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Going Boldly

Posted on Sun Jun 21st, 2020 @ 8:40am by Cailus Griffin & Captain Nycolas Temple & Commander Owen Nash & Lieutenant Commander Mindo & Lieutenant Kalin Brennan-Griffin PhD & Lieutenant James Smith & Lieutenant JG Vecon Fick
Edited on on Tue Jul 7th, 2020 @ 1:50pm

Mission: Into the Wild
Location: Deck 2 - Senior Meeting Room

A Mission Post by Captain Nycolas Temple & Lieutenant Commander Owen Nash & Lieutenant Mindo & Lieutenant Kalin 'Shae' Brennan PhD & Lieutenant Katniss Wakefield & Lieutenant James Smith & Lieutenant JG Cailus Griffin & Ensign Vecon Fick & Ensign John Logann
Mission: Into The Wild
Location: Deck 2 - Senior Meeting Room
Tue Dec 19th, 2017 @ 9:19am


Nyx gathered the senior crew together to discuss recent events and didn't waste any time when they had gathered before getting stuck into it.

"So we have ourselves a situation," He began with a glib remark, as he stood before the large display screen across the wall as it tracked the Pandora's journey over the past few days. "We have inadvertently brought the Ravagers to Salvaxe, and revealed ourselves to the Mendazians. I don't know exactly how much the Mendazians already knew about Starfleet or the Ravagers previously, however, we now know they were responsible for the apparitions we discovered in the dark matter and they have significant defensive fire power on their surface. So they aren't the isolated little planet we thought they were."

"On the good side, it also means we have friends down on the planet, in Belaia and Rapal, thanks to Mr. Nash and Mr. Mindo," Nyx continued, trying to be upbeat, "We also have in our custody a former Ravager pilot, thanks to the Away Team, and he seems willing to give us all the necessary intel we need on the Ravager's command ship. Our problem now is, how do we deal with the Mendazians and what can we do about the Ravagers?"

The Captain looked to the crew as he sat down again. "Let's hear it.'

Ensign Fick looked up at Nyx. "To be honest, Captain, I think we should hunt the Ravager's down and either take them hostage or destroy them." He admitted that his statement was rather harsh, but they couldn't just let the Ravagers continue to wreak havoc on any ship or planet that they came in contact with. The people on Salvaxe, regardless of their defense capabilities, hadn't done anything to prompt the Ravager attack. "I mean... what if the next planet they come across doesn't have Salvaxe's unexpected fire power?"

Mindo stood on his chair in order to see better. "I think destroying them is a bit extreme, and taking them hostage would serve no purpose. These Ravagers have been hard to negotiate with, I realize that. But at the end of the day they're nothing but bullies. How do you get rid of a bully?" said Mindo, looking around the table. "You prove you're stronger. Equipping the Mendazians with the means to fight off the Ravagers would greatly diminish their presence here. And while we're here we too can deter them. But let's do it with less death and more strength. We shouldn't be afraid to whip it out from time to time." Mindo looked around the room and noticed a strange look on people's faces. "You know," he said, back-pedaling. "Whip out our defenses. Show them who has the bigger... phasers."

Fick snorted, but quickly put a hand over his mouth.

"It's not our place to defend the Mendezians," Shae spoke up. "By the rules of engagement for First Contact, we shouldn't even be talking to the Mendezians, and we definitely shouldn't be giving them technology. But first contact has been made, we should make the best of it. As a show of good faith that we mean no harm, we should hand the captive Ravagers over to the Medezians and then tow the Ravager wreckage away from the planet, maybe even let it drift into one of the Dark Matter fields; in this way the Mendazians can learn from interrogation of the Ravagers more effective ways to defend their world without us violating First Contact procedure, and by towing the Ravager ship away we're not giving the Mendezians more advanced warp flight before their time and we're making it harder for other Ravagers to find the planet if they come looking for their missing ship. Then we can come back later and see if this gesture is enough to ensure an alliance between our people; if they request Federation protectorate status, then we can officially protect them."

Owen stood listening to the thoughts of the other Senior officers after the Captain had laid out the situation very clearly that the crew now found themselves in. Having heard Lieutenant Brennans point, he stepped up to give his thoughts on the situation.

