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[AU] Justified

Posted on Mon Jun 22nd, 2020 @ 6:18am by Captain Nycolas Temple & Sasha Vieers (Deceased)
Edited on on Fri Jul 10th, 2020 @ 4:59pm

Mission: Divided We Fall
Location: Captain’s Ready Room
Timeline: After "Boiling Over"

A Mission Post by Captain Nycolas Temple & Ensign Sasha Vieers
Mission: Divided We Fall
Location: Captain’s Ready Room
Timeline: After "Boiling Over"

It was with great hesitation that Ensign Sasha Vieers had approached the Captain's Ready Room. She constantly asked herself, 'Who am I to question the Captain?', and wondered if she risked her rank and position just by coming to Nyx's room. But what had occurred in the Observation Lounge had startled the young Ensign and she wanted to voice her concerns. And, she was hoping to continue the friendship she had started with Nyx all those months ago.

Knocking softly on the door at first, Sasha waited for a response. After a few minutes of silence went by, she realised perhaps she hadn't knocked hard enough and was about to astound the door with a stronger rap of her knuckles when it suddenly flew open. Nyx jumped back as he wasn't expecting to see someone standing there, which also caused Sasha to startle as well.

"Oh!" Nyx cried, putting his hand to his chest. "Ensign, I'm sorry, I didn't know you were there."

"No, no, it's okay." Sasha replied sheepishly. "I knocked but I guess it wasn't loud enough."

Nyx blew out his breath, "I guess not. Anyway, no harm done. So what did you need? I was about to... well, take a walk or something."

"Mind if we chat a moment? In private?" Sasha asked, eyebrows raised, "I have something on my mind."

"Sure." Nyx stepped back and allowed Sasha to enter. As the door closed again, the two seated themselves on Nyx's couch. "What's up?"

"It's about what happened earlier in the Observation Lounge." Sasha began, biting her lip. "Myself... and a few other crew members... are wondering what's going to happen to Lieutenant Brennan?"

"Well, nothing at this time." Nyx replied honestly. "Until she is control of her emotions, I felt it wise not to rehash the situation. I don't want to make things worse."

Sasha's brow furrowed immediately, clearly indicating her dislike of this response, though she didn't say anything at first.

"Something wrong with that?" Nyx asked, even if he was a little taken aback by the Ensign's concern.

"Yes." Sasha replied. "I mean, she verbally attacked Lieutenant - I mean, Crewman - Kaleri, laid her hands on you, Captain, and had to be physically knocked back to her senses by Lieutenant Griffin. I was only just hearing what had happened outside the room, I can't imagine how scary that must have been for everyone else. Especially Krysia and her baby."

"Indeed, and thankfully no one was actually hurt." Nyx nodded. "I'm not taking this lightly, Ensign. But we do have to take into consideration the fact that she was under the powerful effects of her species' biological cycle. She wasn't in control of her actions. Like a Vulcan during Pon farr."

"I've studied Pon farr at the Academy, sir," Sasha returned, "This was not just overt sexual desire we saw in Lieutenant Brennan. It was surprisingly aggressive and potentially very dangerous."

Nyx shifted in his chair, and though he nodded along to agree with the Ensign, he started to think she wasn't seeing the situation from Brennan's perspective. "Both conditions can have a serious impairment on the mind's ability to act rationally or normally, Vieers. There are extreme cases where even Vulcans are known to have gone mad during this time, including inflicting violence and killing others."

"True, but a Vulcan is usually aware of their condition and makes arrangements to remove themselves or others from danger." Sasha said. "If Lieutenant Brennan and Griffin already knew she was susceptible to irrationality, she should have been detained in her quarters before she attacked Krysia, instead of wandering free around the ship."

"And that's something we'll have to put into place in future." Nyx replied, giving a firm nod of his head. "Brennan had never experienced this kind of violent reaction before and was therefore unprepared. Now that we know her cycles can take different emotional responses, we will be better prepared." Again, at this Sasha furrowed her brow noticeably, causing Nyx to sigh. "We can't change what has happened, Ensign, merely plan to do better in future."

"Yes... Sure... " Sasha responded slowly. "Except you didn't give Kaleri or Smith another chance, Captain. And all they did was have a baby!"

It was Nyx's turn to frown and he stood up from the couch. "It's a different situation, Ensign. I don't think you entirely appreciate the whole circumstances. You're comparing a one-off incident to a conscious decision to recklessly jeopardise the survival of the crew."

"Well you could try to explain it, Sir." Sasha ventured boldly. "Because there is some chatter amongst the crew that you're letting Brennan off lightly because she's your friend. One rule for them, one rule for everyone else. And that's a good way to lose the support of your people."

Nyx baulked at the suggestion, starting to pace back and forth in front of the couch angrily. He had explanations, rational ones at that, but he was unused to being questioned like this. "I'm not in the habit of explaining myself to junior officers, Ensign!"

