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Something is Missing...

Posted on Mon Jun 22nd, 2020 @ 5:18am by Commander Owen Nash & Lieutenant Commander Mindo & Lieutenant Eiri Ashshy Ph.D & Lieutenant JG Aeryn Jameson & Emilie Temple
Edited on on Fri Jul 10th, 2020 @ 4:48pm

Mission: Divided We Fall
Location: USS Pandora in the Real Universe
Timeline: Current

A Mission Post by Commander Owen Nash & Lieutenant Mindo & Lieutenant Katniss Wakefield & Lieutenant JG Tyson Brookes & Lieutenant JG Natalia Parrino & Emilie Temple & Lieutenant Eiri Ashshy Dr. & Lieutenant JG Aeryn Jameson
Mission: Divided We Fall
Location: USS Pandora in the Real Universe
Timeline: Current
Sat Apr 21st, 2018 @ 2:40pm

ON: Engineering Lab...

Owen came to slowly, taking a few moments to gather himself and get his senses in order. He pulled himself up on the console he was next to and suddenly realised two things.

One, the Red Alert Klaxon was blaring away quite happily and getting louder. Two, He saw Mindo laying on the floor nearby. Owen moved to him to see if his colleague was OK or if he needed attention. Knowing that he would need every hand possible to see what was going on with the Pandora.

"Hey, Lieutenant," Owen said gently, checking to see if he was OK. Owen's own head was slowly starting to get back to normal and the dull ache he felt started to fade away. "Mindo, you alive down there?" he asked again.

Mindo lay face-down on the floor of Engineering, but upon hearing the Commander, he began to regain consciousness and managed to turn himself over. "Dear god, my head!" he said, sitting up and rubbing his temples. "Why can't the red alert sound like a harp, or something soothing like ocean waves?" He managed to stand, and for a moment steadied himself on the console next to him. He felt his legs and fumbled with the switch to begin hovering, but nothing happened.

"Great," said Mindo. "My hover is broken."

Owen moved over to have a look to see what the problem was. There were times that he almost missed being an Ops officer in the thick of the action. "Here, let me have a look," he offered. Checking the mechanism, he could see that the internals were in good working order but a part had come loose and was out of socket. It looked pretty damaged.

Owen stood up for a second as he explained what the faulty part looked like to Mindo. "I can see if I can arrange a replacement from Engineering... besides, I need you mobile so we can find out what's happened," Owen offered. "We need to make sure the ship is in one piece as well as the crew."

Beside them, Crewman Zo had recovered and was rubbing his head as well.

Mindo looked down and examined the loose part. "I have an extra pair in my office," he said. "I'll be right back."

Zo stood up. "I'll get them Chief. You help out the Commander." Zo rushed out of the room as Mindo stood and removed his leg gear, tossing it aside for now.

"Any idea why we're not dead?" asked Mindo.

Owen shook his head. "No, but that is a good question, especially after taking the beating that we did," he admitted. Looking at the console infront of him, Owen realised that the comms system was down.

As an almost automatic act, he started typing in reboot commands and and re-routing what power was needed to get the comm system back up and running. "Ok, the comm system should be back online in the next 5 to 10 minutes...once thats up and running we should be able to figure out who is where," he paused looking at the console readouts.

"And what condition we're in... Can you check to see what state we're in from here?"

Zo came back just then with Mindo's LEGs. Within moments, Mindo had them strapped on and was hovering over the nearest working console.

"Engines are down," said Mindo, bringing up the status reports on his screen. "We've lost shields and weapons as well. Our long-range sensors are still in tact; there are no other ships nearby." He looked up. "I suppose that's both good and bad news."

Owen nodded as he moved over to the console to see the readouts alongside Mindo. "Thank god for long range sensors. The last thing we need is a surprise Ravager patrol sneaking up on us and taken revenge on a defenseless Fedration Starship," Owen surmised.

-- Meanwhile in Sickbay --

Aeryn had awoken to find sickbay lit only by the emergency lights, fortunately the sickbay staff had made sure all their patients were safe before the wave hit.

Brookes braced himself-hanging on to the side of the ship's bulkheads. Nearly losing his grip, he steadied making for a quick recovery. Both himself and Machwan immediately began attending to the crew who were bruised and had their air knocked out of them.

Tyson called from across the room. He was attending Lieutenant JG Jameson at her biobed. “Prepare for a triage cart just in case"

The problem was, right now Counsellor Jameson was near demanding, nicely albeit, she had her arm fixed and be discharged due to the emergency.

Aeryn looked at Tyson, they were in the middle of an emergency and she wanted to be able to help. "Is there any chance you can get me on my feet Doctor?" She knew she was asking a lot, their personal relationship didn't come into it when they were on duty as much as she wished it could.

