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Heavy Is the Head

Posted on Mon Jun 22nd, 2020 @ 5:02am by Captain Nycolas Temple & Commander Owen Nash
Edited on on Tue Jul 7th, 2020 @ 2:37pm

Mission: Into the Wild
Location: Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: After "Honours - Part One"

A Mission Post by Captain Nycolas Temple & Commander Owen Nash
Mission: Into The Wild
Location: Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: After "Honours - Part One"
Sun Apr 1st, 2018 @ 11:38am

Owen stayed on in the Ready Room as both Fick & Cailus left. "What can I do for you Nycolas...or should it what have I done now?" he asked with a small chuckle. He had missed both his Captain and his friend on this mission.

Nyx gave a laugh as he moved to sit down on the couch, nodding to the XO to follow. "Nothing serious, Owen, just thought we should chat. Feels like ages since we have."

Owen took a seat as he happily agreed. "Hell yes, its been a while with what seems like so much happening in such a short space of time..." he admitted. Thinking about the fact that Nyx had been on the Carnage whilst he himself had been on Salvaxe, Owen was curious.

"So how are you holding up after recents events?" He asked.

"Me?" Nyx laughed shortly. "I've been better, my friend. It got pretty dicey over on the Carnage, thankfully Tisar is a man of his word and Lieutenant Brennan is a woman of unimaginable tricks."

Owen smiled as he agreed. "We do have a fine and talented crew, thats for certain...and that includes the civilians on board as well," he admitted. "Although there are times I do wish we were a bigger Starship be pose a more intimidating target, I am glad that we've come out of this in one piece." Owen had served on ships where crew had been lost on away missions and knew that was a difficult task to deal with. He was thankful it hadnt happened this time.

"Do you think we'll hear more from the Ravagers?" He enquired.

"Intel reports that they're more concentrated around the Inconnu Corridor for now." Nyx replied with a shrug. "From what I gleamed off the Carnage's computer, Balek had been essentially put out to pasture over here, let him be the king of his sandbox."

"Well lets hope that we'll have some space between us and any further encounters with them," Owen said. "Besides, some of us have enough to deal with right now."

Owen looked at Nyx and could tell that something wasnt right with the man who was his friend and Captain. "What happened over there?" He asked carefully. Owen had been planetside and out of the action but could tell something was a little off.

"It was pretty rough." Nyx replied quietly. "There was a moment where I thought we had been betrayed and lead into a trap by Tisar, but it turns out he is braver then I could have imagined. And a damn fine actor, too."

Owen could see there was more to it than the explanation given, but was glad his friend had made it back relatively unscathed. The limp from his injuries was clear despite recovery being underway. "Whilst Tisar is a great actor...which is good to know should I start a Drama Club...What happened with Balek?" He asked. "Tisar must have been bloody convincing... The firefight we witnessed planetside seemed quite real and not staged in anyway."

Owen surmised the situation, wanting to let Nyx tell him of his own choice as to why this last mission had been one that pushed everyone to new limits. He was worried about his friend, time in the hands of any enemy often forced a person to make choices they normally wouldnt just to survive or to return home.

"Oh that part was definitely real." Nyx remarked. "While luckily Balek had put my fate in Tisar's hands, which kept me alive frankly, they were still very much gunning for the Pandora. I had put Griffin in charge because I believed he had the tactical skills to negotiate the battle, and he showed himself more than capable. He and Fick gave the Carnage a run for their money."

Owen nodded in agreement. "We are bloody lucky we have such a good, not just a crew, its more a family now than a crew and a close one at that," he stated. "Its good to have you back on board though Nyx...its good to be home again."

"Definitely." Nyx smiled in return, happy for the change in subject. "We've been through a lot lately but I'm really starting to feel like we can handle anything. Speaking of, I want to make sure we don't relax too much. Do you think we could fit in some surprise drills? I want them to come at completely random times to keep the crew on their toes. We should always be on alert, right?"

Owen rubbed his hands with an evil laugh. "Drills? Absolutely. Its good to keep the crew on their toes and keep them alert," he agreed. "Even with the backup of the Palatine, we're the front line out here so its good to keep everyone alert. I'll fit some in over the next 48 hours or so."

Owen made a mental note to organise the drills after their meeting. "Whilst I think about it, has Starfleet decided if they're going to send out more ships this way? It would be good to know we have company out here, especially now that we have the Mendazians as allies for us," Owen asked.

He was proud of being on the team that met with them and established proper first contact, but also aware that they would also need further contact to maintain that relationship.

"They're still acting cautiously." Nyx replied, "The investigation into Deep Space Seven continues, not to mention the military movements of the Tzenkethi and Ravagers. Until there's more clarity on the political geography, Starfleet will keep treading carefully." Nyx reached for a PADD on his side table. "Once we've explored the region further past the Salvaxe system, we can return to the planet and continue our diplomatic discussions with them. I'm keen to firm up our alliance with the Mendazians as well."

Hearing his computer chime, Nyx stood and checked his console. “Ah, we appear to have arrived. The Indigo Sky awaits.”

Nyx smiled as he indicated to Owen for them to return to the Bridge. One adventure was over, and another one was about to begin.



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