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First Things First

Posted on Sun Jun 21st, 2020 @ 8:25am by Captain Nycolas Temple & Commander Owen Nash
Edited on on Tue Jul 7th, 2020 @ 1:46pm

Mission: Into the Wild
Location: Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: Prior to "In the Eye of the Storm"

A Mission Post by Lieutenant Commander Owen Nash & Captain Nycolas Temple
Mission: Into The Wild
Location: Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: Prior to "In the Eye of the Storm"
Sat Oct 21st, 2017 @ 9:22am

Following the dinner last night, which had been interrupted by another round of ship malfunctions, Captain Nyx was keen to get out of this dangerous territory and finish repairing the Pandora. He couldn't wait to get into orbit of Salvaxe and rendezvous with the USS Palatine. And the previous days had also brought an unexpected change in the ship's command team, with Janet Glyndar resigning her post and commission and Lieutenant Commander Nash stepping up into the role. It seemed the dark matter had shaken up more than a few pot-plants.

Nyx sat at his desk as he awaited Nash's arrival for their first meeting as CO and XO of the Pandora; he stared intently at a picture of his family on his desk. They had been through so much already, he wondered if the rest of their tour in the Inconnu Expanse was going to be as dangerous or as tumultuous. He wondered how long it would be before they had their first fatality. Shaking his head, Nyx sighed - they had to work smarter from now on, tread more carefully if necessary. No Captain ever is done learning how to lead their ship - and he was already getting a big lesson on how not to navigate through the Expanse.

Owen decided to keep up the reputation he had of aloofness when being serious and arrived at the Captains Ready Room with a fresh Raktajino in one hand and also a PADD in the other. Knowing that this would be their first meeting with Owen in this new role on board, he wanted things to be as comfortable possible.

Once the door opened, Owen stepped in to see Nyx sat behind his desk. "Commander Owen Nash, Executive Officer armed with a Raktajino, ready to meet with you sir," he said, putting out a mock announcement as he stepped up to the Captains desk.

"Well, we're definitely in a new era now," Nyx replied with a half smile. "Have you had a chance to get yourself set up in your new office yet?"

"Not just yet sir, thats going to happen in the next few days," Owen admitted to him. "Although my belongings are getting packed into boxes to be ready for moving."

The Captain nodded, "Very well. Might as well get stuck in, please have a seat Mr. Nash." Nyx indicated to the chair in front of his desk but he also frowned, "Actually, would you prefer I call you Nash, Lieutenant Commander, Number One? Or something else entirely?"

"Actually, I'm fine with Owen to be honest sir...however if formalities have to be followed, I'm comfortable with Number One," he explained. "I hear it has quite a ring to it."

After taking a sip of his Raktajino, Owen returned the question. "And you are you comfortable being addressed?"

Nyx considered the question for a moment, but giving a small shrug, "I suppose first name is good when we're talking just you and I, but Captain while we're on the Bridge?"

"That sounds like a plan to me!" Owen confirmed.

"Business time." Nyx said as he clapped his hands together, "Engineering have successfully repaired the Palatine shuttle that crashed into our shuttlebay, Lieutenant Mindo and Ensign Fick have been testing her out. I'm glad, as I feel we may need it during this mission."

"Its good to know its operational again, I'm sure that Captain Rao won't miss one shuttle for a little while," Owen offered. "Well at least until the Palatine rendezvous with us and he sees what a good job of repairing it."

"Well as I'm sure you know, we're trying to repair on the go." Nyx sighed, "we're heading to Salvaxe but sporadic power fluctuations are making things difficult. I will feel a lot better once we have the planet to cover us and protect us."

"I've already drawn up a plan to have both Ops and Engineering teams working in rotation to get these power fluctuations under control," Owen explained as he handed Nyx a PADD with the details.

"We're also going to need to request some replacement parts from Rao as well," he continued. "Some of the recent modifications meant we had to find a solution by butchering some components but there should be spares on the Palatine." Owen called up a second list on the PADD with the parts required.

