy? He was searching rapidly in his mind for that information, or something of significance to say in response, but found himself coming up blank. That'll serve him right for just skimming a personnel file and blundering into loaded questions. The mental beat-up over the faux pas had begun with gusto.

Outwardly, he tried to put on a more reflective face, "I'm sorry, Doctor, I shouldn't have asked you that. I'm so sorry for your loss."

Laurel gave a dismissive wave. "Not necessary. You may ask me anything, facing old scars is a part of living. It happens, but thank you, Captain."

"For what it's worth, you show remarkable strength to come back to duty," Nyx replied, trying to make up for his insensitivity. "Again, we are honoured to have someone of your calibre onboard the Pandora."

She simply nodded. "I'll let you proceed about your business, Sir."

Nyx smiled again, deciding to leave the Doctor alone finally. He didn't stroll casually this time, it was a quick stride back to the Turbolift. He was still kicking himself for his faux pas, and undoubtedly would for some time to come, but also assured by Lieutenant Oakley's words.

Facing old scars is a part of living.

Nyx nodded to himself as the Turbolift doors closed and descended down to the Shuttle Bay to meet his next arrival. He felt assured that the mental health of the Pandora was in incredibly capable hands.


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