"I agree with Lieutenant Brennan's point on this matter," he began. "We're in a First Contact situation and the Prime Directive applies still, despite being the only Federation Starship out here."

"By giving the captive Ravagers over to the Medezians to deal with in their own way, we don't expose the Mendazians to technology that could further enhance their civilisation with outside assistance... taking the Ravager craft out of the system and letting it drift or end up destroyed in the Dark Matter cloud also precludes any further chance of discovery or attack," he explained further.

Logann cleared his throat. Despite being the new guy in the room, Logann was used to being able to speak up in briefings, and charged full speed ahead.

"With all due respect to Commander Nash and Lt. Brennan, I have to disagree. I do however agree with Ensign Fick. We brought them here, and it is our problem. While certain... aspects of the Prime Directive may apply, ultimately we created the situation, and it is now ours to deal with. And, after sitting in on the interrogation of the former Ravager, I believe that he will be more help to us, than just handing him over. And also, the two Medezians we found were in a ship of some kind. And they have been aboard the ship already. Which means they have already been exposed. And once again, to reiterate what I said earlier, we don't bring a menace to a race less developed than us, then walk away like, 'Well, sorry for your luck. Best wishes.' And the command ship knew the general area that the ships were headed to find us. When they don't return, you can bet that the command ship will come looking for its attack ships." Logann took a deep breath before turning to Lt. Mindo. "And I understand not wanting to kill them. But to use your analogy, the best way to deal with a bully is to bloody, or break, his nose. Then he will leave you alone. But from the limited information I have read on the Ravagers, the only way to stop them, is to eliminate them."

"Violence only begets more violence," Shae replied. "You're right, we brought the Ravagers here, and the best thing we can do for the Mendezians now is to try to undo that damage by protecting the secrecy of their location. If we make a stand we will drive off the Ravagers for a while, but we only affirm this planet's location to them, they will know without a doubt that there is something here worth taking, and we cannot stay here forever, so the moment we leave the Ravagers will be back. But if the Ravagers cannot find Salvaxe again, then the Medezians won't need our protection. As to the Mendezians who have already been aboard, as I understand it they were not official representatives of their world, they have no right to make decisions on behalf of Salvaxe, but by leading the Ravagers away in protection of Salvaxe, we might find ourselves in favor of the world leaders and thus be in a position to make an 'official' first contact, but it is not our place to fight their battles for them unless they request protectorate status."

Logann, getting frustrated, looked at the science officer with an incredulous look. "I am confused Lt. You say that we brought the Ravagers here, which makes it our fight. Then in the next breath, say that it is not our place to fight 'their' battles. Which is it?" Logann used his hands to make air quotes at the word their.

"Simply because the Ravager presence here is our responsibility does not mean we must commit to fight," Shae addressed Logann directly. "The simplest and most efficient resolution of our wrongdoing is to do our best to undo it, to make sure the Ravagers are unaware of Salvaxe. But I actually do agree, wholeheartedly, that if more Ravagers come it is our responsibility to help the Medezians drive them out, but only as a last resort; if we can ensure the Ravagers never find their way back here, that would be ideal, and I believe it would also be preferable to the Mendezians who chose long before we came along to hide rather than fight. Yes, the Ravagers are our responsibility, but we must be careful how we proceed lest we do more harm than good and make enemies of the people of this world."

Logann snorted. "That makes us no better then Q. Oh, I am going to fling you into the path of a Borg Cube, then send you back, then watch as how many people died from the multiple Borg incursions into our space? I'm sorry, I like to think that the Federation is better then that. I would think that bailing on these people after we have brought the wolves to their doorstep is the best way to make enemies of these people."

"Let us keep a respectful tone," Nyx warned with a stern look, "Remember the problems are out there, not between us."

He sighed and leaned back in his chair, "By all accounts the Mendaz, now that they know of us, may wish to work with us and welcome us to their planet. We are still awaiting word from Rapal, but he also indicated they would be willing to share technology with us that will help us navigate the dark matter. It's in our interests to protect them from further Ravager attack, while still respecting their privacy and independent development."

