Ocean Views and Attitudes
Posted on Wed Jun 24th, 2020 @ 3:47am by Lieutenant Nicholas Boucher & Lieutenant Zo & Ignatius & Petty Officer 3rd Class Raven Mattel
Edited on on Fri Jul 10th, 2020 @ 6:00pm
The Evils Within
Location: Hesiod Blue
Timeline: After "Open Skies"
After ordering Bravo flight to escort the shuttle to Hesiod Blue and maintaining station above Green to ensure the Pandora had made it to the surface safely, Nick finally got on the comm with his wingman.
"I think we can pack up here, Red," he stated. "Let's haul ass to Hesiod Blue and join the group there."
"Roger that, El-Tee," the Bolian replied. "On your lead."
Nick pulled away from Green, away from the Pandora, and began the trek over to the neighbouring planet. He didn't feel great leaving the ship on its own, but at least he'd left Alphas Five and Six, just in case the Pandora needed flight support. Valkyries were less effective in atmosphere than out, but were still highly serviceable.
Nick set in their course and leaned back in his seat. It wasn't a long flight to Hesiod Blue, but he needed a breather already. He had a feeling he wouldn't be able to rest properly until Alpha Squadron was back on Pandora, headed out of the system.
[Hesiod Blue]
It had been a few hours since the Base Camp team had arrived on Hesiod Blue. Ignatius had been helping to lead the efforts of the small team to erect their makeshift landing site and barracks for the Pandora's squadrons of Valkyrie fighters. He was taking the role as "Services Manager" of this expedition very seriously, ensuring everyone was working hard to build the Base Camp before Lieutenant Boucher and his pilots were due to land.
"Let's get more beds up!" Ignatius called out as he went back to the shuttle for another load of gear.
"Aye, aye, Captain," Raven groaned, dragging her feet behind him. She looked out across the bay, the bright blue ocean was tantalisingly close. She wanted to run into the warm waters and float for a while, not spend her time running up and down sand dunes carrying supplies. "Good gracious, let's hope this is the last trip."
Terrekal grunted his affirmation. "The second we get a break, I'm going skinny dipping; mostly due to the fact that I didn't pack a swimsuit... mostly."
Raven nodded, "Let's hope the boss-man at least gives us some R and R on this mission." Raven commented.
Ignatius, who had of course heard the conversation but initially pretended not to, stopped in his tracks and sighed. "Guys, I'm sorry if I've been a hard task-master, but the Pandora is depending on us. Lieutenant Boucher and his pilots are depending on us. We need to get this right."
Raven nodded, "We're doing fine, Iggy. Stop stressing! We've got most of the camp set up already."
The clothier wiped his sweaty brow. He didn't want to admit it before but a dip in the ocean sounded like a very good idea. He shrugged, "Alright, let's get these last few things set up and hopefully we'll have time for a swim before Boucher arrives."
The moment was broken by the noise of four rapidly approaching fighter craft. Bravo flight had remained in orbit on a patrol while the shuttle carrying the advance team had defended to the planet. Upon Nick and Redran's arrival, having found nothing amiss, he ordered them all to the surface. As they descended, Nick could help but marvel at the world where they'd be temporarily making a home. He hated being shunted to the sidelines, but this was one hell of a sideline to be shunted too. Maybe he WOULD be able to relax after all.
The fighters slowed and touched down in formation in the landing area marked off by the advance team. Nick ran through his post-flight checklist quickly, then popped the hatch and leap down from the cockpit, taking in his surroundings.
The camp preparations were remarkably well-underway. Everything was moving with an incredible efficiency and Nick wondered at who the Captain had out in charge of the situation. Whoever it was, they seemed to be an organizational genius. He doubted Alpha Squadron would have to do much, if anything, in the way of helping to set up.
He turned to the rest of the squad as they joined him. "Well kids, let's go find out where we're bunking up."
