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Posted on Sun Sep 15th, 2024 @ 6:48pm by Admiral Audra Milne & Captain Nycolas Temple & Commander Owen Nash

Mission: The Only Thing Left Was Hope
Location: Ver-1 / Risa
Timeline: After "Utilization"


Onboard the Ambassador-class shuttle Ver-1, on loan from the USS Versailles, Nyx was wasting no time during his travel to Risa. He had been sent by Admiral Milne on a mission to find his old crew and then, hopefully, find the Pandora. He knew that Lieutenant Commander Mindo - the former Lt. Commander, that is - was currently on Risa, so he had chosen to tackle the hardest recruitment task first. He was hoping one of the easiest recruitments would come from his old Executive Officer, Commander Nash. The pair had exchanged some messages while Nyx was on leave on Earth, but without the constant pressure of serving together, their friendship had a natural distance in it now. The mountains of time and separation had grown tall between them.

If Nyx was hoping to find the Pandora and fly her again, he would have to find a way past those mountains. Using his PADD, Nyx sent out a subspace communication to Commander Nash, hoping the XO was looking for a cause to join.


Having settled in with Aeryn in their Hotel Apartment, Owen had left Aeryn to her own devices as she explored whilst he took a well-earned rest.

Despite the recent upheaval with the Admiral and being shunted onto an unexpected but not unwelcome shore leave, Owen decided that it was a good time to rest and allow himself to relax.

Settling down on the sofa in the air-cooled lounge, a nice cold dry cider in an iced pint glass besides him, Owen sat back with his eyes closed, smiling as Risa ticked by it in own glorious way on another beautiful day.

A beautiful day that was two minutes later, disturbed by a beep that required attention from the PADD he’d brought with him. Taking a sip of his drink, Owen stood up and walked over to his shoulder bag to take out the PADD.

Already prepared with a polite but firm decline of any cancellation of his shore leave the Admiral was considering, Owen was surprised to see who the message was from.


He sat back down and read the message from his previous CO and once again wondered as the Pandora came into his thoughts. Following the incident in San Francisco, Owen started to wonder if this was all connected.

The message was simple. “Looking for a good cause? How about you help me find the old girl…for old times sake?”

Owen’s answer was just as simple: “Count me in, but I’m on Risa with Aeryn Jameson, we’re seeing each other now. Where are you currently?”

If sounds could travel such distances in space, Owen would have undoubtedly heard Nyx's laugh from his shuttle.

The response back was simple: "En route to Risa." Nyx chuckled as he typed.

Owen smiled as he saw the response from Nyx and let out a chuckle, before looking around him. The Universe often had a sick sense of humour and he suddenly wondered if jhe was being watched.

"Well, seeing as you've already read my mind and figured out where I am, we need a catchup when you arrive." And with that, Owen securely sent the location of where he and Aeryn were staying.

VER-1 had landed on Risa in the very early morning, just as dawn was breaking over Suraya Bay and the calm ocean waters were kissed with a pink and orange glow. Nyx and Caradan had separated company after the transport arrived, as Nyx wanted to stave off any potential followers. It was no easy feat to hide an entire starship, so he figured those responsible would be keen to ensure the Pandora stayed hidden. Nyx was keen to avoid involving Caradan if anyone tried something on Risa. In addition, he wanted to avoid any implications of checking into a hotel on Risa with an officer who was not his wife. Both reasons seemed tactically wise.

After securing his accommodation, Nyx travelled to the location Owen had sent him. Arriving at the resort, he made his way up to their suite and quickly chimed the door.


Nyx's whole demeanor slumped as he walked away slowly from Nash's hotel room, his spirit visibly defeated.

"How am I going to do this without him?" He wondered aloud as he shuffled his feet towards the lift.

Nash had been happy for the reunion, happy to catch up and to offer what help he could - but Owen had his own mission now. He had been granted his own ship to lead. Nyx had been so caught up in finding the Pandora, getting the crew back together, he assumed everyone would be as available as he was. Nyx hadn't considered that Nash might not be able to come back too. He would soon have a crew of his own to lead.

Arriving back at his beach villa, Nyx secured the room with his anti-surveillance devices and placed an urgent direct call back to Earth, Starfleet HQ.

"Captain." Admiral Milne smiled as she appeared on screen. "You've made it to Risa safe then?"

"Yes." Nyx frowned a little as he shuffled into place in his chair. "But I've hit a hurdle. Starfleet has offered Commander Nash his own ship, and he's taking it."

"Good!" Milne nodded, "It's about time."

"It is," Nyx sighed, "But this leaves me without Nash. The crew... we all loved him, respected him. What if they don't want to do this without him?"

Milne replied, "Starfleet needs captains exactly like Nash. It was only a matter of time, Nyx, before he was offered his own ship. That it's happened now is a drawback for your mission, but your crew has always been bigger than one individual. Your crew will want to do this, *for* Nash."

"I hope so." Nyx breathed out, "But that does leave me without an XO."

"You already know who your number one is going to be, Captain." Milne chuckled, "Come on now."

Nyx raised an eyebrow and smiled. "I do. It's the only choice.... That's if he wants it, of course. I haven't spoken to him yet." Another lump of fear grew in Temple's throat. What if Mindo was out too? Another blow to the Pandora's reunion and return.

"Mindo was treated awfully by Starfleet," The Admiral nodded, "It won't be easy, but that's why you have Lieutenant Eunidas with you. If you can't convince him to return to service, perhaps she can? You have scaled impossible mountains before, I know you will again."

"I hope so." Nyx repeated, this time with a little more belief in his voice, "I can't find the Pandora without him. Without all of them, really. It's going to be hard enough without Owen. This mountain might be too high to climb."

Milne turned her head and smiled, "They'll come together, Nycolas. All of them. Even Nash will help, in his way."

Nyx looked back at the screen with contemplative pursed lips. He wanted to completely believe her words would come true. "Okay." He finally said with a nod, "Now what do I do?"

"Gather everyone, as originally planned." Milne said firmly, "Don't be swayed by this set-back. You have a ship to find."

"Aye, sir." Nyx replied, "I will. Next time we speak, I'll be on the Pandora."

Audra smiled at this, even the distance between them couldn't hide the warmth she felt for the captain. "Make sure that you do. Milne out."

The screen went blank and Nyx stood up again. He walked over to the window, which overlooked the Bay, waves lapping onto the shoreline. With a wry look, he turned and went to the other side of the room. From this view, he could see the Galartha mountain ranges. A more appropriate view for his mindset now. He thought about Nash and the XO chair; the times they had served together on the bridge. The sights of the Inconnu Expanse, the close battles with Ravagers and Breen, taking their seats after a long chat in the ready room. It had been years since they had been on the bridge of the Pandora, and yet it still felt like yesterday.

Nyx knew that if they found the Pandora, it wouldn't feel the same now. Not without Nash by his side. But he had to press on, because that's what Nash wanted them to do. To find the ship, to rejoin the fleet, to climb the mountain.



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