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A Request

Posted on Tue Jan 12th, 2021 @ 9:12am by Captain Nycolas Temple & Sasha Vieers (Deceased) & Lieutenant Krysia Kaleri-Smith

Mission: The Gauntlet
Location: Deck 6 - Sickbay

Warning: this post discusses voluntary euthanasia. If you find this topic distressing or uncomfortable, feel free to skip over the post. It has no bearing on the mission or sim.


Sasha Vieers stared up ahead of her, the same boring ceiling she had been staring at for weeks now. She had been moved to a private area of Sickbay while she recuperated from her exposure to the toxic atmosphere of Hesiod Green. It was quieter here, no visitors except for the regular check ups from the nurse. They had posted two security guards outside for the first couple of weeks, just in case she made a miraculous sudden recovery and decided to high-tail it out of there. But as the time passed by, the more obvious it became that Sasha wasn't going anywhere, and the security was reduced. They didn't really reconsider her a flight risk anymore. Of course, Sasha wouldn't have run anyway.

Outside in the corridor, Nyx was pacing around. He had been called to visit Sickbay after a request for a visit from Vieers had reached him. Despite everything that had been going on with the Pandora, he wanted to respond to the request as soon as possible. Sasha had gone out into the volatile conditions of Hesiod in order to help the ship. Even if she had been waylaid from her original mission, she still found information that was vital to helping the Hessians. Nyx felt he owed Sasha for doing her duty; the least he could do was visit.

Krysia had received Sasha’s request, not one to turn down the opportunity to help anyone especially Sasha she made her way to Sickbay as soon as she could. As she arrived she saw Nyx waiting as well. “I take it Sasha called you as well Sir?” Krys looked at Nyx curiously. “I couldn’t refuse coming, when we were stuck in that bubble Sasha was a good friend."

Nyx nodded, "I feel guilty, if I'm being honest, Counsellor." He confided in Kaleri, his tone quietened given the public location. "I sent her on this mission to the Hesiod surface and it appears to have caused her major complications. I wish I had never done so, even if it did lead to some vital information to help our mission." A typical Captain's justification - the ends justifying the means, the needs of the ship coming before a single officer. Or traitor, as the case may be.

Krysia nodded. “You obviously thought you had little choice Captain, or you wouldn’t have sent Sasha out there in the first place.” She offered an understanding smile.

"Well let's find out what she needs us for." Nyx said with a deep breath. He stood back for a moment to allow Kaleri to enter the Sickbay first. Once inside, they saw it was a regular, quiet day in Medical. With everyone on duty or on-call for the Yellow Alert, Sickbay was largely deserted except for a few crew members on minor duties. Ensign Bourne had fallen in the gym and required a skin graft on his ankle with a dermal regenerator; Lieutenant Junior Grade Vasslex was practicing for her Surgical Exam on the EMH, and some of the Nurses were just cleaning and categorising the medical equipment. Other than that, the Sickbay was a quiet department - which probably made for a nice change of pace for them.

Mason had finished in the lab going over some results for the patients, and ongoing treatments as ordered by the Chief Medical Doctor. As he finished, and sterilized, Legace had walked into the main sick bay area, to find Captain Temple and Lieutenant Smith. Mason greeted them with his customary "Captain, Counsellor. What can I do for you?" He was surprised to see them.

Krysia smiled politely as she greeted Legace. “Our presence was requested by Sasha Vieers.” She smiled warmly as she rested her hand on her stomach.

"Before we go in," Nyx said, lowering his tone so that the conversation was kept between the three of them. "How is she?"

“Vieers has presented with a cluster of symptoms that involves many systems of her body,” Mason spoke calm and low. He presented a concerning, grave face. “The toxicity from the Hesiod atmosphere she encountered has led to further complications.”

Legace had held out his medical padd, showing the diagram of Sasha’s body at present. “Captain Temple, Lieutenant Kaleri-Smith. The damage has released blood-borne toxins into her bloodstream, which has spread to body organs. Sasha presents with liver impairment, bruising due to low blood platelet counts. At times she has been disoriented and confused. She needs critical care at the nearest Starbase soon.” He acknowledged the limits of the Pandora’s technologies onboard.

Nyx was shocked by this as he looked wide-eyed to the Counsellor. He breathed, barely above a whisper, "I... I had no idea it was this bad. Is there anything we can do?"

Krys shook her head. She had no idea Sasha’s condition was so serious.

“She is weak and tired. We are doing our best, Sir, to keep her comfortable at the moment.” Legace nodded with hope in his eyes.

Nyx knew that 'keeping someone comfortable' was just pleasant Medical terminology for keeping a person basically alive; it typically meant they were well-sedated and not in too-much pain, but there wasn't else much that could be done to fix the condition. Nyx remembered the last few days of his grandfather's life, and the doctors assuring him that they were 'keeping your Pa comfortable', like it was some comfort when it really meant there was nothing to be done but wait for death. Nyx frowned, "We are still weeks away from returning to Federation territory. Is she going to make it?"

