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A Meeting of Minds...

Posted on Sun Jun 21st, 2020 @ 3:53am by Commander Owen Nash & Lieutenant Katniss Wakefield
Edited on on Wed Jun 24th, 2020 @ 7:07am

Mission: New Moon Rising
Location: Katniss's Lab

Katniss was like an excited child on Christams morning, all her new equipment was finally installed along with the experimental equipment Starfleet Science had given her. Not thinking twice she began to turn everything on without even thinking about the power demand. She was smiling as lights started to come alive and the gentle hum of equipment started to fill the room.

Suddenly the room was plunged into darkness. Then Shae's conversation came to the front of her mind, the lab had being upgraded with additiaon protocols for secuirty and safety with extra stregth forcefileds and enviromental controls and "Oh dear." she said outloud, had she really managed to overload a power conduit. Reaching for her com badge she sheppishly said

=/\= Wakefield to Operations...=/\=

In the Operations Office, Owen was checking reports when he heard the comm beep for attention. He tapped his own badge in response.

=/\= This is Commander Nash, go ahead lieutenant... What seems to be the problem? =/\=

Owen was aware that her equipment had been brought on board successfully and wondered what was up.

=/\= I think I may have overloaded the power grid, I'm stood in darkness. =/\=

Owen grabbed a toolkit from the nearby alcove and headed towards the nearest turbolift. =/\= I'm on my way, Nash out. =/\=

Within a few moments Owen had arrived at the lab and he could see Wakefield in the darkness. Pulling out a tricorder, he began scanning for the issue.

"Well, this is one way to get my attention," he commented as he scanned the room. Not long into the cycle he soon found the trouble... "So...what seems to be the problem?" Owen asked.

"If i needed you attention Commander I wouldn't fake a power outage, I think it's this new equipment, some of it is experimental and I don't know how much power it draws, I was just turning things on and bang. The next thing I knew I was stood in darkness."

"I didn't mean it that way...its just that you managed to catch me in a quite period." Owen checked the power distribution system in the lab and found the issue straight away. He pulled out a replacement part as he looked for somewhere to put his torch. "I see the problem, can you hold this for me? The lights won't come back on until I replace this part here," he explained.

Katniss paused for a moment, she hoped she hadn't put the Commander on the spot, perhaps she had miss read that one, she sometimes couldn't tell. "Erm..I...of course" she said with a smile gently taking the torch. "I'm glad I didn't pull you away from anything important, I'll put it down to gremlins in the system."

"Well, that's pretty much what we have here," explained Owen as he worked on the wall panel and replaced the part. "Since getting assigned to the Pandora during her refit, I've found plenty of system issues and bugs that have caused problems all round the ship..." Owen finished as he removed the broken part and fitted a new one.

"Besides," he laughed, "It was going too well and too quietly for something not top go wrong," he said as he completed his work. A quick check with the tricorder and the part was working to full specs. Owen typed in some commands into the wall panel and the lights came on. He smiled as he headed over to a standard console in the room.

"Now, Lieutenant, I'm going to re-divert some power into the lab for you, this should assist with making sure your equipment can run at full power," he explained.

That excited look came back in her eyes "Thank you, Commander." she said "I can't wait to start tinkering with my new toys."

Owen smiled as the console confirmed that the power flow re-divert he'd put in place was now a permanent process. "Anndd...thats got it," he confirmed before stepping away form his console. "Lieutenant, would you like to start up your equipment now?" he asked.

Katniss began to power on various peices of equipment and a gentle hum started to fill the lab, she turned to the commander with a large grin on her face. "Thank you." she said with exciment.



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