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Safe For Now

Posted on Sun Jun 21st, 2020 @ 8:27am by Cailus Griffin & Captain Nycolas Temple & Commander Owen Nash & Lieutenant Commander Mindo
Edited on on Tue Jul 7th, 2020 @ 1:47pm

Mission: Into the Wild
Location: Observation Lounge

A Mission Post by Captain Nycolas Temple & Lieutenant Commander Owen Nash & Lieutenant Mindo & Lieutenant JG Cailus Griffin
Mission: Into The Wild
Location: Observation Lounge
Mon Oct 30th, 2017 @ 11:50am

Following Nash and Mindo's excursion back into the nebula, the USS Pandora now had two unexpected guests. The two Talarians could have very easily ended up on the pointy end of a Ravager's blade, or lost into the unforgiving maelstrom of dark matter. Had it not been for the Pandora's Chief Engineer and First Officer, they most certainly would have perished either way. But thanks to the crew's quick work, they were safe... At least, for now.

Captain Nyx however was more than a little curious about the two, especially as the Pandora had not detected any Talarians during their initial crossing of the dark matter. He had waited until the Medical Team had given them the all clear before calling together Nash, Mindo, and Security Chief Griffin for an introduction to their new friends...

In the observation lounge were Mindo, a security officer, and the two Talarians, Rapal and his daughter Belaia. Rapal was conversing with Mindo while Belaia took a look at the various decorations on the wall of the deck. The both of them looked a bit on edge, though they did a good job of covering it up.

"Ah, Captain," said Mindo, indicating Rapal and Belaia toward Nyx. "These are the Talarians we found in the nebula. Rapal, Belaia, this is Captain Temple."

Rapal stuck out a hand. "Thank you for coming to our rescue. My daughter and I appreciate it very much. Your Chief Engineer and First Officer have been very kind. However, I must insist we get to Salvaxe as soon as possible. We have pressing business there."

Nyx put a smile on his face, hiding his suspicion over Rapal's urgent need to get to Salvaxe, as he took the man's hand, "It's what we do in the Federation, we like to help people. As I'm sure Lieutenant Mindo has conveyed, we are on our way to Salvaxe but the damage we've taken while in the dark matter has slowed our progress some."

Owen moved into the Observation Lounge after being cleared by a nurse to return back to duty in Sickbay. He walked over to both Captain Nyx and Lieutenant Mindo as they spoke with their guests. He had been made aware that Cailus had also been called to this gathering.

"Well its good to be back home," Owen said as he met up with the group. "How are you two doing?" He asked both Rapal and Belaia as the Captain and Mindo turned to see him join them.

Belaia smiled. "We're very comfortable, thank you," she said. "My father and I are very anxious to get to Salvaxe, but we are enjoying your hospitality." She stepped forward. "I never really got to formally thank you back there. You really saved us!"

Owen smiled gently in response. "Its no problem, its all part of the unique experience of being a Starfleet Officer," he explained.

Nyx stood with his hands held tightly behind his back as he surveyed the conversation. Clearing his throat, he interjected, "So how long had you been adrift in the nebula? It's remarkable luck that we detected your escape pod inside all of that dark matter."

"We'd been there about thirty-six hours," said Rapal.

Mindo smiled. "We're lucky we got to them when we did. Our computer read they only had a few more hours of life support left."

"Indeed," said Rapal. "We are very grateful. Tell me, though, Captain, what exactly is your business here?"

"We're exploring the Inconnu Expanse," Nyx replied, "But we seem to keep getting ourselves into trouble. It's a good thing we had photon torpedoes to light the way through the dark matter or we would have ended up like you both."

"We've had trouble in the past with the dark matter," said Rapal. "Your Chief Engineer told us about some of your troubles. My daughter and I have found a way to easily navigate through it. I can give you that information if you wish. It may be of some use to you. I also understand you've had some problems with your sensors picking up phantom ships. We can help with that as well. We could think of it as returning the favor for saving us."

"Thats a very generous offer, one that would help us out a lot," Owen offered as he looked at the Captain with a very surprised look on his face. The offer, while it seemed genuine, also seemed too good to be true.

"No doubt," said Rapal. "When we are safely on Salvaxe, we can send you the information and you can leave this place. Despite saving our lives, you have provided the Ravagers with the information needed to penetrate the dark matter. While I am grateful to you, I do not believe your presence here is necessary or beneficial to any of us."

"Unintentionally. We had to save ourselves, as anyone would do." Nyx replied pointedly, "Given how dangerous the region is, you should have been escorted by some fighters. Although, I know the Republic is still on high alert due to our incident with the Tzenkethi."

"What happened with the Tzenkethi?" Rapal asked. His tone was rather cautious.

"They ambushed a Talarian cruiser in the Corridor then left the wreck as bait for a Federation ship," Cailus interrupted suddenly. He had been blending into the wall as a silent shadow, but now stepped forward, looking between the Talarians with a dispassionate gaze. "They then attacked us when we tried to render aid. Between the Tzenkethi's warmongering and the Ravagers' piracy, neither the Corridor nor this part of the Expanse seem to be safe for trade any more."

"No, they do not," Rapal replied. "And now Salvaxe may suffer as well."

Mindo stepped forward, curious. "You seem to be rather taken with Salvaxe."

Rapal hesitated for a second, as if he was caught off guard by this. "I am... rather fond of the planet, yes," said Rapal.

Belaia stepped forward. "We have many friends there."

"We will do whatever we can to protect Salvaxe," Nyx replied with a broad smile once more. "We may have met in incredible circumstances but now that you are under the care of the Pandora, we will help you."

Rapal remained stone-faced as he considered the Captain's words. "I hope you can," said Rapal. "In any case, we are indebted to you."

"Gentlemen, let's return to the Bridge." The Captain turned to his officers with an emphatic nod. Then he held out his hand to shake with their guests again, deliberately reaching for Belaia first. "It was nice to meet you both."

Belaia took his hand and smiled. "Thank you again, Captain." Rapal nodded back to the Captain, but kept a straight face.

Mindo hovered over to face Rapal and Belaia. "You said you could help us with our sensors," said Mindo. "I can take you to Engineering now if you wish."

Rapal nodded. "My daughter and I would be happy to assist you."

Mindo smiled. "Great! The turbolift is this way."



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