“We may not be able to protect them,” Cailus interjected quietly, speaking for the first time. “Lieutenant Mindo was right about one thing: the Ravagers are just common pirates, and pirates are cowards. Unfortunately, they’re usually smart cowards. If they’re hunting the Pandora, that means they believe they have a substantial tactical advantage over us.”

"Their command ship," Nyx nodded, "The Carnage, I believe it was called. It's currently sitting in the debris field on the other side of the nebula. It sounds like a flying death machine, armed to the teeth with every bit of weaponry the Ravagers have stolen off others in this region. It lacks the Pandora's ability to navigate the dark matter, for now. If that last scout makes it back to the Carnage, it could very well bring the rest of their fleet along with them."

Logann simply nodded, already making plans on what he could do to make the weapons and shields more effective.

Katniss was sat listening to the arguments, she really didn't know why she was invited to these senior staff meetings because technically she was not senior staff, but she appreciated that fact that the Captain allowed her to keep up to date on things, especially as she was the Chief Research Officer. Then in her gentle voice, she spoke for the first time, looking over the rim of her glasses.

"We may have brought them here but I'd like to quote Jean-Luke Picard when he said "The Prime Directive is not just a set of rules; it is a philosophy... and a very correct one. History has proven again and again that whenever mankind interferes with a less developed civilization, no matter how well intentioned that interference may be, the results are invariably disastrous." Even if this is our mess we still have to abide by the Prime Directive, we have inadvertently brought the Ravagers here, but we can not interfere, we can not take sides." Katniss said taking a deep breath before looking around, no doubt she may have shocked some people by what she had said and for many, this will be the first time they have heard her speak out.

“Who says they’re less advanced?” Cailus asked, still quiet and mild. “We know now that these people have warp drive and are already fully aware of alien life. They have the right to have a say in their own planet’s security, whether we stay and fight or try and draw the Ravagers away.”

"Protect them or not protect them," Fick spoke up. "Truth is... they're still out here with us, which makes them fair game and we're not super fond of Ravagers either. I mean seriously, if a first contact planet wasn't involved... would we be having this conversation? I'm pretty sure we would have... forgive my colloquialism... been done with this."

"We're not a law unto ourselves," Nyx suggested, "We don't have the resources here to start policing the Expanse. Especially if the rest of the Ravager fleet shows up."

"Especially since we were forced to use the bulk of our torpedoes to navigate through the Dark Matter," Shae reminded everyone. "Lieutenant Griffin came up with a way to extend our resources in the meantime, but we cannot afford a protracted battle until the Palatine comes to resupply us."

Smith nodded, ”I agree with the Captain. We can’t police this area, and we are no match against the whole Ravager fleet. I already tried that once and it was only three ships. My crew and I were outgunned. When we face their fleet more firepower will be needed.”

"This has been a robust debate," Temple commented as he stood again. "I believe we should leave a shuttle in orbit with a few personnel and a security team should the Mendazians make contact. The Pandora will return to the nebula and we will patrol the area with our other shuttles and starfighters. If the Ravagers breach the dark matter, we will lead them away from Salvaxe. Otherwise, we can wait until the Palatine arrives, and make a decision on launching an assault on the Carnage together."

Once the Captain laid out his plan of what actions should be taken next, Owen stood up from his seat. "With all due respect sir, if we're leaving a shuttle in orbit, I volunteer to lead the Shuttle crew," he said before going on. "Whilst I've not been XO for long, I'm fully aware of Starfleet Regulations quoting that the Captain should not go on an away team mission..."

Seeing that Nycolas was going to object, Owen continued with his reasoning knowing that he would need to make a good argument for what he was about to volunteer for. "During this time, whilst we're in Mendazian space, we need every advantage that we can get and until the Palatine arrives we would be best served by having you on board the Pandora and me on the Shuttle with the First Contact and Security team."

Nyx gave a rueful smile. Of course Nash was correct, the Captain had to stay with the ship. But there was a part of him, the explorer within, that so desperately wanted to see this mysterious planet and to speak at length with its people.

"I agree," Nyx carefully replied, "Though I believe I have earnt Rapal's trust, which is significant for the Mendazians. If you speak with them, it's imperative that you disclose what we are doing to protect Salvaxe. They may not welcome you to their city if they believe we have just abandoned them. You must win their trust."