Legace nodded at Nyx's and Kaleri-Smith's concerns. He could feel their true empathy and compassion and wanting to help. "At this moment, it all depends. We are giving Sasha the strongest anti-biotics and conventional treatments that her body can handle. It will be touch and go, but I have the strongest faith in her." He conceded. "As always, we will update as her condition dictates, Sirs." He looked towards Vieers.

“Is she really up to seeing us?” Krys looked at Legace. “Or is she just being typical tough Sasha?”

Mason acknowledged. "She has been quiet, and to her self. As to be expected. But I think just this visit may be welcome, if for a brief moment." He nodded. "She is weak so maybe a few minutes." He gestured. He had then decided to walk in to Sasha's isolation ward, that was sectioned off with her bio bed.

"Sasha. We have the Captain and Counsellor here. They would like to say hello, but only for a little bit, I have said." He asked Sasha.

Vieers turned wearily, she wasn’t sure if she had just been asleep or just zoned out again. Time had very little meaning. She gave a half-hearted smile as the Captain and Counsellor came into focus.

“Hello.” She said hoarsely. “I hope I haven’t interrupted you both.”

“Nonsense.” Nyx remarked, struck by how ill Sasha now appeared. She was gaunt, skin pale. It looked like all of her energy was going to fighting off the toxins in her system and it was a losing battle. A far cry from the Vieers who was once such a threat to the ship. “I’m sorry we haven’t come sooner.”

“You could never interrupt me” Krysia smiled at Sasha putting on a brave face. “I know they keep telling us that the bubble universe wasn’t real but in my experience it was very real. You and I were friends there Sasha, and friends don’t give up on one another. Tell us what you need.”

Sasha winced, "You're still so kind me, Krysia. Despite everything that has happened."

“Of course” Krys nodded. “You’re my friend Sasha I’m not giving up on you.”

"I won't keep you long," Sasha said with a sad smile, "I am aware of how bad my situation is. The medical crew have been trying their best, but it's a losing battle. Even if we make it to a Federation base soon, the damage is done."

Nyx felt a worrying realisation in his mind, as he started to fear why Vieers had called them all here. "You have to keep fighting, Sasha." Nyx took a step forward and placed a hand on her shoulder, "We've been able to slow the toxins, and we'll have the best medical minds in the Federation to help reverse it."

Sasha closed her eyes, "They won't try to save me." She whispered. "Not after what I've done."

Krysia looked annoyed. “If they don’t I’ll get you the help you need. My people may not be widespread but they’ll come if I request it, we have some of the best medical care available on Drax.” She looked at Nyx. “I can call home if you need me to Captain?”

Nyx started to nod in reply but Sasha reached out and grabbed his hand tightly. "No." She whispered, opening her eyes to look at them, "That's why I brought you here. I don't want treatment anymore. I've decided..." A tear fell down her cheek, "It's my time to go."

“Sasha you ...” Krysia paused. She was going to say that Sasha didn’t mean what she’d said but she could sense that Sasha was very serious. “If that’s you’re wish ...” she looked at Nyx then back at Sasha. “I wish we could have been friends again.”

Vieers just looked at her with an appreciative look, unsure what else to say.

Nyx shook his head, "Sasha, I know you're tired and exhausted from fighting this, but giving up isn't the answer."

"Temple," Sasha replied wearily, "Even if they do somehow find a magical fix to reverse the damage already done, what future do I have? A life sentence in Federation prison? Or most of a life sentence with some concessions for being a good girl. That's what I'm fighting for? "

"We can try to put your skills to use - " Nyx said but was interrupted.

"Look at me, Temple, I'm not going on any more undercover missions. I'm no use to S.I. now." Sasha wheezed. "The best I have to hope for is to make a long, painful recovery only to spend the rest of my life locked up somewhere."

"But you would be alive Sasha." Nyx insisted. "You stop accepting treatment, you will die. And that ain't reversible."

"I know." Sasha nodded with a sigh. "I've thought about it and... I know."

“No you don’t know!” Krysia looked at Sasha. “I can take you away from that! If I get you transferred to Drax you could have a whole new life out there! You wouldn’t have to be restricted to the planet either, there’s a whole system and a universe beyond that. Please Sasha, don’t just give up!”

Nyx choked back a little cough; while he didn't want to give Sasha another reason to feel defeated, he knew it was incredibly unlikely that Starfleet would allow Sasha to leave their custody; her crimes were just too great. Sasha looked down, already knowing this to be true.

"I wish I could believe that, Krysia." She sighed, "But as soon as I'm put in a medical facility, I will be under guard." She paused, regaining her strength again. "In my culture, it is... okay to pass on, if it is in the service of others. If a Trill host is too old or weak to carry on, their life is forsaken so the symbiont may survive and find a new host. While I am not joined myself, I would like to think of the Pandora as my symbiont."

"That's a noble thought," Nyx remarked.

