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In the Buffer of Space...

Posted on Mon Jun 22nd, 2020 @ 6:24am by Commander Owen Nash & Lieutenant Commander Mindo & Lieutenant Katniss Wakefield & Lieutenant Tyson Brookes & Lieutenant Eiri Ashshy Ph.D & Lieutenant JG Aeryn Jameson & Mauricio Arnaldo & Emilie Temple
Edited on on Fri Jul 10th, 2020 @ 5:00pm

Mission: Divided We Fall
Location: Bridge/Main Engineering / Transporter Room One
Timeline: Current

A Mission Post by 1st Lieutenant Mauricio Arnaldo & Emilie Temple & Commander Owen Nash & Lieutenant Mindo & Lieutenant Katniss Wakefield & Lieutenant JG Tyson Brookes & Lieutenant JG Natalia Parrino & Lieutenant Eiri Ashshy Dr. & Lieutenant JG Aeryn Jameson
Mission: Divided We Fall
Location: Bridge/Main Engineering / Transporter Room One
Timeline: Current
Wed Jul 25th, 2018 @ 4:47am

14 hours into the mission, Owen had looked over the specs for the Pandora's return trip into the phenomenon after the scans run by Mindo and determined that this seemed to be the best idea to rescue the crew so far.

With the plan requiring some sort of shielding for the Luna Class Starship to be in place, Owen was hoping for a miracle from Mindo so that he could put the plan into action. However, his next move was one that he didn't want to do on a personal level

Owen walked over to the conn and pressed the shipwide comm button as the rest of the Bridge crew stayed assembled around him.

"Crew of the USS Pandora, this is the Captain speaking," he began, giving a pause. "By order of Starfleet, I have been promoted to Captain of this vessel until such time that Captain Nyx and the rest of the crew can be rescued... However, this does mean that those who are safe on this ship have inherited more responsibilities."

Owen sat down as he continued. "After running scans and the ship, we believe we have a plan to rescue the missing crew and we will be proceeding with this plan in the next few hours... What I ask is that each of you gives the best that you can in this difficult time as we work together," he explained.

"For the civilians on board, please stay in your assign safety areas with the experienced personnel, they will take care of you in this difficult time. The Pandora is not just a Starship, its home to a family and we are going to being that family home, Nash out."

Owen looked over at the helm where Ensign Borozovic sat ready. "Ensign, have the impulse engines powered up and moved to standby, put thrusters at stationkeeping until further notice," he explained.

Looking around the Bridge, Owen saw the other officers standing by for orders. "People, I need a Bridge crew so those of you here have just volunteered... take positions where you have previous experience and standby to get underway... We'll be running a final systems check before we move out so make sure that your station is ready for departure and normal operations, let's go to work."

After giving his speech, Owen moved over to the Operations Station and started a final systems check before they moved towards the Phenomenon.

Aeryn had returned to the bridge after the experience with Ashshy, Emilie and Tyson. Listening to Nash's speech she walked over to the Ops station. As a Borg she'd had the linked experience of others and some knowledge remained, plus she'd also done well in her experience with Operations at the academy. She looked to Nash. "I think I can handle Ops, Sir."

Owen look absentmindedly at the Ops position, remembering how long ago it was that he was manning the station. "Very well Lieutenant," he said before heading over to the Command Chair.

Natalia had been watching the scene unfold. She was slightly concerned about what would happen to this crew if they never found the others. They had been taking it hard. Losing people was tough, yet you had to move on. Natalia felt guilty at the thought. She didn't really know the crew and turned back around to the CONN station. She hadn't flown a ship this size before and the last time she flew anything was back at the Academy. However, there wasn't any maneuvering expected and the ship needed a Flight Control Officer.


Tyson entered the Medical Bay once again. He paced his self standing by the door. He gravitated to the biosciences station at the aft. He looked at the his nursing staff and thought the speech Nash gave to the crew was inspiring. Time would tell if the plan to go back into the phenomenon would pay off to bring back the rest of the crew. Right now he felt he needed to be on the bridge to help, where the action was. "This is bogus..." He flicked his silver pen tapping it on his PADD at his desk.

Emilie Temple was seated nearby watching over the young Marine that had mysteriously returned from out of the blue. He remained deeply unconscious, as if his mind had not yet returned to his body, but Emilie waited nonetheless. This Marine was her only link to Nyx and the missing crew, and she was determined to wait for him to wake up so he could tell them what happened.

Dr. Eiri Ashshy was close by as well. He hadn't really had a chance to leave sickbay since the incident. He also continued to check on the Marine and Emilie Temple. "Can I get you something to drink, Mrs. Temple?" he asked, on one of his visits to check the Marine's vitals. He was far from the only patient in sickbay. The small, silver haired Vulcan eyed Emilie across the biobed. "No change here, huh?"