Seeing the fighters land threw Ignatius into a panic. "Quick! Raven, grab those beds. Terrekal, get the drinks out of the cooler and have them ready! We need refreshments! And food! And we NEED THESE BEDS!" He started frantically pulling the supplies out of the shuttle and dragging them through the sand back towards base, looking a right fool as he did.
"There goes our skinny dip." Raven remarked dejectedly to Terrekal.
Terrekal took off his top. His gleaming, slender, hairless chest glistened in the sunlight. He shrugged. "Darling, if one is to be a beach bartender one must look the part!" He smiled and began to hover toward the food shuttle. "You help Iggs with the beds. I'll fix up something cool and refreshing for this mess. Don't be long!" He winked.
Raven's face immediately flushed red. Though she had worn all matter of outfits, which 'skimpy' could barely begin to accurately describe, she would never appear fully topless in public. Even after a sonic shower, alone in the privacy of her quarters, she'd tie her towel up across her chest. She felt pangs of self-consciousness, as she realised others may expect her to go swimming 'like the boys', or expect her to explain why she couldn't Raven bit her lip with consternation, fearing that she'd suddenly found herself way out of her comfort zone and no where to escape to.
After a moment, she hurried off inside to their tent, deciding to forgo helping with the rest of the camp set-up.
Nick approached the man at the center of all the hustle and bustle. He was one of the civilians from the Pandora. In fact, everyone here seemed to be a civilian. He swore under his breath. Had the Captain left HIM in charge of all this until the XO showed up?
"Lieutenant Nicholas Boucher," he said, extending his hand in greeting. "I don't believe we've met, Mr...?"
Ignatius saw Raven run off into the tent and while initially annoyed that his friend was seemingly abandoning her duties, he worried that something was wrong. When the Lieutenant approached, however, he had to quickly adjust his focus. "Ignatius." The clothier responded hastily, standing up straight as the Starfleet officer replied. He paused awkwardly and shook Boucher's outstretched hand. "Just Ignatius, if you don't mind, sir... uh, Lieutenant, sir."
Nick smiled, understanding the awkwardness. As a Marine, formality had been reserved for superior officers. As part of Starfleet, everyone was fairly formal on duty, regardless of rank relationship. He tried to foster more of a sense of comraderie amongst his squad though.
"Boucher is fine," he replied. He then chuckled. "And after a few drinks, Nick will do. At least until the XO arrives, then we may have to get a bit more formal."
He made a point of looking around the camp. "It seems like you have matters well at hand here. Did the Captain happen to send any Engineering staff with you? My pilots can maintain their fighters well enough, but it'd be easier if we have some support."
One of the officers assisting in unpacking spoke up from behind Boucher. "Lieutenant Mindo sent me, sir," said Crewman Zo, extending a hand. "I don't think we've ever formally met. I'm Zo. I've been working with your pilots the last two weeks getting myself familiar with the technology. Mindo thought I was the most capable to handle this assignment."
"Perfect!" Nick replied. "Between what you've learned and our knowledge, these birds should be well taken care of. After they get some chow, I'll have the pilots meet with you to go over their fighters individually. Atmosphere sometimes can play havoc with these fighters."
"We have sleeping quarters and a mess tent set up already. Solar generators are installed and filling up the batteries as we speak." Ignatius spoke up.
Nick nodded approvingly. "Seems like you have things well in hand then, Ignatius. Do you need my men for anything? We aren't great at making things look pretty, but these grunts can do any heavy lifting you need."
'We could have used that an hour ago.' Ignatius thought to himself, though he kept the grin plastered to his lips. "I guess you Starfleet folks should inspect everything, right? Make sure it's all up to standard. Myself and my team are preparing an afternoon snack with drinks in the main mess hall. Nothing prohibited, of course. You can see Mr. Terrekal for refreshments and I'll go whip up some food."
"Please let me know if you need anything." Ignatius gave a gracious bow before heading across the sand back to the tents. Despite the hard physical labour of the day, and the emotional efforts in trying to get the other civilians on-board, their work had only really just begun.