Sasha moved off the couch too and stood in front of Nyx. "I'm only trying to tell you what's being said out there, Captain. I know you don't have to justify your decisions to us, but remember what we talked about with Mauricio? You're part of the crew, too. People want to support your choices but you're making it hard for people to follow them." She turned up the corner of her mouth. "And to follow you."

Nyx looked to the earnest young Ensign, her eyes full of hope and sympathy. She wasn't trying to judge him, he knew that. She was trying to help, and he knew that too. Somewhere along these passing months stuck in the bubble, his usual camaraderie with the crew had given away to authoritarianism. He had leaned back into the principles that he had learned through training; to fall in line behind one's commander and muck in until the job was done. That's how he was taught to survive and assumed the crew would follow too. While most of the officers had been dutiful, over time it had become a harder commitment to maintain. With no resolution, no rescue as yet, the crew were starting to question their leader. As a result, he was now losing touch with his people.

"How many?" Nyx asked after a pause.

"Sorry?" Sasha blinked.

"How many are questioning me?"

Sasha dipped her head down, "Mostly the Ops and Bridge teams, maybe six or seven people so far? They're angry over what happened to their Chief, Sir. I've heard some whinging from one nurse, too, but nothing serious there. The Security folks don't talk at all, Griffin has them well-organised and loyal."

"And you?" Nyx wondered. "Where do you stand?"

"With you, Captain." Sasha replied firmly. "As long as we keep talking like this."

Nyx smiled a little. "We will."

"Good." Sasha nodded, giving the Captain a light pat on the shoulder. "It's what Mauricio would have wanted."

The mentioning of the young Marine's name was like a stab to the heart of the Captain. The reminder of losing Mauricio was still fresh in their minds and still hurt like hell; even if it had happened months before. He immediately looked to the ground at his feet and shuffled them solemnly. "I wish I could have stopped that from happening, I really do."

Sasha frowned, "We all do, sir."

Nyx looked back up at her with a sad expression. "I know they blame me for that, too. I see it in their eyes. No one would be questioning me if we hadn't lost him. I failed in my duty to keep one of our own safe."

Sasha reached out and gripped a hand firmly to his arm. "No, Captain, no. No one out there is saying that." Sasha lied. Of course it had been said, though not too loudly, by several of those doubting officers. But she wasn't about to repeat that to the Captain here. "None of us could have prevented it."

Nyx dropped his head again, letting out a sigh. "Even if they don't say it, I know they're thinking it. And if anyone else dies or gets injured, I will lose the crew's support completely. I don't take what happened today lightly, and I don't want to see anyone get hurt."

The Ensign could only agree, though she didn't nod too firmly this time. An argument amongst the crew wouldn't usually signal deeper resentments towards the Captain. But in this situation, stuck in this Bubble Universe, Nyx was harbouring the responsibility and the blame for everything that happened. Sasha knew she was already fighting to talk to her fellow crew-mates without allowing them to foster too much negativity, however peace was becoming harder and harder to maintain.

"We just need you to keep being the same leader you were back in the real universe." Sasha suggested lightly. "And that means dealing with everyone fairly." She didn't want to make her point too obvious but her whole purpose for this chat was to ease tensions and there was only one way of doing so.

"I'll keep that in mind," Nyx replied, rubbing his eyes and returning to his chair. "At the appropriate time."

Sasha bit her lip again and decided that would have to be enough for now. "Okay, Captain, whatever you say. Sorry to have interrupted your day."

"Not at all." Nyx said. "I appreciate the chat, Ensign. It's given me an idea to ponder as well."

"Oh?" Sasha wondered obviously.

"Nothing to speak of just yet." Nyx smiled. "But let's keep chatting and I'll let you know."

= Corridor =

Ensign Vieers could only agree and after saying her farewells to the Captain, she exited his Ready Room and made her way down the corridor. Her head was full of contemptuous and conflicting thoughts; her duty to her ship, her commitment to her fellow crew, her friendship with the Captain. All of these elements had at one time been in complete balance and cohesion with each other; now they were seemingly at odds and she didn't know how to resolve it. As she headed towards the jeffries tube to climb down to Deck 2, she was stopped by a junior Ops officer, Ensign Rochester.

"Well?" He asked insistently, leaning in closely to Sasha. "What did he say?"

"No punishment as yet." Sasha replied, "But he's listening to us. Really. It's just not a good time right now."

"Nonsense!" Rochester scoffed, shaking his head. "The Captain's not going to reprimand his friends and we all know it."

"Give it time." Sasha warned, keeping her voice in a low hush. "He's getting the message."

"Too little, too late." Rochester replied, giving a nasty sneer. "It's time we started looking after ourselves."



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