“Oh, I’m fine thank you.” Emilie replied with a hesitant smile. She wasn’t sure if she was getting in the way or overstaying her welcome, but all she cared about was finding out where this Marine had been. “Nothing. They keep doing tests on him but it’s like his body is here, but his mind is not.”

Tyson entered the room as Eiri Ashshy was attending and helping in the sickbay. He walked up and held the latest biomedical scans from the main sick bay's computer. "We are coming up on a neuro imbalance in Mauricio's cortex, allowing us to revive and or stabilize Arnaldo. He should be able to be coherent either brain activity or other means or he remain the same. We will need psychological and counselling help for this process. We have no way of knowing what had happened to him."

"I have served as a ship's counselor more than I have served as a science officer. I am certain that I am qualified to help in this situation," Eiri added, his eyes on the Marine in the biobed. "We need to be certain that reviving him now is going to help and not hurt him in any way. The information that he has might be very important in returning our missing crew."

Tyson nodded. He understood the logical statement easily. "Of course Doctor." He looked at the Marine. Arnaldo was a miracle for the USS Pandora. He was the only gateway in discovering where the others were taken.

"I'll have standard psychological neural inhibitor sensor clusters along with low grade inhibitors to assist brain activity, in case neural scans show some sort of psychological trauma forming." He then waved over Doc Adaestron. "Please prep the surgical carts with the following drugs and instruments Machewan." He looked at the fellow Doctor and passed him the instructions for the patient prep.

Eiri stepped back from Arnaldo's biobed, giving the medical personnel space to work. He wasn't sure that he agreed with everything that the doctor had ordered, but he definitely wasn't in charge here, since he was currently serving in the science department. He was worried that because they didn't really know what was wrong with the Marine that anything they added in the form of sedatives or inhibitors might prolong his unconscious state. He didn't voice his opinion though, since that's what it was. An opinion.

Tyson had applied and studied this practice within Starfleet medical corps dozens of times and medical journals had data quads of reams of science and research behind what he was doing and why. He had to work with a stable patient and time. He was applying a low grade brain stimulator and sensor inhibitor clusters. These are typical federation methods of treating patients showing little to no brain activity.

Emilie looked to the young marine with a sigh, "Where were you?" She whispered.


Mindo stepped onto the Bridge just a few moments after Owen's speech and gave a nod to the acting Captain as he crossed the room. "Things are nominal in Engineering. I thought it would be best if you had your first officer on the Bridge."Mindo looked much better than he had just a short time ago. He had been able to get about an hour's worth of sleep and had also showered and changed into a clean uniform. He felt perfectly refreshed and ready to proceed with their plan. He took the First Officer's chair next to Owen in the Captain's. He rested on his knees to elevate him a little more. Mindo's small size in such a big chair looked almost comical, but Mindo was used to that, and he was sure the rest of the crew was as well.

Aeryn smiled as Mindo arrived on the bridge, sitting at Ops she hoped she'd remember her Ops training it had been her other main at the academy but she hadn't done it for a while.

Owen was happy to see Mindo by his side on the Bridge. "Thank you, thats appreciated, I take it all is well in Engineering?" he asked.

"We're ready for anything," said Mindo.

Owen had a moments thought before getting up and heading over to the Auxiliary Ops stations. There was something nagging at him before getting underway and he wanted to make sure of every detail being in place. Tapping a few commands, Owen ran a check on the Transporter Systems... And was surprised by the results...

"Mindo, did your teams run a check on the Transporter systems across the ship?" Owen asked as he ran a systems diagnostic.

"We did," Mindo replied. "The transporters are offline with a full buffer. My team is still working on it."

Aeryn sat for a moment before what Mindo said sank in, "Did you say a full buffer, Lieutenant?" She looked curiously at Mindo and Owen. "Doesn't that mean the buffer is storing something?"

Mindo sighed. "We're not entirely sure. We can't tell what is in the buffer with the transporters down. With all the trouble we've been having with the transporter the past month I'm still a bit hesitant to bring them online again. The matter in the buffer could be anything. In fact, it might be nothing. When the shockwave hit us, it severely damaged the transporter, so it's likely our full buffer is a malfunction." Mindo paused and took a breath. "Or it could be something else. I'm just on the side of caution here. It may be weird to you bridge types, but transporters are actually the most dangerous part of a starship."

Owen looked up from schematics screen, he turned to face Mindo. "I take on board your concern... But before I take the ship back to the Nebula, this is a chance we need to explore."

"Can you have a team of Engineers work on the Transporter and bring them back online, with a focus of fully recovering the Buffer contents... That could be where our missing crew members are," Owen said carefully.

"I'd like to know how that happened," said Mindo. "I'll get on it right away." Mindo stood and left the Bridge, heading to Engineering via the turbolift.



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