Mason stood there from the corner watching the conversation, but keeping his distance for respect. He would be ready to intervene if Sasha needed help. For now, she was doing well, she seemed to be responding well to the talk with the Captain and Counsellor. He was grateful.

"Captain, Counsellor, I would like to invoke Federation law regarding my freedom to decline medical treatment." Sasha said, her voice firm now. "I am aware that this will likely result in my death."

Krysia looked at Nyx and unhappily nodded, she knew he’d need to know her opinion that Sasha really knew what she was saying.

Hearing Vieers state that, Legace felt sick inside. He could not in good conscience, in his profession, do-so without extreme cause. He eyed both the Counsellor and the Captain, but it was not his place to object to a patients wishes.

Nyx could only shake his head, "That's not a decision I can make right now. Given your current circumstances, you are in our custody still, it would be entirely against Starfleet regulation for me to allow this to happen. It would have to go to Command, possibly even to the Federation courts to decide."

Sasha's face noticeably grimaced at the news; she was so tired, all she wanted was the reassurance of getting some peace. "I understand." She murmured, as she sunk lower into her bed. "You have heard my request, now my fate is in your hands." She closed her eyes, "I'd like to get some sleep now."

The Captain nodded solemnly and left the room, bringing Legace with him. Sasha and Kaleri were left alone.

“I’m sorry Sasha.” Krysia approached the biobed. “I wish I could do more to help you.”

Opening her eyes suddenly, Sasha grabbed at Kaleri’s hand, "Krysia! I know this upsets you, but I am begging you. Please implore them to do the humane thing and let me choose to end my suffering."

Krysia gasped as Sasha grabbed her hand, not being prepared for it the touch had immediately connected telepathically with Sasha and Krysia could feel the sheer amount of pain Sasha was in and trying to hide. She quickly snapped up mental barriers as she looked at Sasha. “You’re ... in so much pain!” She looked around the empty room before looking back at Sasha. “I ... I wish ...” She paused. “Wait! There might be a way.”

"How?" Sasha asked, eyes pleading.

Krysia looked at Sasha. “I could put barriers in your mind, it’s a crude way of dealing with pain but shielding your mind from the input from your pain receptors would help to make you more comfortable. It’s something telepaths are taught to do on Drax, our society uses telepaths in every day roles. Shielding the mind from input is relatively easy just tiring, more so for me in my condition.”

"Maybe." Sasha whispered, "But then what? I still can't get up and live a normal life; I won't feel pain but my body still needs constant medical assistance to fight the toxins. I'd just be a zombie." She shook her head, "I don't know if it's worth your efforts."

Krys nodded. “It’s just an offer, the option is there if you want it.” She smiled at Sasha.

Vieers just nodded then closed her eyes, "I'm going to sleep."

Outside the room, Ensign Legace had waited for Captain Nyx to speak first. Everything he said in there sounded correct and prudent. He would follow to a tee, what the Captain had advised him. "Sir, which ever you advise, I am deferring to your direction of course." He had looked. "Let's hope it does not have to come to that. Right now, I believe Sasha may be overwhelmed."

Nyx nodded. "We will need a full and frank medical report on Vieers' condition. No opinion, no direction from me either way. Just your unbiased medical opinion. It will be added to other reports from the Medical team and passed onto higher ups to make the call. It has to be a truly medical decision."

"I have considerable Federation Ethical and Moral guidelines to follow, as well as a full psychological component make up for that report to be dictated. I will need the Counsellor's full reporting as well." He acknowledged the Captain's orders.

"Focus on the medical. I need a break down of her full list of conditions, how much assistance we can provide her, estimated chance of survival, and any possible ideas to reverse the damage." Nyx replied. "We need every little detail."

"Immersive workup, of course, Sir." Legace affirmed the Capt.

Nyx looked over as Kaleri was exiting the room and he nodded to her, "Counsellor, we'll need a frank assessment from yourself as well. Is Vieers in the right frame of mind to make such a decision? Feel free to take your time; interview her again if you need, but we will need a recommendation to give to Starfleet Medical."

“I don’t need to interview her Sir” Krysia gave Nyx a serious look. “Sasha knows exactly what she’s saying, and in my professional opinion she is of sound mind, and able to make that decision.” She paused. “You didn’t feel it Sir ... she’s in so much pain! Agonising, never ending pain!” She took a deep breath. “I will put my assessment in writing for Starfleet Medical Sir.”

“It was awful just to see her, I wanted to help her, too. But we have to be clinical about this.” Nyx said with a nod. “I’ll expect your reports as soon as you can.”

The Captain turned to leave but realising he’d forgotten to say something important, he stopped and looked back. “Also, I understand that this is a very difficult situation you’ve been put in. We’ve dedicated our lives to saving people, we train for years to help others, and yet we’re confronted with someone actually asking us to voluntarily end their life. If either of you are feeling concerned or just want to chat - please come see me. Okay?”

Krysia nodded. “Yes Sir, Thank you Sir.”

Legace had nodded in return. "Of course, Sir." Mason, looked back at Sasha, and then placed his hands at his side, a small sigh.



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