Tyson was fully distempered inside. The Counsellor, Aeryn Lieutenant JG Jameson was not above his patient discharging rules. “You have a broken arm. You're recovering from venom toxicity.” His eyes pleaded with her to not let him flex his authority.

"I understand that Doctor..." She moved to sit more comfortably and she lowered her voice knowing that Nyx's wife and daughter were in the room. "...but there's something very wrong here! my senses are telling me that there aren't enough people onboard." She looked pleadingly at Tyson knowing that he had every right to keep her here in sickbay.

Thinking nothing of it anymore, past his decision to let Jameson go. He frowned. Brooke set a nanite sleeve supporter over Aeryn's forearm. He also gave her another shot of 540 cc of triethoxide in a hypospray. He stated to her. “No heavy lifting. Report back to me. No longer than an hour tops.”

"Thank you" Aeryn nodded, she knew they'd need to talk it later once they got some time alone but for now she was grateful to be able to help in the current emergency.

Emilie had brought her daughter onto her bed and clung to her tightly like a human shield, wrapping her arms around the handles of the biobed to stop them both from flying across the room. The two had stayed together like that for a while until Emilie felt safe enough to open her eyes and look around.

"Katrine, are you okay?" she whispered down to her daughter.

"Yes," Katrine replied softly. "But I had an accident."

Emilie breathed out slowly. "That's okay, darling, we'll get you fixed up." She looked up around the room. "Doctor, what's happening?"

Tyson was proving as per usual a calm and controlled nerve from within. He addressed Mrs. Temple. “The Pandora was intercepted by some form of energy wave.” He walked to the ship's replicator and came back with warm towels and blankets and standard sick bay rations for both Mrs. Temple and Daughter Katrine. “I am having trouble getting communication with the bridge." Tyson handed Katrine and Mrs. Temple juice boxes from the medical bay triage cart and then other items. “Nurse Hanna can help show you to the medical bay facilities.”

--Science Labs--

Lieutenant Eiri Ashshy slowly sat up. He was currently sitting on the floor in the main science lab. He wasn't sure exactly what had happened, but he did have a pretty good idea. They had been tracking the storm and collecting data when it had suddenly surged toward them. Eiri was pretty sure that that surge had hit the ship full on. His head hurt. All around him were the sounds of other people regaining consciousness as well. "Is everyone alright?" he asked out loud. He could hear and feel their pain and confusion.

It didn't take him long to try and regain his feet. He was sore, but not enough to think anything was broken. Immediately, his mind reached out to Ayan's, who had been in their quarters. Once his consciousness touched his husband's he was alright again and began to check on the people around him. Fortunately, he had spent time in both medical and counseling, so he was perfectly suited for trauma treatment.

--Natalia's Quarters, Deck 9--

Natalia was unpacking when she heard the klaxons of RED ALERT. She was concerned and then felt shockwaves. Whatever hesitation she felt before, she quickly dropped whatever was in her hands and headed towards the Intelligence Department.

--Intelligence Department, Deck 4--

Natalia entered a normal office although it seemed sparse and people were talking excitedly. "Is Lieutenant Smith here?" Natalia asked someone.

"He went up to the bridge, ma'am," a Petty Officer replied.

Natalia turned before frowning. What was it with intelligence officers and the need to be on the bridge? She was perfectly happy being below in her nice office. She pondered what to do next. She was the ranking officer down here, yet didn't know if the bridge needed help. =/\= Parrino to Smith, do you need anything? =/\= Natalia transmitted.

There was no response. Natalia hoped Smith knew her name... It's not like she just appeared on the Pandora. They knew she was coming.

=/\= Smith, this is Lieutenant Junior Grade Natalia Parrino, your new assistant... come in, please.=/\=

Still no response.

Natalia started walking towards the turbolift and headed to the bridge.

--Bridge, Deck 1--

As the doors opened, Natalia felt her stomach tighten. There was no one on the bridge. She rushed to the center seat and hit the 1MC, the public address for the whole ship. "Hello... This is the bridge... I mean, Lieutenant Junior Grade Parrino... If you're a senior staff member, I need you up here please... Now," she transmitted. She tried not to convey panic, yet her voice was pretty panicky.

Down in the Engineering Lab, the comm system relayed the message that Lieutenant JG Parrino. With the recent transfers from the Palatine, Owen remembered her name as being James' new Assistant Intel Officer. Owen pressed the comm button. "Lieutenant Parrino, this is Commander Nash," he responded back on a private channel away from the shipwide. "Can you confirm if you are the only officer on the Bridge for me?" Owen had a sudden horrible thought as he looked back at Mindo, awaiting Parrino's reply. "I have a really bad idea all of a sudden and I need it confirmed," he explained to his friend.

"If our Bridge crew are all down, I'll need to be in two places at once," said Mindo.