Owen smiled. "Well that doesn't sound too hard a thing to do now does it...earning the trust of an alien race you've just discovered after rescuing two of their own..."

"Do we have an ETA on the Palatine?" Shae asked, knowing that time was of the essence.

"At least three days still." Came the Captain's grave reply. "If the Mendaz share their intelligence on navigating the dark matter, we may be able to send this to the Palatine, along with your shield modification specs. That will halve the travel time if they can safely cut through the nebula."

"Shield modifications are marginal at best, their best chance of ensuring their way here is with the deflector modifications to emit metreon particles so they do not have to navigate by torpedoes," Shae reaffirmed. "But I do have some updated maps I can transmit to help speed them along, and if the Mendaz are willing to share any information, especially about the hallucinogenic fields they seem to be able to produce, it would certainly help if the Palatine didn't have to stop as a result of mass hallucinations."

"Sir, anything we can do to get that transit time down to under a day will mean we have support here just in case the Ravagers decide to attack en mass," Owen cautioned.

"Which is why you must succeed," Nyx replied.

Logann kept silent, simply taking in everything else being said.

Ensign Fick was excited for the possibility of any sort of navigational tool that would be helpful in that Nebula. It had been difficult enough to get through it without assistance, that the prospect of the return trip not being nearly as annoying was good news, but he kept his excitement in check and ended up sitting on his hands to do it.

"Commander Nash, put together a team to visit Salvaxe." Nyx began to delegate, "Lieutenant Brennan, perhaps you'd like to join them given your knowledge of the dark matter? You can expedite the Mendazian's knowledge and adapt it to our systems."

Owen nodded as he began to decide who he wanted on the Away Team, including Lieutenant Brennan as the Captain had instructed. "Understood sir," Owen replied.

"Yes sir, I would be eager to assist," Shae replied with a small nervous smile; this would be her first away mission since depot incident on the Tornado, but as long as she wasn't stuck in a burning room that was slowly being deprived of oxygen then this mission should be a cake-walk!

"We'd appreciate your help too, Lieutenant Wakefield," Nyx gave a nod to the Research Officer.

"Of course, anything I can do to help" Katniss replied.

Nyx looked to the Chief Doctor, "Lieutenant Adaestron, we could use your empathic abilities with the Mendazians, it may help us break the ice or spot any danger."

"Mr Fick, work with Astrometrics on plotting a course away from Salvaxe," Nyx continued, "We will need all options available to dissaude the Ravagers should it come to that."

Fick sat up and grinned. "Sure thing, Captain!"

"Security," Nyx turned to Griffin and Logann, "We will need a squad to accompany the Away team, but I don't want them heavily armed. We won't win any trust if we arrive with phaser rifles. Meanwhile, we should prepare your team for a potential boarding situation."

Logann nods to the Captain, knowing full well his team was in tip top shape, and ready to go.

“Yes sir,” Cailus answered crisply for the both of them, glancing sideways at Logann. He’d have to rely heavily on the man in the coming days, but Logann was showing every sign of being more than up to the task. “We’ll get it done.”

"Smith, let's check on our guest," Nyx said, "It's time to find out everything he knows."

Smith looked up from his notes and replied, “Aye Sir, ready to clarify a few things with our new guest”

"Mr Mindo, I hope you have this bird ready to fly," Nyx remarked to the Chief Engineer, "And don't be afraid to get creative if you have any ideas on how we can bamboozle the Ravagers."

"I've got everything at a hundred percent," said Mindo. "We're ready to bamboozle."

The Captain clapped his hands together in his usual fashion, "Anything else?"

Logann stayed quiet, as he had nothing else to add, gathering the padd that he had brought with him.

Owen looked around taking the silence in the room as agreement on the next steps of the Captains plan to be followed. "Silence is often golden and also seems to indicate there's nothing else sir," he noted.

“Agreed,” Nyx replied with a smile.

With a nod to the XO’s words, Nyx called the meeting to an end. He always liked having a plan, to know where they were heading. It would take a bold step to engage the Ravagers, but it would be worth it if the Pandora could protect the Mendazians...


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