Nyx nodded as he reviewed the list, "Very good. I hope Rao doesn't mind us pilfering his ship, but they'll understand once he sees what we've been through."

The captain looked at the next item on his agenda and couldn't help but frown, "The issue of Lieutenant K'Laus is rather troublesome. My first instinct is to send him packing on the Palatine and let SCIS deal with him, but I don't want to be that cold... Do I?"

Owen sat back for a moment slightly confused. "Can I ask sir what the good Lieutenant has done to warrant such action... I'm sure I'm missing something here," he asked, curious to know whats happened.

Nyx raised an eyebrow slightly before also leaning back in his chair. "A drunk Lieutenant K'Laus accosted Lieutenant Mindo in Engineering, where the Klingon made violent threats to Mindo's life before dangling him off the gangway. Security and Agent Glyndar were on the scene but they were eventually forced to beam him directly to the Brig. We have half a dozen charges pending against him, which could lead to a court marshal or relief of duties."

Owen realised the serious nature of the offenses and sat back for a moment. "Surely theres a way to avoid that and make sure that he realises a lesson about honour and respect to his crewmates?" Owen offered.

"I mean, the hull could always do with a clean if you really dont want to hand him over to SCIS as an alternative?" He also suggested.

Nyx laughed, "I like the guy, too, he's thorough to the point of officiousness and I don't doubt he knows every inch of this ship. But I can't allow this kind of behaviour to occur without repercussions. Even out way out here, we must maintain a proper Federation society and discipline." He sighed, giving a shrug. "I will speak to him and see how remorseful he is. Maybe he can shed some light onto why this happened?"

"Not a bad idea, although I'd still recommend 30 days in the brig," Owen suggested. "That way he'll have time to cool his heels off and learn a lesson." Owen was all for giving second chances but also realised that discipline needed to be maintained on board.

"I'd say confined to quarters without Recreation Deck access, and sobriety tests." Nyx replied with a shrug, "Given our current predicament, we still need all hands on deck. Quite literally. But knowing his heritage and upbringing, losing respect of his colleagues will be a hard lesson. And we'll see what the investigation concludes."

"I agree, sometimes a little heel cooling can do wonders, I'll get Cailus to move him to the Brig," Owen finished.

There was an alert from Nyx's console and he furrowed his brow. "Sorry, Owen, but I had asked the Science department to alert me if they had anything new."

The Captain brought up the message onscreen but his face didn't seem any calmer, "They've been continuing to receive sensor readings from the Dark Matter and it appears they've picked up something unusual."

Owen was immediatley concerned. "I guess we're not alone out here anymore," he started before pausing. "Instead of taking the ship back into combat, maybe I could take a Runabout and see who or what it is?" He offered.

Nyx looked to his first officer with a worried glance, "That would be ideal but I don't wan't you going alone. Maybe take Lieutenant Mindo or Brennan with you if you can. And you're not to enter the dark matter, I won't lose my first officer on his first day."

Owen let loose a confident smile to try and ease his CO"s concerns. "Lose me? Hell I just got the XO position, I intend to enjoy myself whilst I'm here," he explained.

"I'll take Lieutenant Mindo with me, besides we could do with a little bonding time together whilst utilising one of the new Runabouts we have on board."

Temple smiled a little, "Very well, I trust you to be safe, Lieutenant Commander. Find out what this reading is about and get back to us as quickly as possible. That's an order."

Owen closed off his PADD's and stood up to attention. "We'll be back before you know it, Captain," he replied. "Keep the lights on though..."

Owen left the Captains Ready Room and headed across the bridge to the nearest turbolift. "Shuttlebay" he requested as the Turbolift doors closed behind him and the carriage began its journey.

Owen was also curious to see what had suddenly gained the attentions of both the Captain and the Pandora's sensors...but with recent events, it was prudent to be cautious...

Owen tapped his combadge. "Nash to Lieutenant Mindo, meet me in the Shuttlebay please... we're taking a Runabout out for a little jaunt..."


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