Owen smiled. "I'm not sure how I would cope if there were two of you at the same time," he joked. "However, as long as the datalinks are still in place and communications are back up to specs, having you in Engineering isn't a bad idea...that way we cover two birds with one stone," he offered.

Parrino was at a terminal trying to perform some semblance of damage assessment and figuring out where the ship was when she heard the XO's voice and was relieved. "Bridge to XO, affirmative," Parrino transmitted back to Nash.

"Thank you Lieutenant," Owen replied. "I'm on my way up to the Bridge to see what shape we're in. Stay there until I artive, Nash out," he instructed. Nodding to Mindo, Owen jogged out of the lab and headed for the nearest turbolift, ordering it to go to the Bridge once he got inside.

-- Meanwhile in Sickbay --

Aeryn had heard Parrino's voice over the comms the same as everyone else, hearing her call people to the bridge she looked across at Brookes. "Doctor with your permission I & you need to get up to the bridge."

"I can't leave the crew. I am expecting a triage. I'm going to be setting up medical search personnel soon if we don't hear from the ships com." He gestured for Jameson to extend her forearm already with the mental nanite carbide rods. The grid of the mesh and sleeve of the arm, once activated with a low grade frequency beam assured the medic cast set on Aeryn's forearm.

"I know you're needed here but right now we might both be needed up there!" she knew she was asking a lot.

-- Bridge - a few minutes later --

Stepping out onto the bridge Aeryn looked around shocked to see everyone missing, she'd expected to find unconscious or semi conscious people but to find the whole bridge crew missing... she looked at Parrino "Any ideas what happened to the bridge crew?"

"No," Parrino said. "We're dead in the water... no helm control and power may be an issue," Parrino said still tapping on a console. "I think the XO is on the way though. He was in the Engineering Lab."

She looked up as the doors swished open & Commander Nash walked onto the bridge. "Commander... they're all gone and we don't have a clue where!"

Owen walked out of the turbolift and saw Lt Jameson and Lt Parrino waiting for him, however their point was one that was sadly correct. The Bridge was empty apart from the three of them.

Owen walked over to Ops and ran an internal sensor scan, looking for all life forms on board the Pandora. From what he could tell, all of the serving Officers who were on the Bridge were the only members of the crew not accounted for.

"Sir, aside from the obvious problem with the bridge crew, from what I could ascertain, we do not have helm control and power may be an issue," Parrino reported.

"Okay, lets look at this logically for the moment. The Senior Officers and crew that were on the Bridge are missing. However they were here before the wave hit since that time, some sort of action has led to their disappearance," he surmised as he moved from the Ops Station to taking his place in the centre seat.

Aeryn walked over to a seat & sat down resting her arm as best as she could "the question is what kind of action could cause people to vanish?"

"Well, I can't find any evidence of transporters being used, so I think we're dealing with some sort of dimensional phenomenon. No hull breaches were detected and structural integrity is 100%," Parrino deduced.

"Dr. Brookes to Main Bridge. Is anyone up there?" Tyson listened after having tapped his communication badge for the fifth time since the shock wave. He had re-set the Medical Bay computers to be able to send and recieve com traffic.

“We can hear you Doctor” Aeryn responded, “I’m here with Commander Nash & Lieutenant Parrino”

Owen tapped his combadge as Dr Brookes had managed to contact the Bridge. "Go ahead Doctor, whats the situation in Sickbay?" Owen asked, concerned that there could be other crew members or civilians un-accounted for.

"Commander, I have no way to determine who is injured and where. I will be sending out a medical search party through the ships decks. If you have any teams out and about, ensure you have them update any medical situations." Tyson stated.

Owen nodded in agreement back on the Bridge. "Understood. Lt Mindo is working ascertaining the ships status. As soon as we know what works and what doesn't, I'll make sure the medical search parties are updated. Internal Sensors seem to be functioning so I'll send what information we have to your various search parties," he explained.

After he cut the channel with Doctor Brookes, his combadge beeped for attention.

=/\= Mindo here. We've got a lot of problems down here. The warp drive is completely down. No damage to the core itself, but several plasma conduits are shot. I can't guarantee anything but impulse for at least three hours. Sorry for the bad news. =/\=

Owen looked up at the ceiling for a moment. "Its never easy... =/\= Understood Mindo, prioritise getting stability to the Impulse Engines and getting the Warp Core back online. If we can move, then we can get away from the Storm and start working on the damaged systems...then we'll start working on the next problem," =/\= Owen instructed.

He looked around at Jameson and Parrino on the Bridge with him. "In the meantime, we're going to work through the other problems we have and start doing what Starfleet officers do best..." He said with confidence.

Aeryn couldn't help but smile at Nash's confidence but she could also sense his concern & worry for those missing. "Which would be?" She looked at Nash

"Working miracles from bad situations Lieutenant," Owen calmly answered.


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