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Checking in

Posted on Wed Jun 24th, 2020 @ 3:45am by Captain Nycolas Temple & Commander Owen Nash
Edited on on Fri Jul 10th, 2020 @ 5:59pm

Mission: The Evils Within
Location: USS Palatine - Crew Quarters
Timeline: Current

After enjoying several more days of leave onboard both the Palatine and Carwennan Station, Owen was ready to get back to the Pandora and find out what her next mission was and here she would be off to next.

With the recent "Victory" at Paradise station, he was also wary that this could also lead to retaliation from the Breen along the borders, however, that was a subject to worry about at another time. With the slow drawback of the Alrakis Pact forces in The Expanse, the situation could become tenser the next time that Starfleet and Alrakis Pact ships came into contact.

Having decided to spend a few days onboard the Palatine and getting to know one of Starfleet's Vesta Class starships better. His time spent with Commander Morgan and Lieutenant Korso gave him further knowledge of the starship but also allowed Owen to impart his tricks of the trade as well.

The time away also allowed him to get past the recent breakup with Janet and the decisions made because of it. Dinner with Commander Raven was an interesting affair and the two had agreed to keep in touch as friends for now. The fact that they talked for over four hours didn't go amiss but there was also understanding there as well.

Having packed up his things ready for a soon to be confirmed departure, Owen sat down at the comm panel in his guest quarters and send the comm channel link to connect with Nyx on the Pandora and waited.

Upon the screen came a beaming smile of Captain Temple, and the small, sleeping face of his newborn son. "Hi, there!" Nyx whispered.

Owen smiled as he could see his Commanding Officer and friend as was busy with his youngest child. He knew he'd missed a few things whilst he'd been away, but the birth of Nyx's youngest child was a great sight to see. "Hey, congratulations," Owen whispered. "Is this a bad time, I don't want to disturb you at all," he offered.

Seeing Nyx's youngest also reminded him that at some stage, Owen would want to be in the same position himself, however, knowing that Krys wasn't too far off himself would mean that he would get plenty of practice very soon.

"No, not at all." Nyx smiled, "I just wanted to update you on what's been going on. We've managed to gain a crew member while you've been away. I tell you, he's got the arms of the pilot, this one."

Owen smiled. It was good to see his friend happy for a change. It seemed like such a long time since there had been a genuine smile on his face for good reason. "I'll have Fick add him to the roster as soon as he passes basic flight...teach them young," Owen joked.

"So what's been happening whilst I've been away? Not that I'm complaining, the break has been good and useful," he admitted. If there was a reason as to why the Pandora hadn't turned up at the station, he knew Nyx would explain one way or another.

Nyx's face had a moment of dejection, and he took a deep breath, "The powers that be have decided to send us on an urgent mission. I can't say much over open comms but our return to Carnwennan Station has been delayed indefinitely."

Owen could see that, even without saying it, Nyx was unhappy with this turn of events. Owen now understood why the Pandora was overdue at Carnwennan Station and it also made for his getting back in time for his leave ending, a suddenly challenging prospect.

"Ah, that's a shame to hear. However, when Starfleet calls, we must obey... most of the time," he said, trying to lighten the atmosphere. He also realised that normally, there was some leeway over what details of a mission could be discussed. Once again, Nyx alluded to nothing.

"So I ran into Captain Rao and the Palatine here at the station. I've been very well looked after and they have also allowed me to have a tinker on board that fine Vesta Class starship of theirs," Owen explained. Whilst he was having fun, he knew he had a duty to the ship. "Want me to see if I can conjure up a Runabout or hitch a lift on the Palatine to come and rendezvous with the Pandora?" he offered.

Nyx paused. If Nash was transmitting from Carnwennan Station, the line was not secure. He couldn't give any details of the Pithos mission. "You know, I have a more urgent issue." He lied, "It appears Former First Lieutenant Arnaldo may have absconded with a Starfleet issue weapon. I'll need you to head back to Paradise Outpost and retrieve it."

Owen held himself for a moment. He remembered their time at Paradise Station and also all of the trouble that took place there, however, at the mention of Arnaldo, he knew something was wrong. Arnaldo had decided to stay on board the station and work with the rebels there to drive out the Breena and their fellow Alrakis Pact members.

"Understood. It is bloody careless of him. Remind me to have a word with him when I get back on board about being more mindful of the equipment handed out, Owen responded. He played along, knowing that something wasn't right, but also not to give the suspicion to anyone who may be listening in that he was aware.

"As I said, I can secure a Runabout, however, it may be better for me to see if there is something better equipped to go there, just in case there are an Alrakis Pact ships in the area." He offered the suggestion.

"See what you can do," Nyx nodded, he casually looked over a small PADD, "I believe it was a Type 2 phaser. It's imperative that we don't allow Starfleet equipment to fall into the wrong hands."

"Of course, I'll check in once I have arrived at the station. I'm sure that I'll receive a warm reception after my last visit there.

"I'll let you get started," Nyx replied, giving a small smile. "Safe journey, Commander."

Owen smiled, nodding at the sentiment that was put before him, however sincere it was meant to come across. "Thank you, sir. Nash out," Owen said as he closed the channel.

Sitting back on his seat, Owen realised that there were things amiss and that something very serious was wrong. In the way that Nyx had given him some coded answers, Owen's first decision was to speak with Captain Rao and see if the Palatine could be given a small patrol route to go out on. A Route that would head out towards Paradise Station but never actually reach there.

Owen needed to find out what was going and soon. It was clear that Nyx wanted him to investigate a matter with urgency, but not enough urgency to raise suspicion at the station. The game was afoot.

=/\= Nash to Captain Rao, can I meet you in Science Lab Two? I have some results I want to go through from the last set of tests on the Warpdrive =/\=


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