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Posted on Tue Jun 23rd, 2020 @ 5:23am by Commander Mindo & Lieutenant Bethany Robinson & Lieutenant Commander Greep & Lieutenant Zo
Edited on on Fri Jul 10th, 2020 @ 5:31pm

Mission: Death in Paradise
Location: Engineering
Timeline: current


Mindo had been showing his new Assistant Chief, Lieutenant Robinson, around Engineering. He had been very impressed thus far with her extensive knowledge of warp drives and propulsion systems. She even had a few interesting ideas on running the core that Mindo had not considered before. Everything was going very well.

"There are three shifts in a day, each shift lasting eight hours," said Mindo. "I may be giving you third shift to start with, which will give me some time for much needed sleep. We've been very busy down here and I've been a tad short staffed. I guess that's where you come in. Third shift starts at 2200. Does that work for you?"

"Yes, that's quite fine with me," said Bethany with a small smile, she felt a little more confidence building in her when the chief engineer didn't dismiss her ideas right away. He kept an open mind, even if he might actually be harried by the understaffing situation. "Actually, what happened? Surely the Pandora wasn't sent out here undermanned."

"I wouldn't say we've been undermanned... more like I've been overworked," said Mindo. "The Expanse is an exciting place. You never know when dark matter will mess with your sensors or the entire bridge crew disappears or the Ravagers decide to attack and take the Captain hostage... or some such nonsense. Right now we're at Paradise Station, where who knows what could go wrong?"

"With a name like Paradise?" said Bethany, scorn and sarcasm filling her voice, "Anything and everything can go wrong..."

Still, there was a thought about that. "Of course, it would be a good chance to pick up some tech and parts."

"Among other things," said Mindo.

Just then, two officers rounded the corner into Engineering. One of them, a human-looking blond-haired man was clearly telling a joke to the other, who had to be Chief Greep.

"...and he said, 'The clown can stay, but the Ferengi in the gorilla suit has to go,'" said the handsome blond one. The other, who looked like a bird in a gorilla suit, began making a sound as if it were choking.

Mindo grinned as the two crewmen approached. "Lieutenant, meet your new shift supervisors, Crewmen Greep and Crewmen Zo."

Bethany smiled at the two and waved, "Hello. I'm Bethany Robinson. Nice to meet you both."

She wondered what the sound the avian being was making signified.

"Robinson is our new Assistant Chief," said Mindo.

Zo smiled and extended a hand. "Good to meet you," he said.

Bethany happily accepted the cheery man's hand and shook it gently. He seemed very nice.

Greep made a throatal clicking sound before squawking, "Welcome to the Pandora." He extended a nimble-looking, blue hand. The Ontarion was simian in body, with a large yellow beak. This gave him the look of whatever an eagle-ape hybrid would look like... with blue fur.

"Thank you, Greep," said Bethany, accepting his hand too. "Have you all worked long on the Pandora?"

Zo nodded. "We were all transferred here at the same time from the USS Tornado," he said. "We've known each other for quite a while. Greep and Mindo even longer, since they were on the USS Rhys together before the Tornado!"

"You mean I have to take orders from two people now?" squawked Greep. Mindo differed to Robinson. If she was going to give orders, she could say so herself.

Bethany felt she needed to be cautious with how she responded here. She was newly promoted, and she was like an outsider here, bumping into a throng of people that have had years working together, learning how to work with one another. She did not need to alienate herself on her very first day. Mindo was also waiting for her to answer. Well, no pressure.

"Eventually," said Bethany, slowly. She gazed up at Greep, trying not to look too intimidated, "For now, I will be shadowing Lieutenant Mindo and learning how things run around here."

She offered a small smile.

Zo cleared his throat and shot a look at Greep before replying, "That sounds fine to me," he said with a warm smile.

Mindo nodded. "And I'm sure Crewman Greep will help you assimilate nicely here." Greep made a clicking noise.

The girl nodded and smiled again, feeling a bit better, but not certain she made quite the impact she hoped for. "That would be great. I look forward to working with all of you. As I understand it, I have the third shift."

"With me?" said Zo.

"Tomorrow night," said Mindo. "For today she's shadowing me."

"Right," said Bethany.

"All right everyone," said Mindo. "Time to get back to work. Lieutenant Robinson, you're with me."



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